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Possible to create a Ringworld OXP?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:04 pm
by Milo
If we wanted to introduce a Niven-style ringworld to the Ooniverse, how would we go about it... technically?
The Ringworld is about one million miles (1.6 million km) wide and approximately the diameter of Earth's orbit (which makes it about 584.3 million miles or 940.4 million km in circumference), encircling a sunlike star. It rotates to provide artificial gravity 99.2% as strong as Earth's from centrifugal force. The Ringworld has a habitable, flat inner surface (equivalent in area to approximately three million Earths), a breathable atmosphere and a temperature optimal for humans. Night is provided by an inner ring of shadow squares which are connected to each other by thin, ultra-strong wire.

Re: Possible to create a Ringworld OXP?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:39 pm
by cbr

exp 1 ] enlarge one of the stations to diameter required and scatter them circular around a star ( how many would you need? )
launch and see if Oolite holds up.

Re: Possible to create a Ringworld OXP?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:46 pm
by LittleBear
Thargoid's Stellar Serpent might be one to look at.

He Spawns the head as one 'mother ship', then the body segments and tail are spawned as 'ships' in the same group as the mother. This allows a nice effect of the Serpent slithering through space rather than flying as each segment moves on its own whilst flying behind the head to create the slither effect.

Could you use that to create a series of stations, which on spawning automactically form themselves into a ring? You just spawn one station (the head) and it in sturn spawns the rest in a ring shape in the same way Thargoid spawns them in a snake shape. Say adding an actuall dockable station every 20 segments and a big 5km long metalic textured slightly curved null.AI objects for the next 19 segments to give the ring a shape? If you shoot one of the serpents segments, it messeges its head to say it has been attacked and the head reacts. If someone take a pot shot at the ring, the nearst station would start deploying fighters to put a stop to this sort of thing. You could then form a really big ring with entry points (the stations) every few hundred KMs, so you might only need 20 stations to make a big ring cutting down the strain on Oolite having run their AIs. I've noticed whilst naming asteroids for Random Stations, that serval OXPs spawn asteroid fields around stations they add. So if you play with Salavage Gang and Rock Hermit Locator installed its quite common to have 200+ asteroids in a single system. As however they are all running nullAI oolite copes with that many rocks quite happily.

Might not actually need dedicated stations at all. If each segment had a docking slit but in the middle with the segments as part of one group, the player would have a point to dock, but the ringworlds AI could be simple, only reacting to an attack by each segment launching one fighter but not launching any other ships and spending its time in nullAI unless attacked. Attacking a segment would get you attacked by 4 defenders or by as many segments are in scanner range of you, but ships travelling from the adjacent segments would take a little time to reach and engage you.

Re: Possible to create a Ringworld OXP?

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:41 am
by Mausnoab Williamston
Something like this.... ... bb32df.jpg

Beautiful. But the physics?

Perhaps better to make a station like this Stanford Torus. A big ring away from the planet which rotates softly around its axis... ... Torus5.jpg