I just invented the SWEAGLE, the raptor-billed swan-eagle

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I just invented the SWEAGLE, the raptor-billed swan-eagle

Post by Wildeblood »

Using this:-
Coat of arms, on the shield is globe, world map. Supporters are grey swans, motto is "Quenda Quokka Quoll"

I inadvertedly invented the sweagle, the raptor-billed swan-eagle. Apparently eagles are so rampant in heraldry that that poor, little AI couldn't visualize any bird that wasn't equipped with an eagle's beak.

Hmm. What does that squiggly, red line imply?
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Definitions from Oxford Languages
without intention; accidentally.
"his name had been inadvertently omitted from the list"
It looks like someone inadvertently left inadvertedly out of their lame dictionary. Hang yer heads in shame, Oxonians.

Also, I found it interesting it would create the globe on the shield (almost exactly as I had imagined it) or the sweagle, but not both at once.

P.S. Could someone move this to the "Support" forum, where it will be automatically deleted in the fullness of time, please?

P.P.S. Stop press! Cuteness overload - this version included the quoll. :D
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Re: I just invented the SWEAGLE, the raptor-billed swan-eagle

Post by UK_Eliter »

Is this 'Sweagle' and Oolite ship? <Confused>.
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Re: I just invented the SWEAGLE, the raptor-billed swan-eagle

Post by Wildeblood »

UK_Eliter wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 10:19 pm
Is this 'Sweagle' and Oolite ship? <Confused>.
No, it's a test post to check whether one can upload attachments here (yes), whether one can upload attachments to the support forum (no), and what happens to attachments if a topic is moved between forums.

Sorry for any confusion. Also, quolls are cute.
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