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My Competition Entry Is Ready On Oosat2
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:47 pm
by ramon
Just to let you all know, my Cobra 3 is ready for download. Hope you like it, and remember kids, don't forget to vote!
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:28 am
by WeylandYutani
Nice! Looks like fun.
I was just playing around with a possible entry myself, but judging by yours mine needs WAY more work on the textures.
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:01 am
by ramon
actually, apart from the back of the ship, my textures are pretty simple......just don't tell anyone

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:43 am
by Arexack_Heretic
Nice to see you 'finished' it. My favorite so far.
Havent done anything on my entry since the first concept wingsfile.... several weeks ago.
Sorry GF, work and Death-burghs take up all my available time.
(plus I got sidetracked with mercenary fleets and a python cruiser remake)
I guess I have as much chance at finishing in time as at finding Raxxla.
At least I'll have a head start when Giles anounces a pimp my python competition. (My cobra3 will be released in a simple skin/body refit as part of pimp-ships.oxp)
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:54 pm
by Captain Hesperus
I like the 'Dark Wheel Cobra', especially when I shot the undercarriage doors off and saw *joy* WHEELS. I'd love to see a piccy of this Cobra with the undercarriage down, docked in a station for instance...
Captain Hesperus
"Hah! Call that impressive? Most of the time I fly, my Python leaves a trail of bits that have fallen off that stretches for two klicks!"
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:52 pm
by ramon
As if by magic
I'm glad you managed to shoot off the undercarriage doors, I wondered who'd be the first (I haven't even managed it yet). Now try and shoot out the cockpit 'glass' and see the pilot.
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:22 am
by CWolf
If the cockpit does get shot out will we see the Cobra then drift "dead" or maybe just continue on it's last instruction to maybe show a dead pilot? Or are we assuming that the safety systems kick in and it's just a very scared pilot?
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 7:49 am
Some attacker has just blown your cockpit away,I don't think he'd be doing Sudoku

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:22 am
by ramon
CWolf wrote:Or are we assuming that the safety systems kick in and it's just a very scared pilot?
The safety system kicks in, but the pilot isn't scared because he's a double hard b*****d!
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:28 pm
by Dr. Nil
Why are the prettiest also the most poisonous?
I kinda feel like an ingrate when picking ships like that apart from great distances. I can see the explosions from the subentities but no difference in the model. Well first time when I come across ships like the DW Cobra and the Mosquito they get to kill me me, because I just forget to watch my shields when enjoying the models.
I'd like some more really pretty and weak ships that I can just fly around and enjoy. I didn't get the TGY.oxp (which is something like that, right?) until I was in 2nd G - so I'll have to wait for that for a while yet since I'm still in the 5th or something - i think I'm playing Deposed ATM.
On topic (slightly) It would be sooo nice if all you model and texturing talents gave us a replacement set for the basic ships. Eg the MK-III should look a lot more like this beauty than like the discarded piece of wood it was originally shaped like (due to limits on the old 8-bit machines). IMO
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:38 pm
by ramon
Dr.-SPACE-Nil wrote:It would be sooo nice if all you model and texturing talents gave us a replacement set for the basic ships.
Something I'm working on for the new year actually (after I've completed my marett_vol2.oxp).
Suggestions would be welcomed for the replacement ships.
IE would you like complete replacements (same file name for model & textures)
Or crafts that run along side the originals, IMO I think it should be straight replacements.
Also what's the average spec of most peoples machines, can I go crazy on the models and textures or do we still need the replacements to be conservative?
And are there any other Frontier ships you'd like to see, personally I like the Lion and the Tiger crafts.
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:57 pm
by Dr. Nil
ramon wrote:Something I'm working on for the new year actually (after I've completed my marett_vol2.oxp).
Suggestions would be welcomed for the replacement ships.
IE would you like complete replacements (same file name for model & textures)
Or crafts that run along side the originals, IMO I think it should be straight replacements.
Also what's the average spec of most peoples machines, can I go crazy on the models and textures or do we still need the replacements to be conservative?
And are there any other Frontier ships you'd like to see, personally I like the Lion and the Tiger crafts.
I'm all excited about the thought. Can't wait to see some screen shots.
Whether it should be a complete replacement might become the subject of a heated debate so I guess I might as well be frank with my initial stand: I think the spinning cobra on the start-up screen is real turn off - especially for new folks yet unfamiliar with how great the gameplay is. I saw someone dismissing Oolite as a 60's style game somewhere - and one might excuse younger gamers for that view.
The HUD and the basic set really needs to look kick ass to attract new players. And I'd like the game to attract a lot of new players since there are so many ways to explore the expandability of this great game that an army of oxp makers is needed. Having enjoyed examples of your work I think I'd like your models to be complete replacements. We could also have a process on this board of working out a consensus on which to include, if more modellers should want to have a go at something from the basic set.
I don't know about the specs. What are the minimum specs for the new 3D shooters these days - probably way beyond what I've got. But that Oolite would be my main reason for upgrading my graphics card and RAM does not rule out that I might do it. It's another of those points where opinions may vary wildly and where I again take the stand that purists will always have 1.65, so I think that you could take it pretty far.
I think this pearl of a game deserves to shine. It works fine in 1.65 and everything but the graphics are not really appealing (everything down to the font used). I think that this was all done mainly due to wanting to make Elite as it should have been. Well Giles left a fully working game called Oolite 1.65 which does make Elite everything it should be. Now you skilled modellers and texture artists could take Oolite and make it everything
it should be
(and hopefully a bunch of coders - at least someone making more of the game accesible for OXPers).
To avoid Ooniversal religious war I think that Frontier ships should be in a separate OXP. Was it the Tiger or the Panther which had the engines that rotated for landing? Landing on planets, the systems, the Galaxy and my trusted Tiger (or was it a Panther

) that's the stuff of Frontier I miss in Oolite. The 8 square galaxies is too 8-bit for my taste. I also liked the varable jumpradius, the ability to load fuel from cargo space (or was that a false memory) was also very nice. The factions were also nice. But still if Oolite never gets that stuff it's still LYs superior. But it would be sooo nice

. My AI went into FRIDAY_RAMBLE there. The summary, if you jumped straight to here: Go wild with the models. Make them complete replacements but keep Frontier separate.
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:50 pm
by Captain Hesperus
I think that doing a complete revamp would be nice, since having it as an OXP, folks can still 'turn it off' when the nostalgic juices start flowing. as to detail levels, is it possible to have a hi-performance and a 'budget option', i.e. having a version with max high detail for top level computers and a revamped 'bump mapped' version for the less fortunate that mimics the hi detail version but without the extreme detail.
Captain Hesperus
"The only juices that flow around here is when Stepan, my feline navigator, has to wait for the ChewiBar vending machine to dispense his daily fix."
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:05 pm
by Dr. Nil
Captain Hesperus wrote:"The only juices that flow around here is when Stepan, my feline navigator, has to wait for the ChewiBar vending machine to dispense his daily fix."
Small bird passengers stay in your cabin and keep the door locked.
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:23 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Dr.-SPACE-Nil wrote:Small bird passengers stay in your cabin and keep the door locked.
I tawt I taw a puddy-tat. I did taw a puddy-tat! I did! I did!
Captain Hesperus