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Hello, I´m new here and i have some questions!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:10 pm
by Tool
Hello all together.

I´m a pc-player of oolite from Germany.

As a child i played ELITE on my Commodore 64 and now i ´m back, playing oolite since a few days.

My Cobra MkIII meanwhile is very good outfitted, i have 620 kills.

I did constriktor and nova mission last.

Now ìm in galaxy 5 and killed a camouflaged Asp and scooped "cloaking device"

Here on this noticeboard i found all kinds of information about cloaking device, but nothing about what this cloaking device actually is and how to run it and what i have to do with it!

Does anybody let down to answer me this obvious rookie-question :lol: ??

Another question:

As Elite-pilot I had a sheet of all planets description for the all of the planets in al galxies. Together with the calactic chart ist was very easy to plan very efficent trading without being forced to oscillate bettween two planets for long time (e.g. rich industrial<-->poor agricultural).

Does such a description table exist anywhere in www?

thank you very much vor your advertency and help!


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:19 pm
by Dr. Nil

This list has some information on all the planets.

Re: Hello, I´m new here and i have some questions!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:23 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Tool wrote:
Now ìm in galaxy 5 and killed a camouflaged Asp and scooped "cloaking device"

Here on this noticeboard i found all kinds of information about cloaking device, but nothing about what this cloaking device actually is and how to run it and what i have to do with it!

Does anybody let down to answer me this obvious rookie-question :lol: ??
Hi, Tool. Welcome to the BB! The Cloaking Device is a handy little object that, when you hit the 0 (zero) key, causes your to ship to flicker. This has the effect of breaking missile locks (they self-detonate) and causing enemy ships to 'ignore' you. However it has a massive drain on your energy banks and can easily leave you with low energy and no chance to recharge in the middle of a fight. Use with care!
Another question:

As Elite-pilot I had a sheet of all planets description for the all of the planets in all galxies. Together with the calactic chart ist was very easy to plan very efficent trading without being forced to oscillate bettween two planets for long time (e.g. rich industrial<-->poor agricultural).

Does such a description table exist anywhere in www?

thank you very much vor your advertency and help!

I'm not sure about the galactic map bit, but theWiki has a list of all the planets in all eight Galaxies. Hope this helps and HAPPY TRADING!!!

Captain Hesperus
"That was too chirpy by half."

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:50 pm
by Tool
@Dr. Nil, Captain Hesperus:

this was quick reply, i thank you very much!

two new questions:

another native mission: "trumble" is according to wiki "initiated at 6553,5 credits". My purse was very near to this value and I could trade lucky to achieve extactly this value....but nothing happened. I was in galaxy 2, short after constriktor mission.
Is there a fake?

In galaxy 5 I met a Mamba offender and it was undestroyable. It ignored me and traveled slowly, i was behind in short distance an shot and shot and shot....

minimum 300 military laser shots and all my rockets recoiled without effect (The Mamba hasn´t had E.C.M.)

what was this fucking beast??

thanks and nice day, whereever you are

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:01 pm
by Captain Hesperus
[quote="Tool]another native mission: "trumble" is according to wiki "initiated at 6553,5 credits". My purse was very near to this value and I could trade lucky to achieve extactly this value....but nothing happened. I was in galaxy 2, short after constriktor mission.
Is there a fake?[/quote]
The Trumbles Mission occurs randomly, I believe, after you gain at least 6553.5Cr so you might go for ages without being offered a Trumble and then you'll get offered. The mission 'starts' only once you've gained that amount of Credits and will continue thereafter.
In galaxy 5 I met a Mamba offender and it was undestroyable. It ignored me and traveled slowly, i was behind in short distance an shot and shot and shot....

minimum 300 military laser shots and all my rockets recoiled without effect (The Mamba hasn´t had E.C.M.)

what was this fucking beast??
Sounds like the 'Ghost' bug. It's a long running, but overall not too dangerous bug in Oolite. It happens when ships are destroyed (either by players or Non-Player Ships). Rather than being removed from the Universe, the ship leaves a 'ghost' whish as you says is invulnerable. Don't worry, it won't attack you, ignore it and leave it to fulfil what queer destiny it has to fulfil.

