[Split] Convoys OXP

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Re: [Split] Convoys OXP

Post by cbr »

hmm, using

ai_type="oolite-traderAI.plist"; instead of "oolite-traderAI.js"

seem to be working somehow
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Re: [Split] Convoys OXP

Post by cbr »

If i use the plist reference in the shipdata.plist i can give ship a custom ai.

The following code is an edit of the escortai.plist where i removed all references to
interceptAI ( the interceptAI is the AI i see the ships getting when i attack the convoy.

Allthough i removed all references the escorts still go to interceptai ( and leave the formation )

What do i not see? :wink:

Code: Select all

		ENTER = ("setStateTo: BEGIN_BUSINESS");
		ENTER = (performEscort);
		RESTARTED = ("setStateTo: NEXT_TARGET");
		"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET" = (setTargetToFoundTarget);
		ESCORTING = ("setDesiredRangeTo: 0.0", performEscort);
		"CASCADE_WEAPON_DETECTED" = ("setAITo: fleeQMineAI.plist");
		"ATTACKED" = ("messageMother: ATTACKED", "messageMother: ESCORT_ATTACKED");
		"ATTACKER_MISSED" = ("messageMother: ATTACKER_MISSED", "messageMother: ESCORT_ATTACKED");
        "ATTACKED_BY_CLOAKED" = ("messageMother: ATTACKED_BY_CLOAKED"); 
		UPDATE = (escortCheckMother, "pauseAI: 15");
		ATTACKED = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor);
		ESCORTING = ("setDesiredRangeTo: 0.0", "setStateTo: FLYING_ESCORT");
		UPDATE = (escortCheckMother, "pauseAI: 7.5");
			"setDesiredRangeTo: 1.0",
			"setSpeedFactorTo: 1.0",
            "dropMessages: TARGET_LOST"
		"PLAYER WITCHSPACE" = (enterTargetWormhole);
        ENTER = (
            "setDesiredRangeTo: 7500.0", 
			"setSpeedTo: 50", 
		ATTACKED = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setStateTo: FLYING_ESCORT");
		"CASCADE_WEAPON_DETECTED" = ("setAITo: fleeQMineAI.plist");
		"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET" = (setTargetToFoundTarget, "setStateTo: FLYING_ESCORT");
		ESCORTING = ("setDesiredRangeTo: 0.0", "setStateTo: NEXT_TARGET");
		UPDATE = (escortCheckMother, "pauseAI: 2.5");
		ENTER = (
			"setDesiredRangeTo: 5000.0", 
			"setSpeedFactorTo: 0.50", 
		"TARGET_FOUND" = (setTargetToFoundTarget, suggestEscort, "pauseAI: 1.0");
  		ESCORTING = ("setDesiredRangeTo: 0.0", "setStateTo: FLYING_ESCORT");
		"NOT_ESCORTING" = (scanForFormationLeader);
		"NOTHING_FOUND" = ("setSpeedFactorTo: 0.50", performFlyToRangeFromDestination);
		UPDATE = ("pauseAI: 15.0");
		ENTER = (scanForFormationLeader);
		ATTACKED = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor);
		ATTACKER_MISSED = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor);
		"CASCADE_WEAPON_DETECTED" = ("setAITo: fleeQMineAI.plist");
		ESCORTING = ("setDesiredRangeTo: 0.0", "setStateTo: FLYING_ESCORT");
		"NOT_ESCORTING" = ("rollD: 10");
		"ROLL_1" = ("setStateTo: CHOOSE_NEW_CAREER");
		"TARGET_FOUND" = (setTargetToFoundTarget, suggestEscort);
		"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET" = (setTargetToFoundTarget, "setStateTo: FLYING_ESCORT");
		UPDATE = ("pauseAI: 7.5", scanForFormationLeader);
    "NEXT_TARGET" = {
		ENTER = (requestNewTarget); 
		RESTARTED = (requestNewTarget); 
		"NOTHING_FOUND" = (switchLightsOff, "setStateTo: FLYING_ESCORT"); 

        "TARGET_FOUND" = (setTargetToFoundTarget); 
		"MOTHER_LOST" = (switchLightsOff, "setStateTo: BEGIN_BUSINESS"); 
		"CASCADE_WEAPON_DETECTED" = ("setAITo: fleeQMineAI.plist");
		ENTER = (checkOwnLegalStatus); 
		"SELF_CLEAN" = ("switchAITo: route1patrolAI.plist");
		"SELF_MINOR_OFFENDER" = (checkForFullHold);
		"SELF_OFFENDER" = (checkForFullHold);
		"SELF_FUGITIVE" = ("switchAITo: pirateAI.plist");
		"SELF_THARGOID" = ("switchAITo: thargoidAI.plist");
		"NO_CARGO_BAY" = ("switchAITo: route1patrolAI.plist");
		"HOLD_FULL" = ("switchAITo: route1traderAI.plist");
		"HOLD_NOT_FULL" = ("switchAITo: pirateAI.plist");
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Re: [Split] Convoys OXP

Post by Rorschachhamster »

I guess this line here:

Code: Select all

"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET" = (setTargetToFoundTarget);
The escort gets the message from the mother after it has sent an

Code: Select all

"ATTACKED" = ("messageMother: ATTACKED", "messageMother: ESCORT_ATTACKED");
to it... Maybe? It's been a while... :D

EDIT: I'm not quite sure, there are a few more instances of

Code: Select all

as well, could be that this triggers the general ai to change to interceptai.plist?
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Re: [Split] Convoys OXP

Post by cbr »

"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET" = (setTargetToFoundTarget);
alas this pure anaconda convoy still attacked me after i attacked the leader ( i know this sounds o.k. but what i am
trying to achieve is that part of convoy formation stays in formation )

Last edited by cbr on Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Split] Convoys OXP

Post by cbr »

A bit later

Expanded convoys within the core game

Code: Select all

	"convoys-adder" =
		like_ship = "adder";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-adder]"; min = 1; max = 16; },
			{ role = "escort"; min = 0; max = 4; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Adder Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.5) trader-courier(1.1) trader-smuggler(1.2)";

	"convoys-adder2" =
		like_ship = "adder";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-adder]"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort"; min = 0; max = 4; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Adder Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.5) trader-courier(1.1) trader-smuggler(1.2)";

	//there is no pirate adder convoy

	"convoys-anaconda" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-boa]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -4; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 8; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"convoys-anaconda2" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-cobra3-alternate]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -4; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 8; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"convoys-anaconda3" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-boa]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -4; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 8; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"convoys-anaconda4" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-boa]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -4; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";
	"convoys-anaconda-admiral" =
		like_ship = "convoys-anaconda";
		accuracy = 9.0;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 4; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 4; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 8; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Anaconda Admiral";
		port_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		roles = "trader(0.5)";
		starboard_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";

	"convoys-anaconda-admiral2" =
		like_ship = "convoys-anaconda";
		accuracy = 8.0;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-cobra3-alternate]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Anaconda Admiral";
		port_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		roles = "trader(0.5)";
		starboard_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";

	"convoys-anaconda-pirate" =
		like_ship = "anaconda-pirate"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 4000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-anaconda-pirate]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2-pirate]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "pirate-heavy-fighter"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "pirate-medium-fighter"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "pirate-light-fighter"; min = 2; max = 4; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Anaconda Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-heavy-freighter(2.5)";

		"convoys-anaconda-pirate" =
		like_ship = "anaconda-pirate"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 3000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-anaconda-pirate]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2-pirate]"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "pirate-heavy-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-medium-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-light-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Anaconda Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-heavy-freighter(2.5)";

	"convoys-asp" = {
		like_ship = "asp";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-asp]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -2; max = 6; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Asp Mark II Leader";
		roles = "trader-courier(3.0) hunter-medium(1.75) hunter-heavy(1.75)";

	"convoys-asp2" = {
		like_ship = "asp";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-asp]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = -2; max = 2; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Asp Mark II Leader";
		roles = "trader-courier(3.0) hunter-medium(1.75) hunter-heavy(1.75)";

