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How do I use the Warrant Scanner?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:07 am
by Silent1
Greetings all

I purchased a Warrant Scanner for bounty hunting but I have no idea how to use it.

Is there a key? Or does it activate automatically?

Some general points on how it works and how best to use it would be appreciated.

Many thanks!


Re: How do I use the Warrant Scanner?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:38 am
by phkb
The Warrant Scanner needs to be primed: use the Shift-N key sequence to cycle through the available prime-able equipment items until it is selected. Once it's primed, target a suitable ship (ie, not a station or a navigation buoy) and then press the "n" key to activate the scan.

Re: How do I use the Warrant Scanner?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:34 am
by Nite Owl
Easier still - Grab the LIBRARY OXZ which allows you to set various options for OXZ's that are hooked into it. The Warrant Scanner is hooked into it. The options therein allow for the following:

Manual scan, as described above, which can be a pain in the exhaust plumes if you have a lot of primable equipment.

The automatic scanning of ships with offender status, which is the best option in my humble opinion, but this does tend to upset the offenders causing them to shoot at you.

The automatic scanning of all ships, which is a valid option, but why scan non offender ships if you do not have to.

You could also do some TWEAKING to the Bounty System files themselves to achieve the same ends without the Library OXZ but you would have to be comfortable with coding in order to do so. You have not mentioned in your posts if you have done any coding so this may or may not be an option for you.

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