Random Station Names OXP (Development Thread)
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:08 pm
Random Station Names OXP – LittleBear & Milo (Version 0.02 – 5th August 2020)
This OXP is a pure flavour OXP which adds a unique name to each Main Station in the 8 Galaxies unless that station already has a unique name in a similar way to the way Random Ship Names give ships unique names. It has no effect on gameplay and does not write anything to your save file.
It will only name stations therefore (whether standard or OXP) if they would otherwise have a Standard Name appear on the ID Computer (EG: Dodecahedron Station). From Playtesting with all the Station OXPs installed, the only main Stations it does not add a name are the Torus Stations as the author has already given them names. As their name from the Torus Stations OXP is already "Torus Station: Virgin", Torus Station: Trade Hub" etc the Random Stations OXP detects this and doesn't at a name to these stations. The OXP is capable of adding a name to all the Standard Stations added by OXPs such as Extra Stations for Extra Planets, but the code to do this is not yet implemented as this is on the To Do list.
The final release will also name all OXP stations added to the system (again but only if they do not already have a unique name) but for this test version only the 2056 Main Stations in the game have a name added. With this OXP installed therefore Stations will appear on your scanner in the style:
Coriolis Station : Shadow of Infinity
Dodecahedron Station: Saint Jane the Belligerent
Icosahedron Station: The Eagle and Dove at Rest
And so On…
For the final version the names will be persistent (i.e. If the OXP names Lave Station Shadow of Infinity then it will be always called that). However for this test the name of each station will change every time you revisit the station after making a hyperspace jump. This is because if the code to implement the persistent names was implemented now, the Procedural Generator would be impossible to playtest as a Commander would need to visit every main station and OXP station in the 8 galaxies to check the OXP is working as intended. This would be a bit of an ask! Also Milo (who is the Brains behind the OXP) needs to work out the code to do this).
How much this will effect your immersion will depend on your play style. If, like me, you are doing the Computers / Furs run then it will be a little odd to see the names of the two stations you are bouncing between change every time you make a jump. Hopefully though seeing the millions of names the OXP generates will give you a chuckle and if you are doing a run like this, having the OXP in will really help me playtest it. If you are wandering around doing missions and rarely going to the same system, then you probably wouldn’t have noticed that the names were changing.
When finished the OXP will be released as an OXZ and available on the manager. However it needs to stay in OXP format so I can add to it and squash any bugs. Milo kindly released a 0.01 on the Expansion Manager. However if you have this installed please could you uninstall it through the manger?
This is because Oolite will not let you have an OXP and OXZ version of the same thing installed at once. Also I have added a lot to the Random Generator since 0.01 and there were typos and bugs in the first version.
To Install, click the download link and extract the file.
This will create a folder called Little Bear. Inside this folder will be the .oxp folder. Move the ,oxp folder to your Oolite Add Ons folder. I’m not sure if you still need to do this (been 10 years since I last played Oolite) but start Oolite and the first time you run after installing hold down the shift key.
There are two types of bug you might encounter. One is where a station name seems odd (although this is a Universe were Edible Poets and Deadly Goats are common). The other is a genuine bug. If you see a station name come up as something like:-
The Deadly Poet of [named_stations_random_name_generater_template_type_2_subtemplate_type_3_name_style4_ending] then I have mistyped a key. Could you report that with the name of the key that is appearing as that’ll make it a lot easier more me to track the blighter down?
After the download link I have posted the notes from the descriptions file. These are my working notes (so apologies for all the spelling howlers). As a player you don’t need to read it and due to the random generation it doesn’t contain spoilers, but it sets out what each of the various naming templates does. If, like me, you have an unhealthy interest in procedural generation then it may be interesting. If you are looking to add some procedural generation to your own OXP, then it may help you to look through how the code works. These notes are also in the OXP’s description file.
In this post I've put the notes in a code tag. If you want to read them without having to scroll across, if you click Select All and drop them into Word or other text editor you can read them a bit easier.
Edit: The Download Link I orginally but in this post was temporary and has now expired, but you can grab the test version 0.02 from the Expansion Pack Manager under Ambiance.
Little Bear.
This OXP is a pure flavour OXP which adds a unique name to each Main Station in the 8 Galaxies unless that station already has a unique name in a similar way to the way Random Ship Names give ships unique names. It has no effect on gameplay and does not write anything to your save file.
It will only name stations therefore (whether standard or OXP) if they would otherwise have a Standard Name appear on the ID Computer (EG: Dodecahedron Station). From Playtesting with all the Station OXPs installed, the only main Stations it does not add a name are the Torus Stations as the author has already given them names. As their name from the Torus Stations OXP is already "Torus Station: Virgin", Torus Station: Trade Hub" etc the Random Stations OXP detects this and doesn't at a name to these stations. The OXP is capable of adding a name to all the Standard Stations added by OXPs such as Extra Stations for Extra Planets, but the code to do this is not yet implemented as this is on the To Do list.
The final release will also name all OXP stations added to the system (again but only if they do not already have a unique name) but for this test version only the 2056 Main Stations in the game have a name added. With this OXP installed therefore Stations will appear on your scanner in the style:
Coriolis Station : Shadow of Infinity
Dodecahedron Station: Saint Jane the Belligerent
Icosahedron Station: The Eagle and Dove at Rest
And so On…
For the final version the names will be persistent (i.e. If the OXP names Lave Station Shadow of Infinity then it will be always called that). However for this test the name of each station will change every time you revisit the station after making a hyperspace jump. This is because if the code to implement the persistent names was implemented now, the Procedural Generator would be impossible to playtest as a Commander would need to visit every main station and OXP station in the 8 galaxies to check the OXP is working as intended. This would be a bit of an ask! Also Milo (who is the Brains behind the OXP) needs to work out the code to do this).
How much this will effect your immersion will depend on your play style. If, like me, you are doing the Computers / Furs run then it will be a little odd to see the names of the two stations you are bouncing between change every time you make a jump. Hopefully though seeing the millions of names the OXP generates will give you a chuckle and if you are doing a run like this, having the OXP in will really help me playtest it. If you are wandering around doing missions and rarely going to the same system, then you probably wouldn’t have noticed that the names were changing.
When finished the OXP will be released as an OXZ and available on the manager. However it needs to stay in OXP format so I can add to it and squash any bugs. Milo kindly released a 0.01 on the Expansion Manager. However if you have this installed please could you uninstall it through the manger?
This is because Oolite will not let you have an OXP and OXZ version of the same thing installed at once. Also I have added a lot to the Random Generator since 0.01 and there were typos and bugs in the first version.
To Install, click the download link and extract the file.
This will create a folder called Little Bear. Inside this folder will be the .oxp folder. Move the ,oxp folder to your Oolite Add Ons folder. I’m not sure if you still need to do this (been 10 years since I last played Oolite) but start Oolite and the first time you run after installing hold down the shift key.
There are two types of bug you might encounter. One is where a station name seems odd (although this is a Universe were Edible Poets and Deadly Goats are common). The other is a genuine bug. If you see a station name come up as something like:-
The Deadly Poet of [named_stations_random_name_generater_template_type_2_subtemplate_type_3_name_style4_ending] then I have mistyped a key. Could you report that with the name of the key that is appearing as that’ll make it a lot easier more me to track the blighter down?
After the download link I have posted the notes from the descriptions file. These are my working notes (so apologies for all the spelling howlers). As a player you don’t need to read it and due to the random generation it doesn’t contain spoilers, but it sets out what each of the various naming templates does. If, like me, you have an unhealthy interest in procedural generation then it may be interesting. If you are looking to add some procedural generation to your own OXP, then it may help you to look through how the code works. These notes are also in the OXP’s description file.
In this post I've put the notes in a code tag. If you want to read them without having to scroll across, if you click Select All and drop them into Word or other text editor you can read them a bit easier.
Edit: The Download Link I orginally but in this post was temporary and has now expired, but you can grab the test version 0.02 from the Expansion Pack Manager under Ambiance.
Little Bear.
Code: Select all
// Random Stations Namee - Description File Alpha Test Release 0.02 - 05/08/20
// By Milo & Little Bear.
// The Main Code is Listed after the Particular Call Lists for Named OXP Stations.
// If a particular type of Station is linked to a call list then it will be named using its own call list rather than the standard one.
// If other OXPers would like to add a personalised naming system for their stations, post it or PM me it and I'll add it here.
// If you like you can add similar code and a script command to your own OXP (feel free to crib the Black Monks example), but remember to rename your keys. All the keys in this OXP start with named_stations.
// As long as you rename your keys to start with something else then it'll be fine.
// If you are looking for some random generation code to copy for your own OXP, template 5 is probabley the best one to copy. I've put notes in the OXP to help anyone who wants to use this as an example.
