Thanks for the info about quaternions!
I've been trying to write out a simple spreadsheet that would combine any two quaternions from that table that you linked to charlie using the formulas from Commander McLane's post and display the result, it seems to be working with the 180degree stuff but i'm not sure what values i should be typing in for the 90degree stuff, the table just puts "sqrt(0.5)", should i type in 0.5 or the squareroot of 0.5 or what?
here's a screenshot of the spreadsheet

you just work out which two quaternions you need from the table, type them into the two red rows in the spreadsheet and you get the required quaternion in the yellow box - well, at least that's the plan.
Edit D'oh should have checked the wiki, i found a page that gave the formulas on how to generate quaternions around a single axis for any angle, i've added that into the spreadsheet so it should now be possible to generate single axis quaternions for any angle and axis and combine them in the multiplier.
I've uploaded it here:- 14Kb
It's been put together in Excel in Microsoft Office2003, but hopefully openoffice should be able to open it too, i've saved out an excel95 and an excel 97 version too.