	"convoys-asp-pirate" = {
		like_ship = "asp";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 2000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-asp]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "pirate-light-fighter"; min = -2; max = 4; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Asp Mark II Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-interceptor(0.5) pirate-aegis-raider(0.5) assassin-heavy(0.5)"; //no pirate-*-fighter to avoid circular escort reference

	"convoys-boa" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-boa]"; min = 1; max = 5; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = -3; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = -2; max = 7; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Boa Leader";
		roles = "trader(2.5)";

		"convoys-boa2" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-boa]"; min = 1; max = 3; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = -3; max = 2; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = -2; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Boa Leader";
		roles = "trader(2.5)";

	"convoys-boa-pirate" =
		like_ship = "boa-pirate"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 2000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-boa-pirate]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "pirate-light-fighter"; min = 2; max = 6; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Boa Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-heavy-freighter(1.5)";

		"convoys-boa-pirate2" =
		like_ship = "boa-pirate"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 2000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-boa-pirate]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "pirate-heavy-fighter"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "pirate-medium-fighter"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "pirate-light-fighter"; min = 0; max = 4; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Boa Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-heavy-freighter(1.5)";

	"convoys-boa-mk2" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 1; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 1; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = -2; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Boa Class Cruiser Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.5) trader-courier(0.1)";

		"convoys-boa-mk2-2" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 1; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = -2; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Boa Class Cruiser Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.5) trader-courier(0.1)";

	"convoys-boa-mk2-pirate" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2-pirate"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 4000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2-pirate]"; min = 1; max = 8; },
			{ role = "pirate-heavy-fighter"; min = 0; max = 6; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Boa Class Cruiser Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-heavy-freighter(0.5)";

	"convoys-boa-mk2-pirate2" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2-pirate"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 3000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-boa-mk2-pirate]"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-heavy-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-medium-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-light-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Boa Class Cruiser Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-heavy-freighter(0.5)";

	"convoys-cobra3" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-trader"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 1; max = 7; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.75) trader-courier(0.1) trader-smuggler(0.1) hunter-medium(1.1)";

	"convoys-cobra3-2" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-trader"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "pirate-heavy-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-medium-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-light-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.75) trader-courier(0.1) trader-smuggler(0.1) hunter-medium(1.1)";

	"convoys-cobra3-pirate" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-pirate";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 2000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-cobra3-pirate]"; min = 2; max = 6; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate(0.5) pirate-light-freighter(0.5) assassin-medium(1.5)";

		"convoys-cobra3-pirate2" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-pirate";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 2500;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-cobra3-pirate]"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "pirate-heavy-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-medium-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "pirate-light-fighter"; min = 0; max = 3; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate(0.5) pirate-light-freighter(0.5) assassin-medium(1.5)";

	"convoys-ferdelance" = {
		like_ship = "ferdelance";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-ferdelance]"; min = 2; max = 10; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Fer-de-Lance Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5) trader-courier(1.2) trader-smuggler(1.1) hunter-heavy(1.5)";

	"convoys-ferdelance-pirate" = {
		like_ship = "ferdelance";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 3000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-ferdelance]"; min = 2; max = 8; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Fer-de-Lance Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-light-freighter(1.5) assassin-medium(1.5)";

	//there is no clean gecko convoy

	"convoys-gecko-pirate" =
		like_ship = "gecko";
		bounty = 1000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-gecko]"; min = 2; max = 12; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		name = "Gecko Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-light-freighter(1.5) assassin-medium(1.5)";

	"convoys-krait" =
		like_ship = "krait";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-krait]"; min = 2; max = 8; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Krait Leader";
		roles = "hunter(1.25) hunter-medium(1.8)";

	"convoys-krait-pirate" =
		like_ship = "krait";
		bounty = 1000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-krait]"; min = 2; max = 6; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Krait Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate(1.5) pirate-light-freighter(1.5) assassin-medium(1.5)";

