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OOlite ships

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:48 pm
by Ulli
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find any information so far.

No offense, but what's the point of the OOlite ships, or rather, why does the Commander start out with one of the best ships in the game? The Cobra III has a good cargo capacity, is very fast, carries four missiles... All other ships cost much more and aren't really much better it seems.

I just did a lot of trading to buy my first Python, which of course means that now trading earns me even more money! But I'm wondering where this is going. Sure, I could trade more and buy a bigger ship like Boa or the class cruiser, but other than trading there doesn't seem to be much point in more expensive ships (and it seems impossible to get that much money without trading; killing ships only earns me 100 or less per ship).

The Fer-de-lance seems to be even slower than the Cobra III (on paper at least, I can't yet afford one).

Wouldn't it make more sense to start with something like the Cobra I?

Other question: with shield boosters and two military lasers, am I already maxed out in terms of battle power? (ok, I could buy some bombs, but that's it)

Re: OOlite ships

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:58 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Ulli wrote:
Other question: with shield boosters and two military lasers, am I already maxed out in terms of battle power? (ok, I could buy some bombs, but that's it)
I dunno about the first one, it maybe because the original Elite and the novella The Dark Wheel both had the Cobbie 3 as the signature ship that it's remained.

As for the second: upgrading to Military Shields, with a Multi-targeting system for a rack of ECM-hardened missiles, Scanner Targeting Enhancement and Witchdrive Fuel Injectors.

I find Military lasers are good, but they cook too quickly to be much good in a fight, especially when it's close in and you only have moments to fire. Although they deliver a punch, it's all too often that they end up shutting down, after the first or second kill and I have to jink and duck like a lunatic until they cool enough for a good volley. Gimme a pair of Beam lasers and I'm happy.

Captain Hesperus
"There are lots of pilots who fight fair and don't believe in 'dirty tricks'. They're still out there, drifting with the wreckage of their ships because their opponent didn't share their high ideals."

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:02 pm
by LittleBear
Well the game is open ended!

The python may be the best trade ship, but it is not much use for combat. You can shuttle goods from one planet to another, but other options are open. If you have a reputation as a harmless trader, then maybe the Military will never be in touch, to hunt down stolen ships, nor will lovesick cats approach you for help with their martial problems, depossed govement leaders won't beg your aid, criminal organisations won't contact you to murder to order, etc etc.....

On the other hand, with a killer reputation, all sorts of things may happen to you....

Welcome to the Oniversie Jamseon!

The Cobra III is average if you play with all the OXPs installed! :twisted:[

You can checkout missions here:-

Or just play and stuff will happen to you....

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:19 pm
by Ulli
Well, I have most ship enhancements already, but I'm not sure about the multi-targeting system. Is it any use? I usually try to have one ship targeted, so I always know where it is. Then my military lasers cook it (usually a little battery from the front, then I switch to the back laser until it's hot too; usually that does it). IMHO, the Python doesn't suck that badly at fighting. With the Cobra before I always had to go off the gas a bit, so ships wouldn't always fly past me in battle. My reputation is average (130) right now, but getting better. And those are only ships that attack me on my harmless trading :)

What do multiple targets buy me? And where do I get those military shields and ECM-hardened missiles? Never seen them so far.

What about the missions? Do I have to install the packs and the missions will come by themselves, or do I have to choose them (like you choose cargo missions)?

Oh, and thanks a lot for a great game!!

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:52 pm
by johnsmith
There are 3 missions built into the game. They won't kick in for a while yet though, you're too green. All the others should be available on (Though due to a technical glitch we seem to have lost a bunch.) There are also new ships there. If you want a ship that is good for fighting, I really like the Asp. You'll make less money then trading or piracy (no fuel scoops), but it sure is fun.

I'm quite getting into using q-bombs instead of energy bombs or missiles - they're really dangerous, really expensive, but spectacular. Advise you have fuel injectors before using!

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:54 pm
by LittleBear
If you have mission packs installed then they run by themselves. But in most you have to be in the right Galaxy or have sufficent kills before they trigger.

Better kit is available at higher tech systems. Oolite won't howver offer u the option to buy better missiles if all your pylons are alraedy full. If you turn up at a high tech planet with you pylons full of standard Missiles, then the option to buy better pylon mounted stuff won't be avilable. You'll need to use the "sell pylon mounted weapons" option in ship-yard first.

Some ships (like the python) cannot have all the equipment installed (such as Navy Shields or Shield Boosters). So even if you are at a shipyard with a high enough tech to offer these goodies, they won't be offered to you if your ship cannot be fitted with them.

The ships attacking depends on how many OXP ship packs you have in. There are some real nasties out there! The Ship OXPs will utimatley go back on Oosat2, but you can download them from Oosat 1 in the meantime! (link is on Osat2). That'll give you a lot of meaner ships to buy and a lot of meaner pirates!

Re: OOlite ships

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:56 pm
by dajt
Ulli wrote:
No offense, but what's the point of the OOlite ships, or rather, why does the Commander start out with one of the best ships in the game? The Cobra III has a good cargo capacity, is very fast, carries four missiles... All other ships cost much more and aren't really much better it seems.
Oolite is based on Elite, no official version of which allowed you to change your ship - the old 8-bit micros didn't have the capacity for that sort of feature.

So you had to start in a ship which was going to last you from harmless to elite, and would allow you to be a trader, bounty hunter, or pirate.

That is why the Cobra Mk III is a deliberately good all round ship, and why you start with one.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:55 am
by Ulli
Alright, thanks for the answers :)

I think I'll do some more exploring in my Python (and save a few bucks) and then try out the expansion packs...

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:39 am
Elite in it's original conception was revolutionary in that it was as LB says open ended. The ultimate objective is to eventually become an Elite Commander. That said, once achieved you can continue on with the game ad infinitum, however the beauty of Oolite is that it is expandable by the playing community, and new ships and missions continue to be added in the form of OXP's so there is always something new and interesting to have a crack at. To get a real flavour of the game it you should read The Dark Wheel, the Novella originally distributed with the game,you can read it here

As far as missions are concerned there are 5 native missions ( if you include "Trumbles"). The majority of missions, native and OXP tend to be triggered by an event, typically the number of kills or your location, so have a look at

As you progress through the game you will find that trading is not necessarily the most profitable approach, so your style of gameplay will undoubtedly adjust to suit.

In addition to ships, missions and equipment you will find that some OXP's add visual and sometimes audio improvement, eg Gritty Coriolis, Halssister etc, which all go to improve Oolite even more.

Good hunting and trading.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:41 pm
by Captain Hesperus
TGHC wrote:
As you progress through the game you will find that trading is not necessarily the most profitable approach, so your style of gameplay will undoubtedly adjust to suit.
The extra kills for the Constrictor are a really good example!

Captain Hesperus
"#Hi ho, hi ho, it's out for kills I go....#"