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I cannot add OXP for the life of me.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:21 am
by Battlebitz
I am presently useing a PowerBook G4 and would liek to enjoy Oolite to the fullest, which is why I am trying to install OXP's to highten my game experience. I am very new to the Ooltie world and my technical knowledge is elementary so I have been following the instructions very carefully. I am attempting to move my OXP folders to my AddOns folder (contained in the Oolite folder) but everytime I try I am told that they cannot be added because my AddOns folder cannot be modified. So now WTF do I do? Anybody have any ideas as to what Im doing wrong?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:52 am
by JensAyton
  • In the Finder, select “Home” from the “Go” menu (command-shift-H).
  • Open the “Library” folder.
  • Open the “Application Support” folder, or create it if necessary.
  • Open the “Oolite” folder, or create it if necessary. (This should exist and contain a file called “cache” if you’ve used a recent version of Oolite.)
  • In “Oolite”, create a folder called “AddOns” (no space).
  • Put the OXP in this new AddOns folder.

Thank you for such a prompt response.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:12 am
by Battlebitz
I have followed your instruction by creating the folders in all the right places... here's a ceriousity that may make a difference, should the OXP's that I place into the AddOn folder have a ".oxp" at the end of it? (ex. "globestations.oxp") The reason I ask what may be an obvious question is because alot of the folders I downloaded contain an ".ogg" instead, or they just contain nothing at all...

...thanks again...i hope to get this up and runnning soon.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:54 am
by Star Gazer
OK. The answer is YES! Here's what should have happened...
1) From downloading you should have got a .zip file
2) expand that using Stuffit Expander - producing either a .oxp file or a folder
then, either
3) place .oxp file in the 'add-ons' folder in Oolite
3) open folder, read 'read-me' file, and place .oxp file in 'add-ons' folder

IF the oxp hasn't been packaged correctly - i.e., after all the preceding there is no visible .oxp file, there should be a number of files with .dat, .png, etc.. You need to create a folder, give it a .oxp extension, and place all the odd bits (NOT the read-me file) in the folder.
If you've got it right, you should see the distinctive Oolite icon, with OXP at the bottom edge, representing your folder.
To be honest, if you're using a Mac, then you don't normally need to create the 'Add-ons' folder in the Oolite folder, it's already there.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:59 pm
by JensAyton
.ogg? Are you sure?
Please specify which OXPs you’re trying to install and where you’re getting them from, and precisely what extensions you’re seeing.

Stargazer: I’m talking about the Oolite folder in Application Support here, not the “normal” one.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:14 pm
by Star Gazer
OK. I don't have one of those... ..and I've been playing Oolite since v1.06... :?

Ahh, mind you I've never done any compiling on this particular Mac. I did all that on my older m/c. Would that explain it...?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:58 am
by Battlebitz
Yeh...That is why i love my Mac... I really wish the AddOns folder that came with the Oolite I downloaded would except the files... I'll get my roomate to read over your advice and see if he cant get it to work for me...either way I'll let you know what happened... this diolog will not only help me but hopefully it will help others reading this who are having similar issues...I'll keep in touch and thanks again.

ok. im disecting this...

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:31 am
by Battlebitz
Ok. Here is my process disection...

1. I went to
2. I downloaded "Dark Wheel Cobra MK!!! ( )
3. The download appeared within seconds on my desktop as a folder called
dwcobra3-1.oxp ( no stuffit nessecary )
4. I opened the folder to see what was inside... double clicking the folder only
proved to launch Oolite. ( I was tempted to say "screw this" and just start playing)
5. I went to "finder" ... then to "go" ... to my hard drive icon... to "library" ... to
"application support" ... to the folder entitled "Oolite" (I needed to create this
folder)... to a folder entitled "AddOns" ( I created this as well )...and placed the
dwcobra3-1.oxp folder in it...
6. I booted Oolite....hoping for an early Christmas and... nothing changed.
7. Same old ship.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:49 am
by ramon
That doesn't mean it hasn't worked. The Dark Wheel Cobra OXP doesn't actually change the original Cobra III but instead adds another one to the Ooniverse. Fly around for a bit and you should come across one.

