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Standard file names

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:11 pm
by kcallis
A couple of days ago, I was testing out extensions using the binary method and a thought came to mind. There is no real standard as far as file names. For instance this is two different ships:

oolite.oxp.ClymAngus.NeoCaduceus.oxz - NeoCaduceus
oolite.oxp.KillerWolf.KingCobra.oxz - King Cobra

Fortunately, I know that both are ships, but when moving the various files it becomes somewhat cumbersome to filter out the names. I was thinking that if we used a standard filename structure, it would be easier to move files easier. For instance, I have been having an issue with figuring what is causing issue with Bulletin Board. Intentionally, when starting out with a new Jamerson, Bulletin Board works correctly. But as I add more equipment or mechanics, suddenly although Bulletin Board still shows on F4, I can no longer access it.

So I figured I would move all of the equipment, mechanics and ambiance to a separate directory and move back individual files back into play. Granted that I live in Linux, it should be real easy to move files from one directory to another. But I have to go to every file and decided exactly what it. I know that a lot of the file names start off with oolite.oxp.[Author].[{ship, mechanic, ambience, mission, etc}].oxz. But maybe we could use something like this:

[{Ship, Mechanics, Mission, etc}].[Item].[Author].[Version].oxz






This way if I wanted to move all of my equipment items to a directory it would be as simple "mv *EQ.* tmp" or whatever works in Windows. Just a thought.


Re: Standard file names

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 8:38 pm
by Cholmondely
Just came across this.

I think that there is something in this idea.

I usually run with 200-300 oxp's (and that is despite my not being into different varieties of ships!). I recognise the vast majority thanks to the work I've put into editing the wiki. But most new player's won't. And I'm forever changing the mix of oxp's in my AddOns & ManagedAddOns folders. (And it is a pain!).

Re: Standard file names

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:40 pm
by Slartibartfast

some days ago i was searching an .oxz in my managed-addons-directory
and was also a little bit confused about the order of the names

...but - i think -
"mission" or "ship" or "EQ" or .... at first is too much
( if i am searching - i know the name )

my idea ( keep it simple! )
=> item / version / author
--- so if i wanna see "NeoCaduceus"
i know the position in the alphabet ( and therefore in the filemanager )

especially because f.x. a "ship-name" could be a mission


Re: Standard file names

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 6:53 pm
by hiran
Slartibartfast wrote: Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:40 pm

some days ago i was searching an .oxz in my managed-addons-directory
and was also a little bit confused about the order of the names

...but - i think -
"mission" or "ship" or "EQ" or .... at first is too much
( if i am searching - i know the name )

my idea ( keep it simple! )
=> item / version / author
--- so if i wanna see "NeoCaduceus"
i know the position in the alphabet ( and therefore in the filemanager )

especially because f.x. a "ship-name" could be a mission

Have a look at this page and it's source (marked up in the pink box on top, directly beneath the red striped rectangle).
It helps Cholmondely to whiz around all the items in Ooniverse...

Re: Standard file names

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:55 pm
by Nite Owl
See THIS OLD POST of mine. Basically you can rename an OXZ to anything you like and the game will still recognize it. However, you will have to do some extra file management in order to keep things straight when you download newer versions of the same OXZ. The new file and the old renamed file will both be kept by the In Game File Manager and you will get duplicate file warnings when you exit the In Game File Manager. The key to this renaming is to NOT make any changes to the manifest.plist within the OXZ. If you make changes to the name as it is listed in the manifest.plist then the OXZ will no longer be recognized by the In Game File Manager which will lead to multiple problems.

Re: Standard file names

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 2:45 am
by montana05
Slartibartfast wrote: Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:40 pm
some days ago i was searching an .oxz in my managed-addons-directory
and was also a little bit confused about the order of the names
There is/should be a certain standard:

oolite.oxp.zzz.Montana05.Far_Arm_Ships for example.


oolite.oxp."author"."oxp name"

I do agree that this system is not perfect and as Nite Owl mentioned you can rename any OXZ to your own standards.