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Advice for an experienced commander?

General discussion for players of Oolite.

Moderators: winston, another_commander

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Advice for an experienced commander?

Post by n_space »

I love the game, and especially all the work that's gone into the OXPs. I've spent many, many enjoyable hours in the abyss. But I've come to a bit of a blackhole, one I think you can help me navigate out of.

I started the game with the reliable mark III, eventually buying a military laser and shields. I learnt to dispatch pirate gangs and the constrictor with relative ease. The first mission was rather tepid so I decided I wanted to try my hand at proper trading instead, so I saved up enough credits for a Python.

The Python was a good move: it injected danger into the game once my enemies were again something to fear. Although I greatly enjoy my Python, being a law-abiding citizen I've found trading a dull affair, and I'm unsure what I'm saving up for: if I buy another fighter the fights will again be boring.

I've found an enjoyable niche, however: unsolicited policing. I've made a home in a communist enclave in the backwaters of the second sector. And my Python engages in some risky pirate-baiting and sometimes races with the imprisoned traitors in the astrofields to mine some minerals and alloys. But still I wonder...

I'm looking, essentially, for a struggle or a cause. A little bit of danger, a little bit of a challenge, maybe even a side to join. I'm tempted to start again with the adder. But I'm afraid after I save up for a mark III or similar I'll be back in the old same boat.

What have other experienced commanders found that keeps the interest going after walking the normal routes? I'm sure with the wealth of oxps there must be something. Your advice would be more than welcome!
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Re: Advice for an experienced commander?

Post by Cody »

Welcome aboard, Commander! Becoming an interstellar courier can add spice to life along the 'lanes, no matter which ship you fly.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Advice for an experienced commander?

Post by maik »

I quite enjoyed battles with the thargoids, working with the Galactic Navy. Also some bar brawls / furballs were rather enjoyable 😊
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