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Sticky Messages?

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:47 pm
by GMWeezel
Anyone else experiences "stick messages" (the large yellow ones) that won't fade away like normal messages? Gets irritating as the only way i know to alleviate the problem is by repeatedly press "P" for pause and scroll it off screen. Note: I'm running Windows XP and have a GeForce 6200 if that helps.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:22 am
by Zoot
I get this too, usually when a bunch of stuff happens at once like hyperspace countdown, changing view and injectors on. Rapidly cycling through the views a couple of times sorts it out. Also XP, with a Radeon.

Yes.... can we fix the text?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:32 pm
by fasnoon
I just cant get the text to fade away.... YELLOW text... at times and its sooooooooooooo frustrating... especially when you are being fires upon from a ship far away and you cant see ti because the text is just stuck on the screen... Can we please have this fixed for the next PC oolite version?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:07 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
same as Zoot.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:37 pm
by themacman
I've had the same problem, but I don't find it that annoying. I agree with the statement that it happens when there are a lot of things going on at the same time. I'm running 10.3 so my guess is that this is a problem no matter what platform.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:24 pm
by GMWeezel
themacman wrote:
I've had the same problem, but I don't find it that annoying. I agree with the statement that it happens when there are a lot of things going on at the same time. I'm running 10.3 so my guess is that this is a problem no matter what platform.
It annoys the living heck out of me putting it nicely. Maybe we have OCD but that doesn't make it any less annoying.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:01 am
by Wolfwood
It happens on my Win-version as well. But more rarely than it used to do and I can usually get rid of them in some manner sooner or later (cannot remember if it was switching views or docking or something else).

But they are annoying when they get in the way when you are trying to fight someone...

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:55 am
It has been an ongoing problem, however version 1.65 has reduced the incidence significantly. The most annoying one is the "witchspace to ******" which hangs around forever it seems. Interesting that switching views repeatedly helps to clear it, scooping does sometimes as well, but this may well be coincidence.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:23 pm
by Dr. Nil
HI. I'm new here so I'll have to start out thanking the developer's for coming up with the greatest Elite game yet. I was an addict back in the 8-bit 80's and later got an Amiga when Frontier came out for the very same reason. Thank you.

Now back to the subject which tore me away from the game:

It would be really nice to be able to get messages displayed somewhere else. If I was to risk my behind flying a spaceship into combat, I wouldn't really want any information obscuring my crosshairs. And when the rear shields are all down and the cargo stars blowing up it's really more important to be able to aim at the attacker than to have your view obscured by 5 messages about each tonne of luxuries you lost. And when the messages just stick there in the middle of combat it can be fatal.

Yes you can get rid of it by switching views a number of times, but that shouldn't be necessary for a space pilot.

Keep up the good work!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:22 pm
by WeylandYutani
I couldn't agree more.

The one that always hangs for me is the name of the system that I have most recently jumped to. It will get bumped up into the crosshairs and all of the messages that bumped it up to there will fade away, but it will stay. It takes cycling through the port, starboard and aft views about 7 times before it gets bumped away.

Oddly enough if I cycle to the front view as part of the clearing the messages ritual, the "forward view" message will stick too and not fade away until it gets bumped away.

Often messages will even stick past docking making parts of the docked menus unreadable. I have to be sure to clear them before I dock.

A minor annoyance but absolutely worth ignoring for such an addicting game.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:32 am
by Dr. Nil
Being a non-coder I feel free to suggest anything without even imagining how hard it might be to implement. Perhaps it could be made so that the OSD was a part of ships design, so people could come up with different solutions to the layout. It wouldn't bother me that much with the sticky messages feature, if they were in a box which covered the left 1/3 or the top 1/4 of my screen. I just don't like to have stuff written across my cross hairs when I'm trying to aim.

I would like to see it adressed, but honestly it won't stop me from playing this great game. The first two days (last weekend) I was so busy playing that even though it bothered me, I didn't find the time to search for the way to dock without viewing the entire sequence :roll: (my old Amstrad version just docked without sequence when pressing 'c' as I remember it). Only then was I so bored with it that I found the thing to do (and that's SHIFT+D for you other harmless commanders). It really changed the game, and made my career as a peacefull trader possible, when I discovered how to avoid the busy lanes and use witchspace fuel injectors ('i') combined with the old in-system jump drive ('j'). I've made ½ million cr. and only killed three pirates with my active commander. Really great open ended adventure.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:06 am
by Dr. Nil
Having learned a tiny bit more of your lingo I can now formulate a question:

Why isn't the message system made a cutomizable part of the HUD?

He tried to fly through the asteroid belt and avoid the swarm of pirates on his tail, despite the ships broken message system obscuring his view with low priority messages from the cabin fridge. It was a courageous effort...