Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)

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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.92 - Now on the Expansion Pack Manager (Updated 12.08.23)

Post by phkb »

Another minor bug:
If you dock with a station in interstellar space, it generates this error:

Code: Select all

10:22:30.602 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (RandomStationNames 0.92): TypeError: system.sun is null
10:22:30.602 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]:       ../AddOns/Ambience.oxp/GalacticAlmanac.oxp/Scripts/randomstationnames.js, line 8440.
(ignore the line number - I've been tweaking the code so it probably won't match your code)

This is the code:

Code: Select all

//Code to add the Galactic Almanac to the F4 Screen when docked this any ship, station or hermit in the game or landed on any planet or moon (if PlanetFall is installed)..
this.shipDockedWithStation = function (station) {
    if (system.isInterstellarSpace) this.noalmanac();
    if (system.sun.isGoingNova) this.noalmanac2();
    if (system.sun.hasGoneNova) this.noalmanac3();
    if (!system.sun) this.noalmanac4();
    if (missionVariables.random_station_names_planetengine === "Yes" || missionVariables.random_station_names_spawnmoons === "Yes") {
        if (missionVariables.random_station_names_stranger_populated_system !== "Yes") this.noalmanac5();
    if (missionVariables.random_station_names_planetengine !== "Yes" && missionVariables.random_station_names_spawnmoons !== "Yes") this.almanacinterface();
    if (missionVariables.random_station_names_planetengine === "Yes" || missionVariables.random_station_names_spawnmoons === "Yes") {
        if (missionVariables.random_station_names_stranger_populated_system === "Yes") this.almanacinterface();
    // Closing Bracket for whole function.
There are a couple of problems with this code, even outside of interstellar space.
If you are in interstellar space, then there will be no sun. So, the 3 IF statements after the opening one are going to fail.

You have a check for if (!system.sun). However that should precede the two previous IF statements that assume there is a sun of some sort in the system.

If *think* what you need to do is exit the function as soon as one of the conditions is true:

Code: Select all

//Code to add the Galactic Almanac to the F4 Screen when docked this any ship, station or hermit in the game or landed on any planet or moon (if PlanetFall is installed)..
this.shipDockedWithStation = function (station) {
    if (system.isInterstellarSpace) {this.noalmanac(); return;}
    if (!system.sun) {this.noalmanac4(); return;} // need to do this check before the next two
    if (system.sun.isGoingNova) {this.noalmanac2(); return;}
    if (system.sun.hasGoneNova) {this.noalmanac3(); return;}
    if (missionVariables.random_station_names_planetengine !== "Yes" && missionVariables.random_station_names_spawnmoons !== "Yes") {this.almanacinterface(); return;}
    if (missionVariables.random_station_names_planetengine === "Yes" || missionVariables.random_station_names_spawnmoons === "Yes") {
        if (missionVariables.random_station_names_stranger_populated_system === "Yes") {
        } else {
    // Closing Bracket for whole function.
You were also doubling up an "IF" statement, which I combined into one.

I'd question whether you need to do a separate check for whether there is a system.sun entity (the second IF statement). The only place that doesn't get a sun is interstellar space, and you're already checking for that. Even in a system that has gone nova, no stations will spawn, so you would never be able to dock with anything, and so this code would never fire.
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.92 - Now on the Expansion Pack Manager (Updated 12.08.23)

Post by MrFlibble »

For the next preening, these just leapt off the page at me:

From oolite.oxp.LittleBear.GalacticAlmanac.oxz/Scripts/randomstationnames.js in var missiontext4

Change condominiums to condiments.
Change beath to berth.

oolite.oxp.LittleBear.GalacticAlmanac.oxz/Scripts/randomstationnames.js missionVariables.random_station_names_briefingpage2text

Change reproduced to reproduce


Change know to known
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.92 - Now on the Expansion Pack Manager (Updated 12.08.23)

Post by phkb »

There seems to be a missing step in the "nameplanetandmoons" function.

In the code, you have this comment:

Code: Select all

            // Check the object wasnt already Classified on a previous run of the this.nameplanetsandmoons function.
However, you don't seem to be checking whether the object has been previously named by this function (or if you are, I can't see where it's happening), so it can do it's thing again and you end up with moons named "Leteisan II (Moon) II (Moon) II (Moon)".