// As you can see with template five, although you have to put the donkey work in of making your words / phrases lists, once you've done that you can generated millions of very different seeming names or text,
// (eg if you want to spice up a ship OXP by giving unique comms messages to your ships rather than the standard Oolite ones) you can do this with a few lines of code (as long as your word tables are decent).
// I had a lot of funs seeing the names the OXP generates in playtesting, so although this is a pure flavour OXP and has no effect on gameplay hopefully it'll give a bit more depth to the game.
// The Main Code of the OXP Random Generator follows after the particular Station naming keys.
//Templete Type 1
//This Template generates protective sounding names eg Ark of Hope and poetic names eg Shadow of Infinity.
//This template has enough variety to generate 1,024 different names but will only be used to name about 100 of the 2056 stations in the game.
//As the idea of this OXP is to create massive variety but without the faff of hand writing a name for all the thousands of stations, most words typed in will never be used.
//But by doing it this way I as the author have no idea what station names I'll encounter either and it leaves plenty of unused names that can be used to name OXP stations.
//Templete Type 2
// For this template I have added more nesting as the theam of the 2nd naming style is stations named after people. Each sub-template of of Type 2 names about 25 stations across the 8 galaxies.
// But to generate a good mix of name styles the way each does so is different.
// The first sub-template names about 10 stations in a very plain style such as Jameson's Base, Griff's Point and so on.
// It also names about 20 stations in a slightly more poetic style such as Bell's Gambit, Griff's Lost Love, Aegidian's Cunning and so on.
// The Second sub-template is a 16 x 16 grid (so generates 256 possible combinations) but is only used to name about 25 Stations.
// This generates more poetic names such as Doyle's Fist of Iron, Milo's Mind of Magnificance and so on.
// Both the first two sub-templates draw on the list of 180 surnames, but only actually name 50 stations between them.
// Most surnames will be unused, but as lists of surnames are very quick to do (and I had lots of lists of names from Random Hits to base them on with a C&P and then check they work as station names)
// this is nested to increase the variety further.
// The third sub-template names after Kings, Queens and other nobility. As 25 stations all called "Queen [female name] would get a bit old, this subtemplate is divided into 5 subtemplates to mix up the naming structure a lot.
// Due to the subdivision of the third template into 5 slightly different formats and calling a list of 96 female names and the 180 gender-neutral surnames a lot of variety
// is achived as each sub-template only names about 5 stations throughout the eight charts.
// The first subdivision of the third sub-template names 5 stations in the Style Female Title, Female Name and a 50% chance of a number: eg: Queen Elizabeth, Lady Emma the Second etc.
// The second subivsion of the third sub-template alternates the style to name 5 stations in the format The Queen Elizabth, The Duchess Tracey with a 50% chance of adding a roman numeral
// eg The Lady Helen II. Due to there being currently 7 titles and 93 names (651 combinations) and this template only names 5 stations they will all be unique.
// The third subbivsion of the third sub-template flips the style and calls the name of the current system. It names about 5 stations in the 8 galaxies from the title list but then calls
// the system name, which means each is unique. Eg: The Queen of Lave.
// The fourth subdivision of the third sub-template goes back to the style of the first sub-template but flips the naming style again. It also names 5 Stations but as the List of Names is reused each will be unique.
// This generates names such as Camp Jameson, Griff Landing, Selezen Base.
// The Fifth & Final subdivision of the third sub-template uses male royal titles in the same style as the female ones but includes all the varietions used for female versions and re-uses the gender-neutral list of surnames
// (IE: if the dice land on the name after royality template the OXP is twice as likley to chose a female name as a male name to reflect the naval tradition of giving ships female names).
// Although the fifth subdivision only names about 5 stations it uses the same nesting as the female titles so generates the same varients in structure eg: The King Griff, Duke Milo
// (with the same 50% chance of adding a number after the name) and also a system call generating eg: The Baron of Lave.
// The fourth (and final) sub-template also names about 25 stations in total, but is broken down into 5 subdivisions as before, so each sub-division only names about 5 stations each.
// For the forth template all the gender neutral surnames and the female first names are called by using a all names list. For this template male, female and neutral names all work.
// So there there are 372 names on the call list (180 netral, 96 female and 96 male).
// The first subdvision of the fourth template only names about 5 stations and uses two naming styles so each sytle only names a couple of stations. The first style uses a poetic
// first word and then alternates with a name or the system name as an ending. This is a simple copy & paste from earlier templates but generates very different names such as:
// Echo of Lave, Vision of Sarah, Griff's Contemplation, John's Reflection and so on.
// The second subdivision of the fourth template only names about 5 stations and is really a C&P of the Famous People name templates but rather than picking from the gender neutral names it picks only male first names.
