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Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:53 pm
by milinks
I have not been around for ages, ages ago, i did a customsounds oxp to enhance the game. There is so much scope with the source code to really go to town and make a very good customsounds addition. This would entail a lot of fiddling with the source code, which would then need to be added to a new build. I have some time on my hands to do the work on the source code, and if people would like a better customsounds option then i will do it. I just need the nod that it would be feasible to create a new build with the new source code after i had finished it. Also a general question as to if people would want the addition to the game. Any customsound can be added basically so if anyone has ideas that would like to be included then please jot it down.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:56 pm
by Dr. Nil
Your custom sounds are really good. I wouldn't leave Lave without that OXP.

If it was to be a part of the build then perhaps the code could be modified so the scoops had different sounds assigned to them for scooping cargo and fuel. Some swooping sound might be more fitting than container-container-container-container (etc.). :)

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:24 pm
by DaddyHoggy
How about some random squeeks, groans and scraping metallic sounds as you fly around (it can be quite quiet flying from WSB to the Station.

Also, how about the sound of fuel and/or cargo being pumped/moved around during heavy manouevring, especially on the big ships - this is what jet fighters do for real (the F16 pumps fuel from one wing tank to the other when doing tight turns).

'Pinking' sounds as your ship heats up and cools down during fuel scooping near the sun.

Sounds of hydraulics powering undercarriage being lowered (automatically) as you near the entrance of a station or other docking bay.

"Unavailable" - when you hit ECMs and have failed to notice they were damaged last time that pirate got through your shields.

Just some thoughts...

Custom Sounds was my first oxp!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:32 pm
by LittleBear
A warning when shields fail and some further more desperate warnings as the Energy Banks drain perhaps ending when on Energy Low with an Eject Eject Eject!

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 5:37 am
by Twisted
How about someone can add a new key to the customsounds file

and then a new method to use it in scripts and AI's


Then we could have new equipment oxp's that comes with their own noises included!

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:35 am
by dajt
I could merge the new code into a branch (shouldn't touch the trunk of SVN repo until someone formally takes charge of it ).

The next problem would be getting a build on a Mac - I can't do that.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:43 am
I'd like Ride of the Valkyrie or Carmina Burana as I'm going into attack mode, a la Kelly's Heroes. After a kill, Another one bites the dust, and perhaps a victory roll tune, perhaps 633 Squadron Theme, ideas on a postcard to.........

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:36 pm
by Woof
how about a woosh if a astroid or ship flies past you?

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:24 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Woof wrote:
how about a woosh if a astroid or ship flies past you?
That's just it, there are no 'external' sound effects in Oolite. No explosions when that final laser shot or missile wastes your target, no sounds of other vessels/objects passing, since Oolite simulates the vacuum of space.
I find the bee-doop of the 'Target Lost' warning just as satisfying as a massive BOOOOOOOM! Other sounds like taking hits, firing the WFIs, etc are audible since they would travel through the hull or would be simulated by the ship's command console as an audible notification of an event, e.g ECM detected.

Captain Hesperus
"Boom is definately a bad sound. It usually means that I'm going to lose some of my hard-earned credits on repair bills."

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:45 am
by Woof
but a ship emits gas... that would make noise.[/quote]

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:41 am
by Uncle Reno
Woof wrote:
but a ship emits gas... that would make noise.
Depends what it's eaten.. :wink:

If you mean their exhaust plumes, well, you might get noise from that on your ship but you still wouldn't be able to hear that from other ships for the reasons that the Capt. explained.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:58 am
by Captain Hesperus
Uncle Reno wrote:
If you mean their exhaust plumes, well, you might get noise from that on your ship but you still wouldn't be able to hear that from other ships for the reasons that the Capt. explained.
You could hear the exhaust plumes of other ships, but you would have to actually have to be in the exhaust plume to hear it. The lack of air molecules in space, due to the hard vacuum conditions prevents sound energy from being transmitted, as sound moves by means of a compression wave. This site explains the physics of sound better. I haven't looked at Physics since my 'A' level almost ten years ago.... :shock:

Captain Hesperus
"There are members of my crew I'd love to listen to in a vacuum. They're the ones who keep asking for a raise."

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:11 pm
by Woof
Captain Hesperus wrote:
You could hear the exhaust plumes of other ships, but you would have to actually have to be in the exhaust plume to hear it.
exactly, like following a ship (':roll:')

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:39 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Woof wrote:
Captain Hesperus wrote:
You could hear the exhaust plumes of other ships, but you would have to actually have to be in the exhaust plume to hear it.
exactly, like following a ship (':roll:')
:roll: I suppose, but then you would have to be following exceptionally close so that the molecular density of the exhaust plume would enough to transfer enough energy through your shields and through the hull of your ship to the cockpit for you to hear. Now I don't know the molecular density of exhaust plumes, nor the density of an average Oolite spaceship hull, nor the exact amount of energy from the sound wave both ship's shields might absorb, but I think all these things considered, to hear any sound your ship would pretty much need be parked up his tail-pipe. Any sounds that might be audible would be so reduced by all this, it is likely that they would be so quiet as to have no real effect.

Captain Hesperus
"I heard the constructors of the Q-bombs are renowned for their humour. Apparently, they've started putting little signs on the bombs that say, 'If you're close enough to read this, don't bother praying. You're already dead'."