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Doctor Who again

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:25 am
by Alex
Who was the worst Doctor? Yes I know it's totally a personnel choice.
Mine is Peter Davison. Wow how bad can a Doctor be? Especially seeing as he done the character Campion so well. Laughed my socks off at that.
Good actor, Rubbish Doctor. And his given name is Moffett.

Re: Doctor Who again

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:34 pm
by Malacandra
I quite liked Davison, although he had some big shoes to fill given what an amazing job Tom Baker did. Since I hardly watched DW after about 1981 it's not really fair of me to pick on either Colin Baker or Sylvester McCoy. Neither of them did it for me but I didn't see enough of either of them to have given them a fair go.

Re: Doctor Who again

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 4:36 pm
by Astrobe
For me, among the reboot Doctors, Capaldi. Because as a non-native speaker I find him difficult to understand. He has a low voice and perhaps doesn't articulate very well?

Re: Doctor Who again

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:39 am
by Alex
Non native speaker? He's Scottish and speaks proper England. Better than most English with their accents. Back in the 70's there was a survey to see who spoke the most correct English. Ayrshire, West coast of Scotland. Who'd have thought? Still makes me smile. I have a Glesga accent. Even after many years with all you bloomin foreigners. Noo admit it, accents are fun. Mostly when you try to do another. You'll think so if you hear me try the Queens English. Or a French trying to do Norse.

Re: Doctor Who again

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:26 pm
by Astrobe
No doubt Capaldi is a fictional alien; I am the true alien here.