Adding this line of code immediately after that comment seems to fix things up:

Code: Select all

            if (oxps[i].displayName && oxps[i].displayName.indexOf(type) >= 0) continue;
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.92 - Now on the Expansion Pack Manager (Updated 12.08.23)

Post by MrFlibble »

Another typo:
in Scripts/randomstationnames.js:var missiontext10
Change commination to communication, unless the ship has some really dark systems I didn't know about!
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.92 - Now on the Expansion Pack Manager (Updated 12.08.23)

Post by LittleBear »

Cheers. Fixed the typos. Tested adding the check for naming on a previous run of the function and whilst the planets and moons were still named, adding it caused the planets and moons not to be added to the ASC. I think (it was quite a while ago I wrote this bit of the oxp) this was why I'd taken the test out (but accidently left the comment in). A check was necessary with a previous version of the code to stop multiple beacons being added to a planet or moon every time the player launched, but in the released version that is prevented by the test with a mission variable which only resets on jumping or loading a new commander.

This bit of the code stops multiple naming as the ASC is only set up once per this.systemwillpopulate and doesn't rerun on each launching.

Code: Select all

// Set Up the ASC. - Only run this on Launching from a saved game and Exiting Hyperspace othewise multiple beacons for the same Planet or Moon would be added.
if (missionVariables.random_station_names_setupASC === "Yes") {
// Exclude some weird invistable objects generated by Planetary Systems OXZ (Detected above).
if (oxps[i].displayName !== "Cosmic String") {
if (type === "(Moon)") this.beacon = system.addVisualEffect("almanacCompass_moon", oxps[i].position); 
if (type !== "(Moon)")  this.beacon = system. addVisualEffect("almanacCompass_planet", oxps[i].position); 
this.beacon.beaconCode = oxps[i].displayName;
this.beacon.beaconLabel = oxps[i].displayName;
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.92 - Now on the Expansion Pack Manager (Updated 12.08.23)

Post by Cholmondely »

With the publication of PlanetFall v.2 and the ability to choose landing sites, I thought I'd indulge in some brainstorming.

The PlanetFall landing site names are taken from The Galactic Almanac OXZ


What would one expect in terms of the different landing sites on the main planet in a system?

Surely it would depend on the politics, the majority/ruling species and the economy?

Here are some ideas to argue with!


Corporates: sites at the main corporation factories/headquarters (mostly at cities), leisure centres

Democracies: sites at cities, leisure centres

Confederacies & MultiGoverments: sites at the capital cities of the leading disparate states
eg: Isence: Palace of the Dharinist Dynarchs at the city of Ondaluse (capital of the Djerbitians), city of Vorhusith (capital of the Murasidi, the Boxrhanili and the Loquavirthi), other places (a tea plantation/caravanserai?)
eg: Qutiri: Straits Seminary (Bishopric of the Straits), Conservatoire of Tironos (Empire of Rrowthiessa), Owrosstos (also serves for Qitroomax) (both in the Republic of Maar).

Commies: cities, economic sites, Commie shrines
eg: Laenin: Massive Mausoleum of the Maker (Commie shrine), Peoplesville (capital), Utopia (major city)

Dictatorships (Imperial & Juntas): cities, military bases, factories or agricultural export warehouses

Feudals: Cities, religious shrines, factories or agricultural export warehouses
Note that the Feudal States OXP states are divided by language (or, in G7/8, by species).
See here for Digebiti and Tibecea

Anarchies: Cities, factories or agricultural export warehouses


Humanoids: as humans? But perhaps some are aquatic

Avian/Birds: massive Nesting Grounds?

Batrachians/Frogs: massive Spawning Pools? occasional Hibernation Dormitories? Partially aquatic.

Felines/Cats: Hibernation Dormitories?

Insectoid/Insects: Hives? Some are aquatic.

Lizards/Reptiles: Skin-shedding sites? Some are aquatic.

Lobstoid/Lobsters: Aquatic: Ocean depths (see cim on Lerequ in "City structure shapes - Lobstoid,Insect,Feline et al.")

