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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:27 pm
by devilhunter
I dont seem to be making any fast cash so I could do with you advise please players.
My is history is thrus -
I down graded my Cobra Mk 3 for a MK 1 with Military laser and added a shield booster,witchdrive,docking com,ecm,energy unit etc.
I have completed the Astreroid mission and have a rating of Competent (130) by mainly pirating and some trading but with the small amount of hold space its slow.
I have also tried the taxi with the extra passenger cab but its sooo slow.
I still only have about 140000cr and I am miles off even a python.
Please tell me - am I missing something

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:54 pm
by LittleBear
This is the problem with downgrading!
The Cobra I is limited to hauling 10 tones a run, whereas the Cobra III can haul 35. So you are only gonna make a third of the money in a trade or pirate run with the Cobra I as you could with the Cobra III.
You could install mpak.redux from Oosat1. This OXP add rusty cheap old banger versions of the Classic Elite Ships. You'd probabley then have enough cash to buy a rusty Cobra III, fill your hold and do the Computers / Furs run until you have enough for a rusty python (115 tons). It takes money to make money, as they say!
Or you could bounce between an Anarchy and a Corperate state in your Cobra I with an empty hold, killing pirates and takeing their cargo in the Anarchy and praying on the Trade Ships in the Corperate State. A scooped tone of computers makes you 100 C as it is all profit, but you only make 35 C a tone if you trade. It is not uncomman for a ship to be carrying Gold or Platinum. Scooping "7Kg of Gold" in one canister is a cool 400 C profit in one grab!
The Black Monks OXP is meant as an alternative to downgrading. If you take a loan with them, you can make enough cash (just) to repay the loan and interest and after paying the Monks back have a Cobra III with the basics and enough cash to fill you 35 tone hold. The main problem with downgrading is that your 3rd hand Cobra I just doesn't have the same resale value as your brand new Cobra III, so you need to make a lot more credits to afford a Python (say) than you would if you had stuck with the Cobra III.
If you install the Renegades OXP, then very nasty pirates (with 200 to 2000 C bounties) will appear from time to time (mainly in Anarchies and Ditatorships). Shooting some of them down will boost your profits per run. Be warned though, they are nasty ships!
Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:54 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Looks like you optimised for Bounty-hunting. I suggest if you want to follow that course, head for Anarchies and pick fights with Pirates. Install the piratecoves.oxp from Oosat One and maybe even the pirate ambush oxp (can't rightly remember the name) or for a challenge, get Selezen's Eagle Mk. II and Imperial Courier oxp's (all from OOsat One). If however, you want to go trading, get Murgh's mpak (rusty ships) oxp they sell ships with 'one careless owner' (also Oosat One). Note they tend to be slower and have reduced energy, but with a cheaper cost. I fly a rusty Python, still working up to a Python ET Special......
Captain Hesperus
"I keep the holo-pic under my pillow. One day she will be one, oh yes, she will be mine...."
Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:31 pm
by JensAyton
Please stop using all-caps in topics.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:18 am
by Rxke
Ahruman wrote:Please stop using all-caps in topics.
I bet it made you think it was a spammer posting too eh?
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:29 am
by Captain Hesperus
Rxke wrote:Ahruman wrote:Please stop using all-caps in topics.
I bet it made you think it was a spammer posting too eh?
I had it in
my sights........
Captain Hesperus
"Foiled again!"
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:32 am
by Rxke
I was ready to hit the delete button too, grin