[Split] Fuel Tweaks

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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by phkb »

OK, version 1.13 is now available, which should correct the Fuel Collector linkages.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by RockDoctor »

I'm pretty sure this message isn't coming from "Fuel Tweaks" - because I don't have that installed - but since you've been poking around in the plumbing with a digital blowtorch and a fire extinguisher, then you can probably point me to the right OXP.
I'm getting intermittent "out of fuel" radio traffic of the form
11:31:09.361 [LogEvents]: Player got message from Boa Class Cruiser 24018 : Still waiting for [commanderShip_string].
11:31:19.421 [LogEvents]: Player got message from Boa Class Cruiser 24018 : Still waiting for [commanderShip_string].
So, someone's OXP isn't resolving a variable correctly. I've got about 4 OXPs loaded with "fuel" in the title, and I'm not sure who to alert to this bug. Can you point me at the guilty?

Suspects :
oolite.oxp.smivs.ExtraFuelTanks.oxz ; oolite.oxp.Frame.FuelCollector.oxz ; oolite.oxp.Thargoid.MilFuelInj.oxz ; oxp.AndreyBelov.DuplexFuelTank.oxz ;

Hmm, two extra fuel tank OXPs. I should tidy that up.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by cag »

search found

Code: Select all

        "TARGET_FOUND" = ("sendTargetCommsMessage: Still waiting for [commanderShip_string].", "setStateTo: WAIT_FOR_FUEL", "sendScriptMessage: checkDistance"); 
in ...\oolite.oxp.EricWalch.UPSCourier.oxz\AIs\upsFuelLeakAI.plist, line 26
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by phkb »

cag wrote:
in ...\oolite.oxp.EricWalch.UPSCourier.oxz\AIs\upsFuelLeakAI.plist, line 26
Thanks cag! I'll get a fix out shortly.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by RockDoctor »

Murky buckets, cag and phkb!

I got rid of the surplus extra additional fuel tank without the bug disappearing, so I had good reason to believe that wasn't the problem.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by Damocles Edge »

For sometime I have had an issue where Quirium Fuel Storage Units get damaged in battle and I have been unable to repair them (I think I have raised this point before but for the life of me cannot find the post :? )
Although there exists an option via F3 to repair them, I find that this just adds a new usable QFSU rather than repairing the existing one.
I have also tried removing via F3 option all QFSU's but this just removes the good ones and leaves me with the damaged unusable ones


Would removing all QFS equipment and then later re-installing via F3 remedy the problem or would it occur again at a later stage?

I know it's knit picking but I just want to get rid of my collection of battle damaged QFSU's, otherwise everything works fine
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by phkb »

Damocles Edge wrote:
I have had an issue where Quirium Fuel Storage Units get damaged in battle and I have been unable to repair them
OK, bug found and squashed in version 1.14 (now available).
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by Damocles Edge »

My thanks to you phkb :D

I will update and give it a run later this evening

works fine and dandy..

Thank you sir :D
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by Damocles Edge »

A thought came to mind concerning Quirium Fuel Storage Units and how the game handles them.
After recovering some cargo in which there was a QFSU, I realised whilst selling the cargo that the game effectively takes the QFSU off you and just pays for the fuel that was contained within.
For example I previously (before collecting cargo mentioned above) had 3 QFSU's on my ship.
Upon collecting the cargo in the example, I now have 4.
Could the mechanics of the oxp allow for collecting full QFSU and allowing your QFSU quotient to be increased, so that it can be re-used?
The only other alternative that I can think of is to reimburse for the surrendered QFSU - kinda like back when I was a kid collecting glass bottles to take back to the shop :lol:
Although this method would make fuel containers very lucrative as they would effectively be worth around 80 credits each (including the empty surrender fee) :o
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by phkb »

Damocles Edge wrote:
For example I previously (before collecting cargo mentioned above) had 3 QFSU's on my ship.
Upon collecting the cargo in the example, I now have 4.
Could the mechanics of the oxp allow for collecting full QFSU and allowing your QFSU quotient to be increased, so that it can be re-used?
I believe this is what already happens - once you scoop a cargo pod with quirium fuel, you get the extra QFSU, which you keep even after you sell the fuel. So, in your example, you will still have 4 after you sell all the fuel.

I haven't performed a validation test of this process yet, but I've looked at the code and there is no scenario where QFSU's are removed from your ship, except if quirium fuel is lost due to combat damage. I'll do a test later today to confirm this is the case, though.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by Damocles Edge »

phkb wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:11 am
I believe this is what already happens - once you scoop a cargo pod with quirium fuel, you get the extra QFSU, which you keep even after you sell the fuel. So, in your example, you will still have 4 after you sell all the fuel.

I haven't performed a validation test of this process yet, but I've looked at the code and there is no scenario where QFSU's are removed from your ship, except if quirium fuel is lost due to combat damage. I'll do a test later today to confirm this is the case, though.
After testing, I have found that QFSU figure displayed in the F5 screen does not increase after collecting a QFSU via fuel scoops.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by phkb »

Hmm. OK, I'll check it out. Thanks for the report.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by phkb »

Ah, I see now. If you have empty QFSU's, and you scoop a quirium fuel container, the fuel is being transferred into your empty containers, so you don't keep the scooped one. So you're right, bug spotted. The logic should be you keep the container you scooped and it should increase your QFSU count. Should be a simple fix.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by phkb »

Version 1.14.3 is now available, which adds a QFSU every time Quirium Fuel is scooped.
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Re: [Split] Fuel Tweaks

Post by Damocles Edge »

phkb wrote: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:19 am
Version 1.14.3 is now available, which adds a QFSU every time Quirium Fuel is scooped.
Just to confirm that the update has the required effect in play.

At some point in the future I can see the need for a QFSU recycling unit as pilots crash due to amount of QFSU's crammed into cockpit :lol:

Thanks for the update phkb :D
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