Rodents/Rats: Competitive Breeding Stadia (Redspear's addition!), Warrens


Some of these "economy landing sites" might well be located in cities.

Agricultural: Agricultural Warehouses in easy reach of major farms/orchards etc for fast transport before mould sets in!

Industrial: Factory sites

Mining (SW Economy): Storehouses close to the major mines/open pit mines (heavy goods with high transport costs).

*[EliteWiki] Species - has Links
*City structure shapes - Lobstoid,Insect,Feline et al. Lots of ideas
*LitF - station variations - see bottom of post for Species

Sources of individual planet names
Rough Guide to the Universe (on wiki)
Galactic Catalogue Entries (Goat soup!)
Famous Planets OXP (mostly G1 & G2)
The Assassins Guild OXP (G7)
Iron Raven OXP (G8)
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
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Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.92 - Now on the Expansion Pack Manager (Updated 12.08.23)

Post by LittleBear »

The assignment of different types of landing sites is done by Planetfall itself. Some types of landing sites can only appear on the capital planet, others only on OXZ moons or planets and some can only appear at particular tech levels or government types. The Almanac's code just reads to see if the station (as the landing sites are stations in code) has one of the one of the roles for the types of landing site in planetfall. The Almanac's code generates names from different look-up tables in the descriptions file by reading the role for the type of landing site. So military bases have military style names, farms have rustic names and so on. If you want the almanac to add a name then you can add the role with zero probability to the shipdata entry for the planetfall 2 version. For example if you wanted it to be named in the Leisure Centre style, giving it the role planetFall_mainSurface_leisureComplex would cause it to be detected and named in the Leisure Centre style. If it doesn't have a role in the list below, then it wouldn't be named by the Almanac, although you could add a custom pool of names to planetfall 2 and read off from that list. You'd only need to do that for new types of landing types as all the existing ones would be named by the Almanac.

