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To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:34 pm
by hal69

I am looking for a pack that allows to see what economy and what state is the planet directly on the map "F6"


sorry for the translation, it's google...

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:40 pm
by another_commander
While on the F6 screen, press the "I" key. This will change the information shown to a set of icons for each system, which include the government and the economy type.

For an explanation of those icons, refer to page 3 of the Oolite Reference Sheet PDF deistributed with the game, under the Government Guide and Economy Guide columns. No expansion pack is needed.

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:12 pm
by hal69
French and beginner in oolite :(


Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 3:44 pm
by hal69
an other question.
i have a mission : "find damages excape capsule in Esusti within 12hrs"

he tell me it's between the planet and the sun

how to make, space is too big !!

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:47 pm
by Cody
It will probably be somewhere along a direct line between the planet and the sun.

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:08 pm
by phkb
Cody wrote:
It will probably be somewhere along a direct line between the planet and the sun.
What he said!

I believe this is a mission from the "GalCop Misssions" OXP, so I can definitely say the escape pod can be found by searching the route between the planet and the sun (but for any future readers, not every escape pod rescue mission has the pod in the same place). Your torus drive is your friend here. Once you jump into the destination system, you'll have a limited amount of time before the life-support system of the escape pod fails, so you gotta go fast! If you're still finding the locating part hard, try the "Range Finder" equipment item - it has a setting for escape pods that might help.

Good luck and fly safe, commander!

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 11:15 pm
by Cody
Perhaps it's worth adding that there are three spacelanes: witchpoint to planet; witchpoint to sun; planet to sun.
Most stuff happens along, or within scanner range of, those three lanes.

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:44 am
by hal69
I do not understand how the "Range Finder MFD" works, when I choose it with the keys shift + n, then with b I choose escape pod, at this moment my energy goes down at full speed and that's all.

in the text : "Any objects of the selected type within range will be displayed, along with the distance to the object. A "+" or "-" indicator will be displayed next to each item, showing whether you are moving away from, or towards, the target. Beyond this, the range finder does not provide directional information."

I do not see "indicator will be displayed next to each item," on my screen

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 4:51 am
by phkb
hal69 wrote:
I do not see "indicator will be displayed next to each item," on my screen
Have you got the Range Finder MFD visible in an MFD slot? Use the ":" (shift-";" key) to select an MFD slot, then cycle the available MFD displays with the ";" key.

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 5:54 am
by hal69
I slowly begin to understand especially with a French keyboard? the key system of the keyboard is not intuitive. (shift N, B ..).

I wonder how to know the rays of actions of different vessels. Indeed for the MK III, it is under 7. What are my options to increase the scope of my jumps.

and where i find the rays of actions of different vessels

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 6:57 am
by Disembodied
The maximum jump range of any ship is 7 light-years. That won't change, regardless of what ship you are in.

The Oolite Reference Sheet has some basic ship information on pages 5 and 6. There's more information on the Oolite wiki, at

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:34 am
by hal69
ok thanks , for the reach so it's a big difference with Elite.

So how do you do short-term missions at 8 or 10 light-years?

the time to make a jump, then to arrive at the station and to go back to the point at 9 light years, the time is already finished.

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:24 am
by Norby
Maybe you can use the fastest and not the shortest route - two short jumps need less time than a single long jump, because the jump time equal with the square of the distance.

If you bought the Advanced Navigational Array then you can display it on the galactic chart.

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 3:15 pm
by hal69
every day I learn.

Re: To see what economy and what state in "F6"

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:41 am
by Switeck
Norby wrote: Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:24 am
Maybe you can use the fastest and not the shortest route - two short jumps need less time than a single long jump, because the jump time equal with the square of the distance.
A strange consequence of that is sometimes misjumping (jumping typically 50% of the distance to a system) followed by a regular jump to a system is quicker than jumping straight there. Either the total jump distance has to be less than 7 LY or you better have a way of refueling and/or borrowing other ships' wormholes! Fortunately, there is equipment to tell you where wormholes go, but new commanders are unlikely to afford it.

There's some "unreachable" systems in Oolite -- 2 in Galaxy Chart 3, 4 in Gal. Chart 6, a bunch in 7, and exactly one in Galaxy Chart 8 (Oresrati btw, loneliest system in the Ooniverse.)
All of them are at least 7 LY away from the "main" regions of a Galaxy Chart.
Thanks to game add-ons or even clever tricks (at least in Galaxy Chart 7's case) those unreachable systems CAN be reached.