// So this generates names such as: Richard's Outpost, John's Bay, Merlin's Cove, Andrew's Last Stand, Robert's Regret, Peter's Heart of Charity.
// The third subdivision of the fourth template only names about 5 stations and is excatly the same as the second subdivison but uses female names instead of male names.
// The fourth subdivision of the fourth template also only names about 5 stations, but as it uses a custom list of 10 introduction phases and then calls the OXP list of 320 place names it generates 3,200 combinations.
// These are all in the style of an emotion for a place eg: Remembrance of Earth, Nostalgia for Mars, Musing on London and so on
// The fith (and final) subdivision of the fourth template also only names about 5 stations. It is similar to the fourth subdivision but uses a different 10 phase introduction list and this time calls all the names list
// (male, female & gender nuetral) and so genertes 3,700 combinations. These are in the style of: Waiting for Jane, Poetry of McDonnald, Love of Richard.
//Templete Type 3
// The style of the Template is to name stations after famous Real Life places (with a few references to Famous Oolite Planets thrown in). The OXP contains a list of (currently 180) names for real world Countries, Cities,
// Planets, Moons and Stars. (Thank you Google and bless you Copy and Paste!)
// As real place names tend to make good names for ships (HMS Shiefield, USS America in RL) a large list is used to give good variety. To further spice things up the Template is divided into ten different naming styles.
// The whole of template 3 names about 100 stations galaxy wide, but as it is divided into 10 main types (and most types also have alternate phrasing) each naming template names about 3-5 stations.
// Sub-Style 1 names stations after places in a plain style. There are two varients of the wording so each names about 5 stations. The first style has a 25% chance of adding the word New, 25% Chance of Adding the word Old and
// a 50% chance of adding nothing before the place name. This generates names such as Saturn Orbital, New America Base, Old London Port and so on.
// The second subdivison of sub-style1 flips the naming style to generate names such as Port Boston, Camp India, Outpost York and so on.
// Sub-Style 2 reuses the Royal Titles, but as the word substitution is different very different names are produced. The first sub-style calls the list of male & female royal titles and adds a place name.
// EG: Queen of Mars, Duke of Manchester.
// The second varient of sub-style adds a positive descriptive word from a 16 name grid to describe the royal person. EG: The Good Prince of Wales, The Last Lord of France.
// Sub-Style 3 is a bit of a curve ball in the list as it does not use place names. It names 10 stations in the galaxly by adding some quirky royal titles:
// EG: Queen Diane the Unready, Baron Milo the Poor, Prince Martin the Lost.
// There are three variation in the sub-style one calling all titles and the gender neutral names, one calling only female titles and female names and one calling only male titles and male names.
// Each variation has a diffent 16 grid look up table of insulting ending titles. Due to the name and title nesting each name will be unique and as each varient only names about 3 stations with a
// look up table of 16 options, each should also have a unique fault.
// Sub-Style 4 returns to the theam of naming after Place Names but this time in a military / protective / poetic style. A similar method is used to the previous template by sub-dividing and using different
// 16 grid descriptive words for each sub-division.
// The first varient names in a protective style and also calls the posibility of the word New or Old being added before a place name EG: Spirit of America, Defender of New Paris.
// The second variet simply flips the naming style of the first into America's Spirit, New Paris's Defender.
// The third varient names in a poetic / military style EG: America in Eclipse, Paris at Rest, etc.
// As each varient calls the names list all will be unique and as each varient names about 3 or 4 stations from a unique Grid of 16 stations will also have unique descriptive phases.
// Sub-Style 5 names stations after Place Names but in a more Military style. The sub-template names about 10 stations. The calling of the names list ensures that each will be unique, but as 10 stations are named using
// a custom 32 grid of descriptive words, each will have a unique descriptive word or phase.
// The Sub-Style has two varients (so each names about 5 stations) and this flips the name structure. The call of the names list guarntees a unique name, but as each varient names 5 stations and calls from a list
// of 32 descriptive words and phases each station should also have a unique description.
// Sub-Style 5 generates names such as Blade of America, Last Stand of New York, Castle of Mars and also flips the name structure to America's Blade, New York's Last Stand, Mars Castle etc.
// Sub-Style 6 is really a Copy & Paste of Sub-Styles 4 and 5, but with the name substituted for the name of the local star. This template names about 10 stations in total.
// The use of the local star's name guarntees a unique name, but the sub-style also re-uses the 4 varients from Styles 4 and 5. So each varient only names a couple of stations.
