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Oolite: A British Phenomenon?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:33 am
by capt.Pirk
Are people here mostly from UK or are there many from abroad?
Me ? I'm UK (Berks) lol Pirk's from Berks :lol:

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:46 am
by cultist
i am romanian of origin...elite was here also,but most of us didn`t care for it

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:52 am
by Keyes
im from bristol, elite was a home grown(i.e. british) game. i know 22 u.s. born players.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:28 pm
by capt.Pirk
Nice to hear it's a seemingly broad mix then :)
I remember when this game was first released (1980's) and was in awe of the 3D wireframe presentation.
To me this was a spectacular release. So much so, I remember the Acornsoft/BBC micro advertisments on UK television that followed.
A Truely great moment!

Anyway, a sad demise for capt. Keyes. He didn't deserve such a mutated demise inflicted upon him by the covenant :wink:

"Master Chief, we need you there. NOW!"

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 6:07 pm
by winston
Elite was generally a British thing, but there are some players from other places (generally, the United States seems like the second most populous Elite country). It's generally those old Elite players picking up Oolite - so they'll be from the same places. However, what with teh intarweb, Oolite should get broader adoption. According to some Oolite-Linux web stats, Oolite seems to have quite a Russian following.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:04 pm
by Prophaniti
Well I'm British.

I have vivid memories of Elite back in the 80's. I never had it myself, but was so impressed when I saw it, I leapt at any opportunity to play. Even Frontier-elite 2 and 3 that my friend had. I came across Oolite when trawling the net for Elite and have been addicted ever since. :arrow:

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:51 pm
by Guyver
I'm Dutch :D

I never got into the original Elite eventhough I had a copy for my atari st. I was always much more of a fan of Frontier and stumbled upon oolite while looking for a frontier clone. Been lurking here ever since :D

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:10 pm
by capt.Pirk
winston wrote:
It's generally those old Elite players picking up Oolite - so they'll be from the same places. However, what with teh intarweb, Oolite should get broader adoption..
An interesting point made. It's funny how 1st generation geeks, type: STO (Space Trading Officianado's), seem to have come full circle and make up the majority of Oolite advocates. :D

Ah, the power of Bell Braben technology (tm) eh!

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:16 pm
by magamo
I'm a stupid American, myself... Rather proud of it, too. I've been into Elite since I was eight, with Firebird's release of it for the C64 here in the States.

I've since tried out the Nintendo version of it, a LITTLE bit of ArcElite, Elite Plus, Frontier, FFE (Not really the biggest fan of those two) Elite:TNK, Oolite, and I think I tried a couple of other clones over the years too. Oolite is definitely the most compelling Elite-alike since Elite:TNK came around.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:27 am
by oncebytten
magamo wrote:
... with Firebird's release of it for the C64 here in the States.
Hey! Me too! Though I was 19 in '85... .

And oh- yeah, Americanus Californium w/ habitat transfer now Washintonian (???).

But as for the C64 Elite, well, I've been a fan of the genera since- and now, well, Oolite is sweet :D



Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:33 pm
by Wiggy
Yep, I'm True Brit, and was digitally suckled on the BBC Micro -- the best 8-bit box of all time. (Discuss. 800 words.)

Formative years spent in front of Elite in a darkened cellar, with Jean Michelle Jarre playing on a Compact Audio Cassette player. Started to reverse engineer / disassemble the original Elite code and so realise the true genius of Bell and Braben.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:28 pm
by Micaelis
I'm "Listening" to the Oolite BB for sometime, but I think I need to represent
my coutry here too! :lol:

I'm Brazilian and my first contact to the Elite world was with MSX ( Firebird port ).

Elite is an amazing game. Today it still supreme in the genre. My thanks to Gilles to recreate the same feeling in Oolite. You're the best! :D

Sorry for teh bad engrish. I'm still improve it! :oops:

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:28 pm
by capt.Pirk
Micaelis wrote:
I'm "Listening" to the Oolite BB for sometime, but I think I need to represent
my coutry here too! :lol:

I'm Brazilian and my first contact to the Elite world was with MSX ( Firebird port ).

Elite is an amazing game. Today it still supreme in the genre. My thanks to Gilles to recreate the same feeling in Oolite. You're the best! :D

Sorry for teh bad engrish. I'm still improve it! :oops:
Lol, they're all comin' outta the woodwork now :) :P

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:15 pm
by jtarheel
Lol, they're all comin' outta the woodwork now :) :P

You should be careful about what questions you ask, you may get inundated with answers.

From the US, played Elite then Frontier on Amiga. Sorely missed it on the Mac. So glad that I stumbled on to Oolite. Thanks, Giles, Oolite is SO much better.


Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:30 pm
by capt.Pirk
jtarheel wrote:
So glad that I stumbled on to Oolite. Thanks, Giles, Oolite is SO much better.

Respect where it is due, but yes, I do agree on that one :wink: