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Disable 'ship outfitting'?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:30 pm
by UK_Eliter
I'd like to disable the outfitting screen - where one buys equipment - entirely, or at least to make it empty. Can I do that, for a rock hermit? If so, how? Thanks.

Re: Disable 'ship outfitting'?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:56 pm
by Nite Owl
The following is from phkb's recent update of Generation Ships. This may also answer your question about disabling markets for a Rock Hermit in another thread. Some changes would have to be made to the following JavaScript to adapt it to your needs. My contribution here is to cut and paste. For real insight contact phkb.

Code: Select all

// if the player docks, hide the F3 screen from them.
this.guiScreenChanged = function (to, from) {
	if (player.ship.docked) {
		if (player.ship.dockedStation.hasRole("generationship")) { 
			if (guiScreen === "GUI_SCREEN_EQUIP_SHIP") {
					title: "Generation Ship",
					message: "There is no equipment available for your vessel on a Generation Ship."
			if (guiScreen === "GUI_SCREEN_MARKET") {
					title: "Generation Ship",
					message: "There is no market available on a Generation Ship."

Re: Disable 'ship outfitting'?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:19 am
by UK_Eliter
That might help - thanks.

The big news here is phkb seems to have made generation ships - and not just the hijacked type that I designed - dockable! But, hold on, no market? The inhabitants of a generation ship might lack credits, but I imagine they'd be desperate to barter for supplies! Perhaps - ignoring the point about credits - one should be able to sell them luxuries and alloys and radioactives and food and textiles (and perhaps some other things) and receive monstrous amounts of credits in return!

Re: Disable 'ship outfitting'?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:24 am
by phkb
UK_Eliter wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:19 am
But, hold on, no market?
I couldn't see the logic of how a Generation ship could have a market in anything - even assuming the might want certain products, they wouldn't have any way to pay you. The likelihood of a ship that old having the current universe "credits" is a bit of a stretch. As you say, bartering might work, but again, that's not what the F8 screen does - it's based on credits. So, really, to maintain some semblance of logic, I'd need to rewrite the F8 market screen to be a bartering system.

Anyway, happy to bat this around some more, maybe in the Gen Ships thread.

Re: Disable 'ship outfitting'?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:25 am
by phkb
UK_Eliter wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:19 am
The big news here is phkb seems to have made generation ships ... dockable!
Well, yes, but...

Don't. Especially if you like your bank balance. And your clean rating.

Re: Disable 'ship outfitting'?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 5:41 pm
by UK_Eliter
This is what I've decided to go for, when one docks with an abandoned hermit (an abandoned hermit - supplied by the Spicy Hermits OXP - that I've tweaked). I adapted the code from my InterstellarTweaks.


I noticed that when I was docking, a hermit pirate continued to attack me; here is the view from my rear.


It even fired a missile at me!