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More options for extraction and conflicts in the expansion manager

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:54 pm
by Milo
I find myself often going into the ManagedAddOns folder to remove an original OXZ from there because I have created a modified copy in my AddOns folder. When using the 'x' feature in the expansion manager, it would be helpful if instead of simply unpacking the contents of an OXZ into the AddOns folder and renaming the resulting folder with the .off extension, it would still do that but also move the original OXZ, as-is, to the AddOns folder, and remove it from ManagedAddOns, so the active OXZ would be in the same place as the .off folder. This would make it easier to edit the active copy.

Another scenario to consider is when there is an OXZ/OXP in the unmanaged AddOns folder and an updated version of the same OXZ (same identifier) is available for download through the expansion manager.

In that case, I would like the expansion manager to allow me to download and immediately extract the conflicting new version as a .off in the AddOns folder, with the version included in the folder name so it doesn't collide with a previously extracted .off folder for the same identifier (if any). This would conveniently place the unpacked old and new versions together where they can be easily compared to see the differences. As it is now, I would need to first move the older unmanaged version out of the AddOns folder before the expansion manager would let me download the new version.

In general, I would like the extraction feature to put the version in the .off folder name, to allow multiple .off folders of the same OXZ to co-exist.

Re: More options for extraction and conflicts in the expansion manager

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:44 am
by Cholmondely
I can't get this to work on the dreaded AppleMac.

I select the OXZ. Then:

I've tried just pressing x and then pressing X: nothing happens.

Then I tried x with return - that just downloaded the unexpanded .OXZ into the ManagedAddOns folder.

X with return does the same.