	//there is no clean mamba convoy

	"convoys-mamba" =
		like_ship = "mamba";
		bounty = 1000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-mamba]"; min = 2; max = 8; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Mamba Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate(1.5) hunter(1.25)";

	"convoys-moray" =
		like_ship = "moray";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-moray]"; min = 2; max = 12; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Moray Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5) trader-courier(1.5) trader-smuggler(1.8) hunter-medium(1.5)";

	"convoys-moray-pirate" =
		like_ship = "moray";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 1000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-moray]"; min = 2; max = 8; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Moray Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-medium-freighter(1.8) pirate-interceptor(0.5) pirate(0.5) pirate-light-freighter(1.5) assassin-light(1.2)";

	"convoys-moray-morayMED" =
		like_ship = "morayMED";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-morayMED]"; min = 4; max = 16; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Moray Chief Medical Boat";
		roles = "trader(0.5) sunskim-trader(2.5)";

	"convoys-python" =
		like_ship = "python";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -4; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Python Leader";
		roles = "trader(2.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

		"convoys-python2" =
		like_ship = "python";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -2; max = 3; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Python Leader";
		roles = "trader(2.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

	"convoys-python-team" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -4; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Python Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(2.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

	"convoys-python-team2" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 0; max = 3; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Python Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(2.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

		"convoys-python-team3" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Python Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(2.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

	"convoys-python-pirate" =
		like_ship = "python";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 3000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = -4; max = 2; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Python Leader - high bounty";
		roles = "pirate-medium-freighter(1.8)";

	"convoys-python-blackdog" =
		like_ship = "python-blackdog";
		accuracy = 7;
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		bounty = 10000;
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[convoys-escort-python-blackdog]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = "pirate-heavy-fighter"; min = 0; max = 6; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Python Boss - very high bounty";
		port_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		roles = "pirate-heavy-freighter(0.5)";
		starboard_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";

	"convoys-shuttle" = {
		like_ship = "shuttle";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-shuttle]"; min = 2; max = 16; }
		name = "Shuttle Leader";
		roles = "shuttle(2.2)";

	"convoys-thargoid" =  //Hulk with green emission color
		like_ship = "thargoid";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-thargoid]"; min = 1; max = 4; }
		bounty = 5000;
                materials =
                        "Hull" =
                                diffuse_map = "oolite_thargoid_diffuse.png";
                                specular_color = (0.2, 0.3, 0.2);
                                shininess = 25;
                                emission_map = { name = "oolite_thargoid_diffuse.png"; extract_channel = "a"; };
                                emission_modulate_color = (0, 1, 0); //green
		max_energy = 1000;
		model_scale_factor = 2.0;
		name = "Thargoid Hulk - high bounty";
		roles = "thargoid(0.5)";

	"convoys-thargoid-queen" =  //Queen looks like a double thargoid with red emission color
		like_ship = "thargoid";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-thargoid]"; min = 4; max = 16; }
		bounty = 20000;
		frangible = "no";
                materials =
                        "Hull" =
                                diffuse_map = "oolite_thargoid_diffuse.png";
                                specular_color = (0.2, 0.3, 0.2);
                                shininess = 25;
                                emission_map = { name = "oolite_thargoid_diffuse.png"; extract_channel = "a"; };
                                emission_modulate_color = (1, 0, 0); //red
		max_energy = 2000;
		model_scale_factor = 4.0;
		name = "Thargoid Queen - very high bounty";
		roles = "thargoid(0.2) thargoid-mothership(0.5)";
		subentities =
                                subentity_key = "convoys-thargoid-subentity";
                                orientation = (0, 0, 0, 1);
                                position = (0, -45, 0);
                                is_dock = false;

	"convoys-thargoid-subentity" =
                ai_type = "nullAI.plist";
                materials =
                        "Hull" =
                                diffuse_map = "oolite_thargoid_diffuse.png";
                                specular_color = (0.2, 0.3, 0.2);
                                shininess = 25;
                                emission_map = { name = "oolite_thargoid_diffuse.png"; extract_channel = "a"; };
                                emission_modulate_color = (0.965, 0, 0);
                model = "oolite_thargoid.dat";
		model_scale_factor = 4.0;
                name = "Thargoid Queen Subentity";
		roles = "convoys-thargoid-subentity";

	"convoys-transporter" =
		like_ship = "transporter";
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_PULSE_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-transporter]"; min = 4; max = 16; }
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 0;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Transporter Leader";
		roles = "shuttle(0.5)";

	"convoys-transporter-miner" =
		like_ship = "transporter-miner";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-transporter-miner]"; min = 4; max = 16; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MINING_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 1;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 0;
		has_shield_enhancer = 0;
		name = "Miner Leader";
		roles = "miner(2.2)";

	"convoys-sheriff" =
		like_ship = "viper-interceptor";
		accuracy = 9.0;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-viper]"; min = 4; max = 16; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 160;
		has_ecm = yes;
		has_escape_pod = yes;
		has_fuel_injection = yes;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "GalCop Sheriff";
		roles = "police(2.5)";

	"convoys-sheriff2" =
		like_ship = "viper-interceptor";
		accuracy = 10.0;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-viper-interceptor]"; min = 4; max = 12; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 160;
		has_ecm = yes;
		has_escape_pod = yes;
		has_fuel_injection = yes;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "GalCop Sheriff";
		roles = "interceptor(2.5)";

	"convoys-sheriff3" =
		like_ship = "viper-interceptor";
		accuracy = 8.0;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-viper-interceptor]"; min = 4; max = 8; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-viper]"; min = 4; max = 8; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 160;
		has_ecm = yes;
		has_escape_pod = yes;
		has_fuel_injection = yes;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "GalCop Sheriff";
		roles = "police(1.5) interceptor(1.5)";

		"convoys-sheriff4" =
		like_ship = "viper-interceptor";
		accuracy = 8.0;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-viper-interceptor]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-viper]"; min = 0; max = 4; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 160;
		has_ecm = yes;
		has_escape_pod = yes;
		has_fuel_injection = yes;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "GalCop Sheriff";
		roles = "police(1.5) interceptor(1.5)";

		"convoys-sheriff5" =
		like_ship = "viper-interceptor";
		accuracy = 9.0;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-viper]"; min = 0; max = 4; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 160;
		has_ecm = yes;
		has_escape_pod = yes;
		has_fuel_injection = yes;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "GalCop Sheriff";
		roles = "police(1.5) interceptor(1.5)";

		"convoys-sheriff6" =
		like_ship = "viper-interceptor";
		accuracy = 9.0;
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-viper-interceptor]"; min = 0; max = 4; }
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 160;
		has_ecm = yes;
		has_escape_pod = yes;
		has_fuel_injection = yes;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "GalCop Sheriff";
		roles = "police(1.5) interceptor(1.5)";

	"convoys-worm" =
		like_ship = "worm";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-worm]"; min = 2; max = 16; }
		name = "Worm Leader";
		roles = "shuttle(1.2)";

	"convoys-worm-miner" =
		like_ship = "worm-miner";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[convoys-escort-worm-miner]"; min = 2; max = 16; }
		name = "Worm Miner Leader";
		roles = "miner(1.2)";

		"diplomatic-convoy-1" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-asp]"; min = 2; max = 10; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";

		"diplomatic-convoy-2" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-cobra3-alternate]"; min = 2; max = 10; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";

		"diplomatic-convoy-3" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-sidewinder]"; min = 6; max = 12; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";
		"diplomatic-convoy-4" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-asp]"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";
			"diplomatic-convoy-5" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-ferdelance]"; min = 4; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";
				"diplomatic-convoy-6" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-ferdelance]"; min = 4; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";

				"diplomatic-convoy-7" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-sidewinder]"; min = 6; max = 12; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";

"diplomatic-convoy-8" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-cobra3-alternate]"; min = 4; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";

				"diplomatic-convoy-9" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[diplomatic-sidewinder]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "[diplomatic-krait]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		fuel = 70;
		has_ecm = 1;
		has_escape_pod = 2;
		has_fuel_injection = 1;
		has_scoop = 1;
		has_shield_booster = 1;
		has_shield_enhancer = 1;
		name = "Diplomatic Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.0) trader-courier(1.0)";
	//escort_roles of convoy escorts must be cleared to prevent circular escort reference messages in the log
	//so below all core ships are redefined without escorts for sure
	"convoys-escort-adder" =
		like_ship = "adder";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-adder";
	"convoys-escort-anaconda" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-anaconda";
	"convoys-escort-anaconda-pirate" =
		like_ship = "anaconda-pirate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-anaconda-pirate";
	"convoys-escort-asp" =
		like_ship = "asp";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-asp";

		"diplomatic-asp" =
		like_ship = "asp";
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "diplomatic-asp";
	"convoys-escort-boa" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-boa";
	"convoys-escort-boa-pirate" =
		like_ship = "boa-pirate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-boa-pirate";
	"convoys-escort-boa-mk2" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-boa-mk2";
	"convoys-escort-boa-mk2-pirate" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2-pirate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-boa-mk2-pirate";
	"convoys-escort-cobra3-trader" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-trader";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-cobra3-trader";
	"convoys-escort-cobra3-alternate" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-alternate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-cobra3-alternate";

	"diplomatic-cobra3-alternate" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-alternate";
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "diplomatic-cobra3-alternate";
	"convoys-escort-cobra3-pirate" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-pirate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-cobra3-pirate";
	"convoys-escort-cobramk1" =
		like_ship = "cobramk1";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-cobramk1";
	"convoys-escort-cobramk1-alt" =
		like_ship = "cobramk1-alt";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-cobramk1-alt";
	"convoys-escort-cobramk1-miner" =
		like_ship = "cobramk1-miner";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-cobramk1-miner";
	"convoys-escort-ferdelance" =
		like_ship = "ferdelance";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-ferdelance";
	"diplomatic-ferdelance" =
		like_ship = "ferdelance";
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "diplomatic-ferdelance";

	"convoys-escort-gecko" =
		like_ship = "gecko";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-gecko";
	"convoys-escort-krait" =
		like_ship = "krait";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-krait";
	"diplomatic-krait" =
		like_ship = "krait";
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "diplomatic-krait";

	"convoys-escort-mamba" =
		like_ship = "mamba";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-mamba";
	"convoys-escort-mamba-escort" =
		like_ship = "mamba-escort";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-mamba-escort";
	"convoys-escort-moray" =
		like_ship = "moray";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-moray";
	"convoys-escort-morayMED" =
		like_ship = "morayMED";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-morayMED";
	"convoys-escort-python" =
		like_ship = "python";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-python";
	"convoys-escort-python-blackdog" =
		like_ship = "python-blackdog";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-python-blackdog";
	"convoys-escort-python-trader" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-python-trader";
	"convoys-escort-shuttle" =
		like_ship = "shuttle";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-shuttle";
	"convoys-escort-sidewinder" =
		like_ship = "sidewinder";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-sidewinder";
	"diplomatic-sidewinder" =
		like_ship = "sidewinder";
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "diplomatic-sidewinder";

	"convoys-escort-sidewinder-escort" =
		like_ship = "sidewinder-escort";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-sidewinder-escort";
	"convoys-escort-thargoid" =
		like_ship = "thargoid";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-thargoid";
	"convoys-escort-transporter" =
		like_ship = "transporter";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-transporter";
	"convoys-escort-transporter-miner" =
		like_ship = "transporter-miner";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-transporter-miner";
	"convoys-escort-viper" =
		like_ship = "viper";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-viper";
	"convoys-escort-viper-interceptor" =
		like_ship = "viper-interceptor";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-viper-interceptor";
	"convoys-escort-viper-pursuit" =
		like_ship = "viper-pursuit";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-viper-pursuit";
	"convoys-escort-worm" =
		like_ship = "worm";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-worm";
	"convoys-escort-worm-miner" =
		like_ship = "worm-miner";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "convoys-escort-worm-miner";
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Posts: 1390
Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:24 pm

