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Is there a way??

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:26 pm
by GoreLeech once again being a noob to this realm am there a cache to this game that can be erased? Very recently after i have download the bulk of my OXP's (and some are rather large too..i.e. Generation ships, that sort of stuff) and all of a sudden im experiencing-about 3 minutes in,although i do different varriations like visiting thargoids and it seems to extended a bit-where the game will freeze for what seems like no apparent reason and then will quit and give me the game unexpetdaly quit(im on a eMac,version 10.3.9......i tried cutting down my OXP's to about half but no luck same thing happened.....can oneof u tech gurus out there help me cuz im getting pissed!!

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:52 pm
by JensAyton
There is a cache (of mesh data); I’m not aware of any crashing issues revolving around it. On the Mac, it’s stored in ~/Application Support/Oolite/cache.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:23 am
by GoreLeech
also now after i launch i seem to get this continual whirring noise,kinda high pitched- this just happened very recently and im really baffled

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:16 pm
by JensAyton
Is this sound produced by the game, i.e. not hardware noise? If so, could you record it with Audio Hijack or Wiretap and e-mail it to me (PYMOLCLSXGQP squiggle spammotel point com)?

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 2:56 pm
by GoreLeech
ill have to do that, but im not entirely sure.....i do believe though it is created from the game since i can mute sound and it goes away, and when i quit it goes away....i think somehow when i launch it loops a certain section of sound(by launch i mean literally like fly out of the station, not LAUNCH the application) and gets stuck on it...i can live with it if i turn the sound off but it really strikes me as odd


ok i downloaded audio hijack(cool program btw) and started Oolite up...this time no weird screeching noises...? dont know why, but i did check the console for crash data and every time ive crashed it tells me i had a KERN_PROTECTION_ERROR....and then it goes into the binary for it...since i know KERN is KERENEL it confuses me...if u want ill email the understandable part of the error console and see if u can make heads or tails

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:37 pm
by JensAyton
Yes please. Even the unreadable part might be useful. The crash report would be useful, too.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:30 pm
by GoreLeech
ok....ill do it later tonight...ty for ur help man......i get the feeling it ahs to do with being full screen and not...because when i launched the game trying to record the buzzing noises it was in the windowded mode,and when i launched my ship it didnt whirr......soo i dunno,but ill still email u all that crap...its only about 1/4 to 1/2 a page long so it aint much

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:48 am
by GoreLeech
kk i finally emailed dad wouldnt let me on compy last night :cry:
also i found he solution to my problem so i dont need help n e more! yay!
i went back through the console logs and found that 1) i forgot to erase the notrious cargo_wrecks_teaser that crashes everybody, and that the Python Class crusier and the hognose tug ship seemed to be overloading the processors with AI data...the tug ship seemed to not be able to reconigze where it was going and would crash the u can just delete that email...ty for your trying to help anyways! :roll: