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Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:01 pm
by dybal
When I worked on oolite-equipment-control.js for this, some of the code there seemed familiar... there're at least two OXP I'm maintaining that copy/pasted code from there for use on NPCs (N-Shields and NavalGridNext).

It wouldn't be difficult to change oolite-equipment-control.js so those equipmentAdded and equipmentRemoved event handlers could be called bound to ship scripts and call the equipmentEnable and equipmentDisable functions to update the properties of a NPC ship. With that I could change those OXPs to use the common code in oolite-equipment-control.js and not have it duplicated (and risk them becoming out-of-sync in the fullness of time... :lol: ).

And it would be possible to attach those event handlers to the ship scripts and have the ship's properties kept updated as other scripts award/remove those core game equipments to the ship - as it's now it can get messy with more than one OXP awarding things...

As far as I know, max.[Aft|Forward]Shield and [aft|forward].ShieldRechargeRate (updated when inserting/removing EQ_SHIELD_BOOSTER and EQ_NAVAL_SHIELD_BOOSTER) for NPC ships are ignored by the core game and updating them have no consequences without OXPs to handle the NPC shields (like N-Shields)

But I think the core game uses energyRechargeRate for NPCs, so updating it when the NPC is awarded EQ_ENERGY_UNIT or EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT would make a difference...

What do you think, people? Is it worthwhile to do?