Re: [Split] Convoys OXP

Post by cbr »

And some extra for the freighter oxp/oxz

Code: Select all

	"freighterconvoys-anaconda" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 6; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 6; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-anaconda2" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 4; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 4; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-anaconda3" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 6; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-anaconda4" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 10; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 6; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-anaconda5" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-anaconda6" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python]"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa]"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-anaconda7" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

		"freighterconvoys-anaconda8" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.75)";

	"freighterconvoys-anaconda9" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "freighterconvoys-escort-sidewinder"; min = 4; max = 8; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Anaconda Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-boa" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa]"; min = 6; max = 8; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 8; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 6; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		name = "Boa Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-boa2" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa]"; min = 4; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = "freighterconvoys-escort-sidewinder"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		name = "Boa Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

		"freighterconvoys-boa3" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		name = "Boa Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-boa-mk2" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 5; max = 10; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 5; max = 5; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 6; }
		name = "Boa Class Cruiser Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5) trader-courier(0.1)";

		"freighterconvoys-boa-mk2-2" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 4; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 4; }
		name = "Boa Class Cruiser Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5) trader-courier(0.1)";

			"freighterconvoys-boa-mk2-3" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		name = "Boa Class Cruiser Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5) trader-courier(0.1)";

	"freighterconvoys-cobra3" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-player"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 8; max = 16; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 8; }
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.75) trader-courier(0.1) trader-smuggler(0.1)";

	"freighterconvoys-cobra3-2" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-player"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 6; max = 10; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.75) trader-courier(0.1) trader-smuggler(0.1)";

	"freighterconvoys-cobra3-3" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-player"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ "role" = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.75) trader-courier(0.1) trader-smuggler(0.1)";

		"freighterconvoys-cobra3-4" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-player"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 0; max = 6; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.75) trader-courier(0.1) trader-smuggler(0.1)";

		"freighterconvoys-cobra3-5" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-player"; // will switch to the template after 1.80
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-trader]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 2; }
		name = "Cobra Mark III Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.75) trader-courier(0.1) trader-smuggler(0.1)";

	"freighterconvoys-moray" =
		like_ship = "moray";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-moray]"; min = 4; max = 16; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 4; }
		name = "Moray Leader";
		roles = "trader(1.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-morayMED" =
		like_ship = "morayMED";
		escort_roles = (
			{ "role" = "[freighterconvoys-escort-morayMED]"; min = 12; max = 16; },
			{ "role" = ""; min = 0; max = 4; }
		name = "Moray Chief Medical Boat";
		roles = "trader(0.5) sunskim-trader(2.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-python" =
		like_ship = "python";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python]"; min = 6; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 6; max = 6; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Python Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

		"freighterconvoys-python2" =
		like_ship = "python";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python]"; min = 4; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Python Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

			"freighterconvoys-python2" =
		like_ship = "python";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python]"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 0; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Python Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-python-team" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 2; max = 6; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python]"; min = 4; max = 6; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 6; max = 6; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Python Team Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-python-trader" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 6; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 2; max = 8; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 6; max = 6; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Python Trader Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

		"freighterconvoys-python-trader" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-python-trader]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "escort-heavy"; min = 0; max = 2; },
			{ role = "escort-medium"; min = 4; max = 4; },
			{ role = ""; min = 0; max = 2; } // spare slots for wandering escorts
		name = "Python Trader Leader";
		roles = "trader(0.8) trader-smuggler(0.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-shuttle" = {
		like_ship = "shuttle";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-shuttle]"; min = 8; max = 16; }
		name = "Shuttle Leader";
		roles = "shuttle(1.2)";

	"freighterconvoys-shuttle2" = {
		like_ship = "shuttle";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-shuttle]"; min = 4; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-transporter]"; min = 4; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-worm]"; min = 4; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-adder]"; min = 4; max = 4; },
		name = "Shuttle Team Leader";
		roles = "shuttle(2.0)";

	"freighterconvoys-shuttle2-2" = {
		like_ship = "shuttle";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-shuttle]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-transporter]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-worm]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-adder]"; min = 2; max = 4; },
		name = "Shuttle Team Leader";
		roles = "shuttle(2.0)";

