A discussion here explores some solutions to this, and Nite Owl offered a equipment-overrides.plist file that began the task of grouping equipment items into categories.
Using that as a start, I've put together something that covers a lot more items. Applying my epic prosaic skills, I'm calling it "
What does this do? It introduces categories to the F3 Ship Outfitting and groups all equipment items under those categories. What is more, those categories actually have headers. So you can tell you're in the Pylon Weapons section, or the Navigation section. Pretty much all the OXP's in the download manager have been included, so it should work pretty much out of the box.
I've taken a stab at putting items into the categories, which for some items is a lot harder than it seems. If you think something has been miscategorised, let me know and I'll argue with you briefly before moving it anyway.

Big shout out to Nite Owl and Cholmondely for doing a lot of the ground work on this one.
Here's some screenshots to give you a feel of what it looks like:

(Just ignore that "Minijump" item there. That's a programming tool and not a released OXP, which is why it's not been sorted with the other items).

(And before you ask, yes, I did notice the headers have a cost and install time on them. For the moment, I can't get rid of those elements.)
Obviously, if you find some OXP's haven't been included, shout them out and I'll add them. I'll do those updates as they get mentioned from this point, given they are a lot of OXP's not in the download manager, and not all of them see high use. Point out the main ones you use, and I'll include their details in this OXP.
So, this is one big equipment-overrides.plist file. And if you're wondering, I did apply some coding smarts to create it. Using the Oolite Expansion Index on GitHub (the downloadable ZIP file on the releases page) I was able to pull out all the equipment names, then quickly sort all the items in alphabetical order in their respective categories (with some exceptions), and it then lets me know what equipment items I still haven't added to the list. Which massively reduced the amount of time it took to put this together, and it will make future releases a pretty painless exercise. I can run the code, check out the excpetions list, add them to the data, rerun the code to sort everything, and hey presto! Update is done! I don't know that the code is worth writing home about, but if anyone is really interested (and you can read/use C# code), I'll happily post it somewhere for you to digest at your leisure. I reserve the right to claim someone else wrote it if you think the code stinks!
Edit to update download links and OXP name.