OK. Let's get everybody's blood pressure down first with the admission that my only demand is that people who have trouble with that things being suggested in the following should somehow not be adhere to Elite canon consider that they already have what they need with the current version and the Strict option on. And that people try not to get too upset if they disagree

I really wish someone with programming skills preferably a group of people will pick up on this already great working game and haul some steps further. That is the big if and the big wish in the following.
Yes a lot of these things seem to have been mentioned before, but I suppose that this is a new situation after all - should development continue. Well here comes the babble from the cosmetic to the radical in no particular order of how possible it might be to implement or how important I see them.
More of the game OXP controlled to let modders make systems without planets or stars or cops or even populating systems wih custom plists and e.g. allow for between system trading posts.
The placement and size of on-screen messages customizable by hud.plist. I wouldn't mind the sticky message bug so much, if the messages could be placed somewhere else.
Advanced Navigational Array (discussed HERE). C'mon. It's cool and it makes sense since the systems are both stationary and mapped out for the player.
Market information on other system and markets sensitive to trade - also make sense to me.
Some sort of aid for scooping. It's very dark on a PC with LCD monitor
Take the Energy Bomb out of the game except in restricted gameplay. I think it's a kind of weapon which belongs in another era of gaming.
Add NPC ships on the WP-sun axis. You can skip across half a galaxy in no time almost without encountering anyone as soon as you get out of range of the witchpoints on the way to the sun. It seems odd that other pilot's (NPCs - especially pirates haven't discovered this hideout from the law and everybody else.
Allow saving when docked other places than stations. To make the game really openended it should be possible to leave Lave in your first cobra take do some nasty stuff and never again return to a Gal-Cop controlled base. (I suppose that it's already possible to oxp hermit's with shipyards?).
Different criminal system. You should not be able to commit outright evil acts of piracy, then make a few skim jumps and have everything forgotten and forgiven.
Factions! (but I don't want to cause a spilt with the anti faction wing

I guess the two points above is a reflection of the opinion that even though the game is openended that doesn't mean that there should be no possible lasting consequences for the choices a player makes with the current commander.
Less shrapnel from large objects. Too bad when a perfectly fun battle gets ruined by a silly large amount of shrapnel appearing from something large being blown up. The amount of shrapnel should NOT be the same for an Adder and a Thargoid Carrier, but some hardcoded upper limit would save a lot of frustration when the frame rate suddendly drops to something measured in spf just when you were having the most fun.
Keep current target selected when firing missiles: Who's my targeting computer to decide that I don't want to track the bugger some more for some laser action.
Witchspace rings are fine - for witchspace. I don't see their connection to the procedure of docking and undocking. And I seem to remember that docking/undocking had flashing rectangels instead of circles on the 8-bit version I'm familiar with.
Make sure that Lave has a well stocked shipyard and let the player start out with credits instead of a ship would also be something I'd like to see. I'm sure that the Cobra MK-III awarded to graduates at the Academy was just something that was made up to cover not being able to implement a shipyard in the original. I think anything that served that purpose should be weeded out since there's no reason to impose limits on this game set by 80's technology in the original.
Faster docking computer. Computer that have slower reflexes than people when controlling a complicated circuit controlled machine? They should swoop right into the dock (I'm thinking of Casinos, Behemoths Hermits which don't accept the instant docking shortcut).
Resolve the cargo issue. No techno babble can get around the misprint or last minute blunder or whatever in the original manual that set the Anaconda's cargo capacity (probably a very ugly handwritten '2' which got interpreted as a '7'). If it's because we're talking 'tunnes' then why not load other ships up with these Anaconda cannisters that take up so much less space?
Auto Trader equipment. You just tell it in which system you plan to dock at a station next time and it loads your cargo up accordingly. Generally I think that there should be a wider array of automation options or equipment to let players automate away the parts of the game that they find less attractive and really get down to do the stuff that they like the most according to taste.
Auto Pilot Scoop Software - might make the mining carrer more attractive.
Hired NPCs. I'd like to pay some NPCs to have the go after some ship while I take care of another. Or to scoop a bunch of goods for me or even to haul some goods.
Click with mouse to target ship option.
Auto Pilot Auto Tracker - Combat Software
A serious increase (perhaps 50%+) in the speed of smaller ships and a decrease in the same magnitude of their shields (at least). I know it might sound like the fermented megaweed drink talking, but experiencing combat with Charlies Kestrel flying at 555 I found it hard to hit given it's size speed and manouverability, but if it looked much more like a small spacecraft in combat at that speed than a Mamba which fast as it is still comes crawling at you like a snake which just had a large meal in comparison.
Don't say I didn't warn you about the blabber, but if you made it to here I'd really like to hear what you think of any of these points and what should be included or worked upon if Oolite should take further steps towards or beyond perfection.