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Rocks in planet rings.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 2:08 pm
by elite-player
I love the planets with rings. Obviously the rings themselves have to be in the form of a texture and not individual rocks. It would be a massive drain on any PC.
However, would someone be willing (if it can be done) to write an oxp that will place a handful of asteroids and boulders along the plane of a planetary ring. Not only would this be a bit more realistic, but also, as an asteroid miner it means that I could visit ringed planets knowing for sure that there will be at least a few large pieces of rock to break up into splinters.


Re: Rocks in planet rings.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:19 am
by Cholmondely
I'd rather like to second this.

The planet rings are the only unsatisfactory part of the Oolite experience which I have stumbled across in two months of exploring the Ooniverse. The combination of the way that they just 'flip into sight' with their filmy nature and utter lack of substance just fails to convince.

I wish I had the skills to be able to contribute here, but I'm currently in a rut gazing at w3 schools Javascript tutorial (which seems to give no context to it's instructions) and the somewhat more discursive Academind course. I found the wikipedia entry required a command of programming jargon which transcends my feeble capabilities.