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Tianve v0.1 OXP
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:27 pm
by drew
Uploaded this to oosat2 again... Does it need approval before it appears? Couldn't see it on the list.
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:30 am
by LittleBear
Yeah have to wait for Winston to OK it before it comes up on the list.
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:39 pm
by DaddyHoggy
@Drew - visited the pulsar using your supplied saved game. Very nice. look forward to visiting with my real pilot sometime in the near future.
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:16 am
by drew
Glad you enjoyed the trip!
I'll be adding more stuff to the Tianve System as time goes on, so hopefully it won't be just the pulsar.
Remember, strictly no zero-g cricket
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:09 pm
by drew
I've uploaded some minor bug fixes for this now. Nothing major.
I've renamed it to 'Tianve v0.1' as I intend to increase the content of this beyond just a pulsar and give the whole Tianve system a make over in time.
Keep you posted.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:01 pm
by DaddyHoggy
@Drew - any particular reason for Tianve? Random or some deep Freudian reasoning?
Look forward to your further expansions!
PS - How are the book sales going? Well I hope (not got my copy yet - although I did put it on my list for Santa) (he's probably been blown up on route
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:28 am
by drew
I sort of 'adopted' Tianve as home when originally playing Elite back in the early 80s. I also wrote some (really bad teenage angst) Elite fiction based around that planet as a starting point back in 1985
I guess I also liked the name too for some reason.
As for the OXP content I'm an astronomy buff in my spare time so was intrigued by putting a few astro effects into the game.
Books sales.... according to Cafepress 18 copies have gone out. (Including 2 for me - one which was sent to Giles). Hopefully a few more people out there will want one, they're especially cheap at the moment due to the weak dollar!
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:28 am
DaddyHoggy wrote:I did put it on my list for Santa) (he's probably been blown up on route
If that's the case I'd sack the reinder escorts.