Captain Heperus
"I remember trading the haunted route between Ensoreus and Atribe. I'll never forget that fateful encounter with the ghost ship, the 'Flying Dutch-Lobstoid'.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:03 pm
by Killer Wolf
dunno what triggers the Trumbles but it's not a fake - i keep getting offered the little buggers and it's annoying me! not really a mission as far as i know, tho.

Mamba sounds like a ghost/zombie ship - see the other threads on the forum. it's probably been killed by another NPC before you arrived.

EDIT - dammit, Cap beat me to it, almost to the same word!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:34 pm
by Tool
"I remember trading the haunted route between Ensoreus and Atribe. I'll never forget that fateful encounter with the ghost ship, the 'Flying Dutch-Lobstoid'.


As from now I will enlarge my own engagement to research in this forum for single questions.


Commander Tool, dangerous, 621 kills, last seen at Tiuson, galaxy 5,

launching a famous career as pirate hunter :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:01 pm
by Charlie
@ Tool:
Wellcome :D

I'm glad you're having fun - Giles' take on Elite is potentially a much bigger universe than the original.

If you haven't already, have a nose about this forum ( not forgeting Oosat2 & Oosat1 ) for .oxp's you may want to add.

Oolite eXpansion Packs..?
Download - unzip - put the .oxp in: Oolite\Addons\
( make sure you use the version for your computer - if there is a choice )
... and watch the universe get a little bigger!

Also - if you don't know - there is an updated version of Oolite around with pretty textures for the plannets.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:01 pm
by reills
Is the texured plannet version 1.65 for the WinTel PC? Or, is there an OXP that will bring the texures up to those of the moons?

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:35 pm
by Rxke
Killer Wolf wrote:
i keep getting offered the little buggers and it's annoying me! not really a mission as far as i know, tho.
that will only stop when you accept one (and then later get rid of it...)

it's a rite of passage, heh.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:05 pm
by Killer Instinct
Welcome to Oolite - The cloaking device operates with the 0 key. Though in certain missions it is inoperative (beware). Annexing sole pythons/boas/anacondas often leads to scooping some decent cargo to sell. Watch out for the police in high tech systems. If you kill a ship with the cloak engaged it will NOT add to your total!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:11 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Killer Instinct wrote:
If you kill a ship with the cloak engaged it will NOT add to your total!
Oh yeah, forgot about that bit. :oops:
Should've remembered since I learnt the hard way!

Captain Hesperus
"It's hard to use silent running when your chef is singing 'Queen of the Night' over the ship's intercom system."

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:56 pm
by Charlie
reills wrote:
Is the texured plannet version 1.65 for the WinTel PC? Or, is there an OXP that will bring the texures up to those of the moons?
If memory serves it's called 1.65tp4... if I'm not running an out of date version!
Yes, this is for WinTel.

Where? Can't remember, but if you pm me I'll have a dig around my HDD & e-mail it to you...

I'll stick it on the link under my sig @ some point assuming this is ok to do.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:10 pm
by LittleBear
The link to download the Textured Planets is on this thread. ... c&start=15

Its a replacement to the normal Oolite EXE rather than an OXP (so you need to follow the instructions Dajlt has posted to install it).

Basically, you drop it into the Oolite Directory to replace the normal Oolite exec. It only works for PC Windows though.

Some planets are "Earth Type" some are "Mars Type". Each is unique, with its own contents, mountains, deserts and so on. The latest version (6?) has an Easter Egg in it, making very big things (like Torus Stations), appear differently on the scanner. Very Cool! 8)


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:20 pm
by Charlie
tp6 eh?

I must go have a play...