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More General OXP Questions

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:31 am
by Twisted
Hi Folks,

Being a PC user interested in developing OXP's, I have a few questions I could use a hand with:

* All music and sounds seem to be ogg files. What does that stand for? Is it a mac only file format? Is it a mod or wav type format?

* What is the purpose of demoships.plist. Its not on the wiki and I've noticed that some ship OXPs have them and others don't.

* The PC version of oolite doesn't have any native speech (though I've read that the Mac version does). I'm guessing that is what speechpronounce.plist is for. How does one generate that Cruiser = [[inpt PHON]]kr1UWz2AXr[[inpt TEXT]]?

* are the key key_names in keyconfig.plist hardcoded or can you define your own and refer to them in your script.plist?

* does the requires.plist recognise anything other than:
Can you specify that it requires other OXP's to be installed (and their version numbers)? Can one give their OXP's a version number?

Thanks All, let the debating begin. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:28 am
by johnsmith
Ogg is an open source sound format which started off on linux. It's like MP3. See

Demoships is used to have ships rotate on the title screen when you start the game. If you want your ship to appear there, you need to add an entry.

Apple's speech documentation is here: ... mmingGuide

To get the machine top say Fer-de-lance with a vaguely French accent, I used:

Code: Select all

		<string>[[emph +]]Fair [[emph -]]da [[pbas 50]]launs!</string>
Don't know the answers to the other questions, sorry.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:26 pm
by LittleBear
You can add speach to the PC with Milinks Custom Sounds (a must have OXP! 8) ).

Think the difference between PC and Mac is when us PC users target a ship we get "ID Computer Active" or "Missile Locked", but the Mac also speaks the name of the ship in question.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:59 pm
by Dr. Nil
Perhaps the Mac players also get the names of systems they jump into and characters in scooped escape pods. How about comms messages?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:28 am
by Twisted
Thanks heaps guys,

Another one:
When / Howoften does an AI statemachine call update()?

* Whenever its not doing anything else?
* Every x seconds that its not done anything else?
* Every x seconds regardless of what else it is trying to do?

Other questions that still remain outstanding:

* are the key key_names in keyconfig.plist hardcoded or can you define your own and refer to them in your script.plist?

* does the requires.plist recognise anything other than:

Can you specify that it requires other OXP's to be installed (and their version numbers)? Can one give their OXP's a version number?