Or if you like, download this file which does replace the original CobraIII with the Dark Wheel One -

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:29 am
by LittleBear
Don't go inside the folder!

Once you see a folder that ends .oxp that is the one you want. Highlight it and move it to AddOns (the whole thing)!

The AddOns folder must be in the folder Oolite is actually using. On the PC it is in Programe Files, but maybe somewhere else on the Mac. I'd do a search for the file Oolite.exe as that'll tell you where Oolite "lives" on your system. Oolite 1.65 automatically creates an AddOns folder, so I suspect that if you have made an Oolite and AddOns folder, you have created blank folders and are not putting the folder that Oolite is actually using.

If you do look inside a .oxp folder, it will have folders in it named things like CONFIG, AIs, TEXTURES, MODELS. But it is the whole of the .oxp folder (not these "sub-folders") that you need to move to AddOns.

EG : with Assassins.oxp

The file you Download is called AssassinsB6.ZIP.

Unzipping this gives you a folder :-

"AssassinsB6" - This is NOT the OXP folder. You need to open this folder. Inside is "Assassins.oxp" and "readme". Highlight the Assassins.oxp folder (don't go inside it!) and move to AddOns. Thats it it is installed. Most OXPs are packaged this way, so if you can see a readme it is the folder next to this ending .oxp that you need. On the Mac (I think), the folder ending .oxp also has the Oolite logo on it.

Experiment with Ramon's new Dark Wheel Cobra (just tried this and it replaces the Cobra III at the Oolite start screen), as that'll quickly tell you whether you've got the OXP installed.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:04 pm
by Ramirez
As an additional check, if you open up the mac's console utility you should be able to see the installed OXPs getting listed as the Oolite application loads. If the application ever hangs for some reason there will usually be a message in the console explaining the cause of the problem.

I see .

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:46 am
by Battlebitz
yeh...I see where you are going with this...heres the thing. A spotlight search turns up no such Oolite.exe file at all. The AddOns folder that comes with my Oolite package will not let me modify it. If I try to add an OXP it tells me that I cant because AddOns cannot be modified. I wish I knew why it cannot be modified... thats what it was created for, wasn't it?

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:52 am
by LittleBear
I think this is a Mac only problem and the answer is on the Wiki. If you click the Adding OXPs link on Oosat, this takes you to the Wiki page for adding OXPs. Think the answer is there, but can't remember what it is as I play on the PC!

Its here:-

Re: I see .

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:26 am
by JensAyton
Battlebitz wrote:
A spotlight search turns up no such Oolite.exe file at all.
Well, no. It wouldn’t, unless you happened to have a Windows version of Oolite lying around.
Battlebitz wrote:
The AddOns folder that comes with my Oolite package will not let me modify it. If I try to add an OXP it tells me that I cant because AddOns cannot be modified. I wish I knew why it cannot be modified... thats what it was created for, wasn't it?
Presumably because you’re not logged in as an administrator. To make the folder editable, select it, select Get Info in the File menu (cmd-I), open the Ownership and Permissions pane at the bottom, open the Details sub-pane, and select your short user name from the Owner: pop-up menu. You will probably need to enter an administrator password. Then ensure that Owner Acess is Read & Write, and set Group and Others access as appropriate.

These instructions apply to OS X 10.4. For 10.3, the process is similar but not identical.

How many days must I believe in these elusive OXPs

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:28 am
by Battlebitz
My good God, is this ever frustrating. I feel like we are narrowing it down though... Ok. I must be logged on as the administrator... Its my laptop and no one else logs on to it... Yeh, forsure I am admin. (systems pref.) I think the problem lies in making the AddOns folder accept my authority. In "Owners and Permission" under the details tab I have entered my admin, name as the owner, naturally. But I am still not given the option to change the "Access" to Read and Write... its just not clickable. The letters are dim... I cant touch it. i can attempt to change the name of the owner but the options they give me to choose from are so obscure that none of them would make common sence to choose... and even if I do choose one of them after entering my password it tells me that "an error has occured"...Im begining to think I am either too stupid or too nieve make this happen, that my Oolite download is fucked up (preferred over idiocy) or that there is some kind of switch inside the nitty gritty of my hard drive that needs to be switched.