// The custom call lists from Sub-Styles 4 and 5 are also recalled so each of the 2-3 stations each varient names have 16 to 32 description selections so each station will also have a unique description.
// This template is included to increase the liklehood that there will be at least 10 systems out there where some stations are named after the local star.
// Sub-Style 7 is theamed to name stations after military leaders / heros. It names about 10 stations in total. It calls both a custom list of ranks and both the gender neutral names list and the places names list.
// The first varient is very simple and just calls a military rank and a name: Eg: The General Griff, The Field Marshal Jameson and so on. Due to the nesting there are about 1,400 combinations (but are all quite similar)
// so this template names about 5 stations in the 8 galaxies in this simple style.
// The second varient is also very simple and calls a military rank, a name and a place of Origen. Eg: General Giff of Mars, Field Marshal Jameson of Manchester. Due to the nesting there are a 450,000 combinations
// (but also are all quite similar) so this template also only names about 5 stations.
// Military Ranks and Names are used to generate more complex and poetic names in later templates. This template is included so that there are also about 10 stations named in this simple style.
// Sub-Style 8 is very similar to Sub-Style 7 and uses the same structure but this time names after Religious Leaders in this simple style. This is for the same reason as for sub-style 7 and it likewise names 10 stations
// in a simple style.
// The Sub-Style includes the lists for male and female religious titles which are called here and in further templates.
// As with Sub-Style 7 the first varient is very simple and just calls a title and place of Origen. Eg: The Abott of Mars, The Bishop of Texas etc.
// The Second varient is the same but always calls the local star name. EG: The Pontiff of Lave.
// Of the 13 titles on this call list 5 contain further nestings to the two templates will 40% of the time include a sub-name Eg: Holy Mother of Mars, Blessed Child of Texas etc.
// Due to the nesting each varient has 2,500 combinations but as they are all quite similar only 5 stations are named with each varient.
// Sub-Style 9 does the same thing with Judical & Govenment Titles and names 10 stations in a similar plain style.
// The first varient names 5 stations by calling a Judical / Govement Title and adding a place of oragin. EG: The Judge of Mars, The Magistrate of Texas, The Ruler of Africa.
// As with Sub-Style 8, the second varient is the same but always calls the local star name. EG: The Marshal of Lave.
// Sub-Style 10 rounds off the template by naming 10 stations with custom lists of low level to mid-level military and naval ranks combined with the surnames list and a posative or neutral flavour.
// Although the template only has 1 format as the names are combined with 16 ranks, the template generates 2,900 possible names with 16 flavoured descriptions so 46,000 combinations are possible.
// As this sub-style only names 10 stations a lot of variety is generated and each station named will be unique.
// This sub-style generates very varied names such as: Ensign Griff's Victory, Private Milo's Monument, Corpral Jameson's Reflection.
//Template Type 4
// The theam for this template is to use the Titles Call Lists to generate both poetic, heroic and somewhat less complementary titles.
// The Template is divided into 4 Subtemplates (So each names about 25 Stations across the 8 galaxies) but as each uses custom word lists a large variety is achived.
// The 1st Varient of template 4 firstly calls the list of the OXP's 50 Titles and combines this with the names list (generating 24,000 combinations) and then combines this with a list of 64 custom words (1.5 million)
// This generates poetic sounding names such as: Empress in Waiting, Queen of Shadows, Duke of the East Wind and so on.
// The 2nd Varient combines the Female Titles (Royal & Religious) with a custom list of 64 descriptive words and so generates about 62,000 combinations.
// As each of the varients uses a custom list each version produces different types of names. This one generates heroic and rather insulting ones such as: Sister Siobhan in Combat, Saint Jane the Beligerant etc
// The 3rd Varient does the same thing as the 2nd but this time using the Male Titles (Royal & Religious) and male first names, generating the same combinations as Varient 2 but with different word lists.
// As with varient 2, this uses a custom list generating a mix of heroic and insulting names such as: Brother Clive the Magical, Lord Digby the Abbriviated.
// The Fouth (and final) combines all the custom lists for Male & Female Royal and Religious Titles. It combines these with the ist of gender neutral names to give 24,000 combinations but with a different titles list to v1.
// As with varients 1 to 3, this varient also combines the names with a unique 64 word list to generate names such as: Duke Hickson the Undressed, Princess Walch the Sinner.
// Thus, although template 4 names 100 stations as it draws on a list of 256 unique descriptions and combines these with the titles list and names list, all stations named by template 4 will have unquie names.
