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Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:14 am
by booser
Hi guys, i've downloaded all the oxps i can find, and unzipped them into my add on folder is that all i have to do or do i have to install things?
Please help as i think there is some really good ideas going on here, and i'd love to see them in action, like the pirot coves for example.

All the best guys,


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:28 am
by LittleBear
An oxp will only work if the folder that ends .oxp is in the AddOns folder in Oolite. (And I mean the whole of the .oxp folder!)

When you unzip an oxp you usually get a folder such as "Behemoth-V2.0".
INSIDE this folder is the Behemoth.oxp folder and usually a readme. You need therefore to unzip (preferable to somwhere other than AddOns), go into the folder that the unzipping creates and move the folder ending .oxp into AddOns. If you have put the folder that does not end .oxp directly into AddOns then Oolite will not read the oxp.

Behemoth (for example) would only work of the folder Behemoth.oxp is in AddOns.

As a test, if you have installed a lot of player ships, then check the shipyard (F3 twice). If you are not seing any new player ships for sale, then you may have a probelm.

Personally, I download the zip to Descktop. Unzip the folder to Desktop, go into the folder created, highlight the folder ending .oxp then move that folder to Addons. That way I know I have move the .oxp to AddOns and then delete the "mess" on my desktop!