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Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:39 pm
by booser
I've put all the oxps in my add on folder, but there is'nt any new ships arround in the shipyard, do you have to be in anywhere special to get these other ships?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:43 pm
by themacman
usually planets with a higher tech level have a better selection of ships. So if you're on a planet with a low tech level chances are your not going to see any of those new ships.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:52 am
by Selezen
Note that if you're still at Lave (starting out) then there will be no ships in the shipyard.

After your first space trip, then you should see ships everywhere...

Re: shipyards

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:22 am
booser wrote:
I've put all the oxps in my add on folder
Some oxps have some pretty fearsome ships and if you are new to Oolite it is advisable when you are starting off to be selective with oxps untill you have blinged up the ship you are piloting with all the offensive and defensive equipment you can get, then you can tackle the big nasty boys with confidence that you won't be blown away in seconds.

Offensive equipment:
You will need military lasers fore and aft, ECM hardened missiles, and as a last resort quirium mines, and an energy bomb.

Defensive equipment:
ECM system, Extra energy unit, Naval energy unit, Shield boosters, military shield enhancement.

General combat equipment:
Multi-targeting system, target memory expansion upgrade.

Can't think of any more at the moment except that some ships come with more energy banks, which is also helpful.

Re: shipyards

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:10 am
by ArkanoiD
Well, i fly a ship that has 3 energy banks, no pylon-mounted weapons and no shield enhancements. And i have all NPC OXPs installed ;-)

It can do 0.6LM, though ;-)
TGHC wrote:
booser wrote:
I've put all the oxps in my add on folder
Some oxps have some pretty fearsome ships and if you are new to Oolite it is advisable when you are starting off to be selective with oxps untill you have blinged up the ship you are piloting with all the offensive and defensive equipment you can get, then you can tackle the big nasty boys with confidence that you won't be blown away in seconds.

Offensive equipment:
You will need military lasers fore and aft, ECM hardened missiles, and as a last resort quirium mines, and an energy bomb.

Defensive equipment:
ECM system, Extra energy unit, Naval energy unit, Shield boosters, military shield enhancement.

General combat equipment:
Multi-targeting system, target memory expansion upgrade.

Can't think of any more at the moment except that some ships come with more energy banks, which is also helpful.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:04 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
I don't feel that OXP ships are detrimental to new commanders.

Getting blown into 'cargo' is part of growing into a feared pilot.

I used to run away from the python-cruisers and massuranas in my mark3.
Now I take on multiple at once, and downgraded (power-wise) to a decrepid python. :D

Getting those essential upgrades such as ECM, injectors and a scoop are the first hurdles to cross, when starting out.
Run away from almost everything before that.

Maybe I'm just prejudiced as I don't include ubercobras etc in my oxp-list.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:39 pm
by lolwhites
I've had the Cobra III NjX installed for ages yet never found one for sale. Are they so good that their owners never want to part with them?