// Template Type 5
// The theam for this template is Animals and Mythical Beasts.
// The OXP contains list of 64 dangerous / mythical beasts, 64 ordinary animals and 25 prey animals.
// The template is divided into 10 styles, so each only names about 10 stations.
// As Large Call lists are used however each style generates thousands of possible varients.
// Poets, Arts Graduates and Goats can also appear on these lists since, as Commanders will be aware from their travels, these can be Deadly, Harmless or even Edible.
// The 1st Style is very simple as it just calls a name from a custom list of 8 descriptive words and combines this with the 64 dangerous animals (512 combinations) and then calls the local star.
// This style names stations in the style: The Deadly Poet of Lave. The Fell Hydra of Lave, The Terrible Lion of Lave. (or whichever system you happen to be in).
// The 2nd Style is also very simple as it just calles one of the 64 fierce / Mythical beasts and combines it with the OXP's list of 14 generic station ending descriptions (896 uninque combinations).
// This style names stations in the style: Tiger's Point. Medusa's Orbiter, Wolf's Claim and so on.
// The 3rd Style is equally simple as it just calls The List of Fiece Animals and combines it with a custom list of 8 Words and the OXP's list of places (92,000 unique combinations).
// This style names stations in the style: The Remarkable Hawk of Rome, The Famous Demon of Mars, The Wooden Hound of Texas and so on.
// The 4th Style uses two 8 x 8 tables of heraldic words and combines these with the list of fierce animinals (4,000 combinations)
// This style names stations in the style: Sable Banner of the Raptor, Azure Cross of the Panther, Crimson Moon of the Dragon.
// The 5th Style calls the list of fiece animals (but this time only the real animals - Lions, Tigers, Bears etc with a slim chance of a few of the mythical beasts who's names work in this template).
// It then calls the OXPs list of 25 weak animals (creating 800 possible starting combinations) and then combines this with a custom list of 16 peaceful / poetic ending styles (13,000 combinations)
// This Style therefore generates names with two distinc styles:
// Peaceful such as: The Eagle and Dove at Rest, The Hound and Kitten at Play, The Lion and Calf at Peace and so on.
// Poetic: The Dragon and Rabbit in Superposition, The Serpent and Mouse of Eternity and so on.
// The 6th Style takes the list of fiece animals out for a final spin, but this time uses nesting to produce some very poetric names (EG if a season is called as a descriptive word then it may be any one of the four).
// Firstly the template calls a descriptive word from a custom list of 16 words and combines this with the OXPs list of 32 real (non mythical) fiece animals (512 combinations) and then cobines this with a further
// ending phase which is further sub-nested, generating a total of 8,192 combinations. For good measure the list calls a chance of adding the name of the local star or a name from the OXP's list of place names.
// This style generates names such as: The Flaming Lion in Winter, The Silent Tiger facing North and a chance of: The Fossilised Wolf of Lave / The Clairvoyant Hydra of Pluto and so on.
// The 7th Style uses the OXP's list of 64 normal animals (ie ones that are real but not thought of particularly as preditors or prey - although some of them are, but they fit this style better)
// This Style plays with nations and cultures holding particular animals important (American Eagles, Welsh Dragons, New Zealand's Kewi Bird, British Bulldogs etc in RL). It always therefore names after the local star.
// The template calls a custom list of 16 descriptive words and combines it with the oxp's list of 64 normal animals (generating 1,024 possible opening descriptions) and then adds the name of the local star.
// This style generates names such as: The Worshipful Gibbon of Lave, The Immortal Monkey of Lave, The Regal Badger of Lave and so on.
// The 8th Style also uses the OXP's list of normal animals but this time calls the names list and a custom table of 16 descriptive words to create (hopefully) humorous names.
// The OXP generates a possible 280,000 combinations in the style of: Sarah's Troublesome Elephant, David's Horned Stoat, Griff's Electronic Armadillo and so on.
// The 9th Style is essentally the same as the 2nd style in that it uses animal names to name stations in a simple style, but this time using the list of normal animals rather than the fierce ones.
// This style names stations in the style: Monkey's Orbiter, Elephant Point and so on.
// The 10th style names stations after the tombs of famous or notable animals. All animal types are called and the descriptions from the previous templates are also called giving a lot of variety.
// This style names stations in the style: Tomb of the Remarkable Stoat, Lament of the Sentient Tiger, Resting Place of the Inflatable Badger and so on.
// Template Type 6
// THATS ALL FOLKS (for the moment - templates to be continued...)