	"freighterconvoys-transporter" =
		like_ship = "transporter";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-transporter]"; min = 16; max = 16; }
		name = "Transporter Leader";
		roles = "shuttle(0.5)";

	"freighterconvoys-transporter-miner" =
		like_ship = "transporter-miner";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-transporter-miner]"; min = 16; max = 16; }
		name = "Transporter Miner Leader";
		roles = "miner(1.2)";

	"freighterconvoys-worm" =
		like_ship = "worm";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-worm]"; min = 8; max = 16; }
		name = "Worm Leader";
		roles = "shuttle(1.2)";

	"freighterconvoys-worm-miner" =
		like_ship = "worm-miner";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-worm-miner]"; min = 8; max = 16; }
		name = "Worm Miner Leader";
		roles = "miner(1.2)";

	"freighterconvoys-miner" =
		like_ship = "cobramk1-miner";
		escort_roles = (
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-cobramk1-miner]"; min = 16; max = 16; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-transporter-miner]"; min = 16; max = 16; },
			{ role = "[freighterconvoys-escort-worm-miner]"; min = 16; max = 16; }
		name = "Miner Team Leader";
		roles = "miner(2.0)";

	//escort_roles of convoy escorts must be cleared to prevent circular escort reference messages in the log
	//so below all core ships are redefined without escorts for sure
	"freighterconvoys-escort-adder" =
		like_ship = "adder";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-adder";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda" =
		like_ship = "anaconda";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda-pirate" =
		like_ship = "anaconda-pirate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-anaconda-pirate";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-asp" =
		like_ship = "asp";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-asp";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-boa" =
		like_ship = "boa";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-boa";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-boa-pirate" =
		like_ship = "boa-pirate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-boa-pirate";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2-pirate" =
		like_ship = "boa-mk2-pirate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-boa-mk2-pirate";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-trader" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-trader";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-trader";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-alternate" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-alternate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-alternate";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-pirate" =
		like_ship = "cobra3-pirate";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-cobra3-pirate";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-cobramk1" =
		like_ship = "cobramk1";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-cobramk1";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-cobramk1-alt" =
		like_ship = "cobramk1-alt";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-cobramk1-alt";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-cobramk1-miner" =
		like_ship = "cobramk1-miner";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-cobramk1-miner";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-ferdelance" =
		like_ship = "ferdelance";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-ferdelance";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-gecko" =
		like_ship = "gecko";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-gecko";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-krait" =
		like_ship = "krait";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-krait";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-mamba" =
		like_ship = "mamba";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-mamba";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-mamba-escort" =
		like_ship = "mamba-escort";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-mamba-escort";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-moray" =
		like_ship = "moray";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-moray";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-morayMED" =
		like_ship = "morayMED";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-morayMED";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-python" =
		like_ship = "python";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-python";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-python-blackdog" =
		like_ship = "python-blackdog";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-python-blackdog";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-python-trader" =
		like_ship = "python-trader";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-python-trader";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-shuttle" =
		like_ship = "shuttle";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-shuttle";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-sidewinder" =
		like_ship = "sidewinder";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-sidewinder";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-sidewinder-escort" =
		like_ship = "sidewinder-escort";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-sidewinder-escort";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-thargoid" =
		like_ship = "thargoid";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-thargoid";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-transporter" =
		like_ship = "transporter";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-transporter";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-transporter-miner" =
		like_ship = "transporter-miner";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-transporter-miner";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-viper" =
		like_ship = "viper";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-viper";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-viper-interceptor" =
		like_ship = "viper-interceptor";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-viper-interceptor";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-viper-pursuit" =
		like_ship = "viper-pursuit";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-viper-pursuit";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-worm" =
		like_ship = "worm";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-worm";
	"freighterconvoys-escort-worm-miner" =
		like_ship = "worm-miner";
		escort_roles = "";
		roles = "freighterconvoys-escort-worm-miner";
These are shipdata.plist's...
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