Code: Select all

// Planet Fall Landing Sites. As there are a lot of these they are bracketed off from the main station naming script with the common role check.
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_surface")) {
// Set Up the Display Names for Planetfall OXP Landing Points..
// PlanetFall simulates a Landing by Spawning an invisible docking slit very close to the planet / moon's surface.
// The code below detects which type of Landing Site the player has landed at and gives it an appropriate name.
// The Landing Sites generated by Planet Fall are random each time the player lands, so a check for constancy is not needed (as the landing sites are not persistent anyway).
// For this type of 'station' only therefore, names are generated on the fly directly from the Descriptions File, but with a different style for each of PlanetFalls Landing sites.
// Capital Cities
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_capitalCity")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_capitalCity_name]");
// Shipyards - Main Planet Version 
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_shipYard")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_shipYard_name]");
// Shipyards - OXP Planet Version
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_shipYard")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_subSurface_shipYard_name]");
// Military Bases - Main Planet Version
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_militaryBase")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_militaryBase_name]");
// Military Bases - OXP Planet Version 
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_militaryBase")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_subSurface_militaryBase_name]");
// Surface Based Royal Hunting Lodges (only added to the Main Planet in Feudal Systems with a Tech Level of 7+ and only if Feudal States and Planetfall are installed)
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_FSRoyalCourt")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_FSRoyalCourt_name]");
// Surface Based Black Monk Stations. These can only appear if you have all three of Black Monks, Planet Fall and the Black Monks Add On to PlanetFall installed.
// PlanetFall rolls its own dice from all the templates it uses, so even if you meet the installed OXP requirements, there is only a 1 in 20 to 1 in 25 chance that you
// land at a Surface Based Black Monk Station. Ground based Monk Stations are however named in a different style and from a different pool to Orbital Monk Stations.
// If both an orbital and ground based Monk Station are present in the same system they do therefore always have different names in different styles.
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_blackMonks")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[planetFall_Surface_blackMonks_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_blackMonks")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[planetFall_Surface_blackMonks_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_blackMonks")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[planetFall_Surface_blackMonks_name]");
// Surface Based HoOpy Casinos. These appear under the same circumstances as Black Monk Surface Stations above and so are handled the same way.
// You must have HoOpy Casino, PlanetFalll and the HoOpy Casino PlanetFall AddOn installed for these Landing Sites to appear.
// As with Black Monks, the ground based Casinos are named from a different pool and in a different style to orbital HoOpy Casinos.
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_hoopyCasino")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[planetFall_Surface_hoopy_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_hoopyCasino")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[planetFall_Surface_hoopy_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_hoopyCasino")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[planetFall_Surface_hoopy_name]");
// Seedy Space Bars - Main Planet, OXP Planet and Moon Versions 
// Same Method. A different pool of Bar Names though is used for the Main Planet, OXP Planet and Moon Versions.
// Names are selected from a different pool of names to the ones included in Random Hits.
// Ground Based Space Bars always have different names therefore to the Orbital versions.
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_seedyBar")) this.barName = expandDescription('[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_seedyBar_name]');
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_seedyBar")) this.barName = expandDescription('[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_seedyBar_name]');
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_seedyBar")) this.barName = expandDescription('[named_stationsplanetFall_moonSurface_seedyBar_name]');
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_seedyBar")) ship.displayName = ""+barName;
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_seedyBar")) ship.displayName = ""+barName;
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_seedyBar")) ship.displayName = ""+barName;
// Leisure Complexes
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_leisureComplex")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_leisureComplex_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_leisureComplex")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_leisureComplex_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_leisureDome")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_leisureComplex_name]");
// Factories 
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_factory")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_factory_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_factory")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_factory_name]");
// Farms
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_farm")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_farm_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_farm")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_farm_name]");
// Fields
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_fields")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_fields_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_fields")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_fields_name]");
// Rubbish Dumps
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_dump")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_subSurface_dump_name]");
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_dump")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_subSurface_dump_name]");
// OO-Haul Distribution Centre
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_mainSurface_oohaul")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_mainSurface_oohaul_name]");
// Colonies
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_subSurface_colony")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_subSurface_colony_name]");
// Luna Domes.
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_dome")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_moonSurface_dome_name]");
// Luna Mines 
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_mine")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_moonSurface_mine_name]");
// Luna Prisons
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_prison")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_moonSurface_prison_name]");
// Luna Research Complexs
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_researchComplex")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_moonSurface_researchComplex_name]");
// Luna Robot Factories
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_factory")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_moonSurface_factory_name]");
// Luna Wastland
if(ship.hasRole("planetFall_moonSurface_wasteLand")) ship.displayName = ""+expandDescription("[named_stations_planetFall_moonSurface_wasteLand_name]");
// Closing sub-bracket for Planetfall Landing Sites.
Edit: As Thargoids original gives a lot of different types of landing site, you could script the appearance of landing types, for example more fields on agricultural world more Luna Prisons in dictatorships etc. You could then attach a script to your version of the landing site so that commodity prices may be different for different types of landing sites. The planet fall script is set up to let you create a clone of a landing side template and then if you like add scripts to it to make it more like it's description.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24)

Post by LittleBear »

Update to Version 0.93:

Full Version 0.93 - 04.05.24. New Features: Further improves the naming pools for HoOpy Casinos, Penal Colonies, Pirate Coves, Extra Stations for Extra Planets, Stranger’s World Orbitals and the automatic naming pool. Adds a naming pool for the Isis Interstellar Station. If Planetfall 2 is installed then landing sites will be marked as landing sites rather than stations on the F4 Screen and MFD. Changes the category on the F4 screen from 'Atlas' to Informational, so that the Almanac entry will be listed next to other map related OXZs on the F4 Screen. Changes the descriptive text as the Almanac will now also show landing sites as well as stations and satellites. Further typo corrections spotted by Commander Aquebus and Mr Flibble. Increases the number of hand named systems (853).

Bug Fixes: Removed the script entry from the Galactic Almanac MFD in equipment.plist so that it is no longer listed as primeable equipment (as the MFD works automatically and does not need priming). Adds a check to stop script timers which are already running before they are restarted. Adds a check for OXZs such as Here Be Dragons or ZeroMap, If installed, the names of unvisited planets and the stars they orbit are now hidden on the F7 screen. Improves the test under this.ship.spawned to check for whether auto-naming is off, the test for custom scriptinfo on MFD targets and the test for being docked or landed whilst in interstellar space (solutions by PHKB).

Edit: 07/05/24 - GitHub has now updated so you can now download the OXZ from the Expansion Manager in game. You can also download 0.93 from the Wiki as an OXZ (link in my signature).

F4 Screen showing Planetfall 2 landing sites.

Last edited by LittleBear on Tue May 07, 2024 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24)

Post by Cholmondely »

LittleBear wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 3:47 pm
Update to Version 0.93:

Full Version 0.93 - 04.05.24. New Features: Further improves the naming pools for HoOpy Casinos, Penal Colonies, Pirate Coves, Extra Stations for Extra Planets, Stranger’s World Orbitals and the automatic naming pool. Adds a naming pool for the Isis Interstellar Station. If Planetfall 2 is installed then landing sites will be marked as landing sites rather than stations on the F4 Screen and MFD. Changes the category on the F4 screen from 'Atlas' to Informational, so that the Almanac entry will be listed next to other map related OXZs on the F4 Screen. Changes the descriptive text as the Almanac will now also show landing sites as well as stations and satellites. Further typo corrections spotted by Commander Aquebus and Mr Flibble. Increases the number of hand named systems (853).

Bug Fixes: Removed the script entry from the Galactic Almanac MFD in equipment.plist so that it is no longer listed as primeable equipment (as the MFD works automatically and does not need priming). Adds a check to stop script timers which are already running before they are restarted. Adds a check for OXZs such as Here Be Dragons or ZeroMap, If installed, the names of unvisited planets and the stars they orbit are now hidden on the F7 screen. Improves the test under this.ship.spawned to check for whether auto-naming is off, the test for custom scriptinfo on MFD targets and the test for being docked or landed whilst in interstellar space (solutions by PHKB).

You can download 0.93 from the Wiki as an OXZ (link in my signature) however, at the moment it will fail to download from the Expansion Manager as the GitHub list has not yet updated.

F4 Screen showing Planetfall 2 landing sites.

Littlebear - thanks for this!
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)

Post by RobsterLeal »

Hi - not sure which thread to post this on - this one, or the In-System Cargo Delivery one, so I'll probably post on both...

I understand this OXP renames planets etc, giving them a persistant name for length of the game...

I took a mission from in system Cargo Delivery, and the destination planet named for my cargo was not in that system - it asked me to go to version 2 of the main planet name.... dang, i wish I had written it down now.. let me see if i can replicate so i can get the names down correctly.

In essence, it appears the in-system OXP didnt use the names from the Galactic Almanac - i'm assuming just a compatability thing?
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)

Post by LittleBear »


Its not so much a bug, but that In-System delivery uses its own method for describing planets. The Galactic Almanac changes the displayName of all the planets and stations it names. This was to try and ensure that it is compatible with all other OXZs. For example, In-System Taxi OXZ refers to planets and stations by their displayName, so the name used by In-System Taxi will be the same as the name assigned by the Galactic Almanac (or any other OXZ which names things).

However, In-System Cargo delivery does not use the displayName of planets, rather it describes them by System Name and orbital position. So if you are at Lave (for example) and there are 4 OXZ planets present, Lave I will be the main planet and In-System delivery will describe the other planets as Lave II, Lave III, Lave IV and Lave V. The Galactic Almanac uses the same numbering system but will also give their name Eg Lave I (Capital Planet), Mars II, Jupiter III, Earth IV and Neptune V. Both OXZ use the same numbering but as In-System Cargo delivery does not display they name of the planet, if it asks you to go to Lave II then with the Galactic Almanac installed, this will be Mars II. The solution would be to update In-System Cargo delivery to read the displayName of the planet, but at the time In-System Cargo delivery was released, no planets were named (so it doesn't as there would have been no name to display at the time). However, you'll know where in-system cargo delivery wants you to go, as the roman numeral will be the same even though In-System Cargo delivery doesn't tell you the name of the planet.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Re: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)

Post by RobsterLeal »

Cheers LittleBear - thanks very much for the detailed explanation!
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