JB WIP thread: several ships

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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by jackiebean »

Small update

first some of the ships that have to be updated with the Kiota modular station:




And next the four Behemoth class Navy cruisers requested previously:





That's it for now. Working on a few more smaller ships next.
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by Duggan »

Looking forward very much to seeing a release of some sort , so that we can get to play with the finished product in our game ..Excellent modelling :)
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by cbr »

Especially like the spacestations!
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by jackiebean »

cbr wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:25 pm
Especially like the spacestations!
There is one more space station that i know of that will be updated.

More on that later, but for now some more ships:

The smaller ships from the deep space dredger oxp updated


DSD shuttle

DSD Droid

All Dredgers (two are duplicates: the dredger and dredger courier)


Dredger trader


And a shot of the Dredger Dock.

Not sure if i can manage the doors being animated or not, but they are not attached to the rest of the mesh so i may be able to or may not be able to. I can always save them as a separate model and attempt to do so but i have no idea what is needed for that.

Finally (for this post anyway) the generation ship redone. I may also include other things to vary the ships a bit like radar dishes etc, but it will be a lot different than previous versions extras on the ship.

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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by Cody »

jackiebean wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:18 pm
There is one more space station that i know of that will be updated.
Are you updating all OXP stations, or a selection - or have I read that wrong?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by jackiebean »

Cody wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:10 pm
jackiebean wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:18 pm
There is one more space station that i know of that will be updated.
Are you updating all OXP stations, or a selection - or have I read that wrong?
Not sure how many there are, but i have updated a few of the oxp station models so far. If you can count playing around in blender as updating. Until they are released it won't be for sure.

The ones based on the core game stations, or variations thereof will probably not be messed with.

If there are any i missed please let me know.
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by Cody »

jackiebean wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:16 pm
Not sure how many there are...
That's why I was wondering - there must be quite a few.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by Redspear »

Turning into quite the collection :) . I applaud your skill and application.
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by jackiebean »

Cody wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:18 pm
That's why I was wondering - there must be quite a few.
27 listed in the wiki, but i probably won't do any of the ones that have been updated already (as in those replaced by Griff models)

Some of the older OXPs are missing or dead links so i would have to make a new OXP from scratch for any of those. Generally i wont really worry about anything unless it is obviously clashing with the current shipset. Some may only require a texture update or minor adjustment (maybe adding more greebling or outbuildings on asteroid bases, or a rework of the asteroid itself?) I would have to view them first to make a determination.

There are a few vanilla style bases i was considering looking at but those should be a cakewalk.

For now i want to get back to ships and eventually i will work my way around to the stations more.
Redspear wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:44 am
Turning into quite the collection :) . I applaud your skill and application.
Thanks! Hopefully i can get them all done. I really need to sort out the blend files i have finished from those i have not done yet, and those i probably won't touch.
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by cbr »

Very slick dredger ships!
This line could also be converted/extended into Galactic Navy carriers/ships

The doors can be animated as separate models, i have seen oxp doing this but
have no onhands experience myself. :)
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by jackiebean »

cbr wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:31 pm
Very slick dredger ships!
This line could also be converted/extended into Galactic Navy carriers/ships

The doors can be animated as separate models, i have seen oxp doing this but
have no onhands experience myself. :)
Yes i am sure they can, but to be realistic it would take an immense quantity of time to open and close them since they are armored and double as debris deflectors, so im thinking most dredger captains just leave them open unless they are in transit between systems.

I thought about maybe using some of the design features of these for navy ships but then it was apparent they would start to look a lot like the many BSG player made ships for various games and mods. So i think i will stick to the overall design scheme of the existing navy vessels and just tweak those a bit. I may even redo some of the behemoths since a couple still come off like hasbro toys (to me anyway). The devil is in the details.

Just on a whim i reworked a series of ships that were pretty good in their own right but needed a bit of a facelift.




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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by jackiebean »

small update:

Neocaduceus as requested (all will be the same model with different textures)

Close up of turret but i have no idea where they are supposed to be located on the ship so that will be worked out later.

New commie logo!

As a prelude to the new commie worker shuttle: "Because verker not need fancy bus or vindows. Rusty bus is good enough for glory of mother planet."

So yes i will be doing some new commie stuff, and the stations as requested. There may be some slight changes to the existing ships besides this one, or makeovers, and i was thinking of also making some new ships as well based on research of abandoned russian tech. Anything that is commie will get a facelift or replacement to reflect the more robust practical examples of commie industry.
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by Redspear »

You seem to be getting better and better. Bravo :)
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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by jackiebean »

Thanks Redspear.

Been kinda busy soo here is a little update of work so far.

I decided to read the wiki about commie stuff so i had to reconfigure the worker transport a bit to better match the entry there.

But before i get to that i forgot one of the wildship models, the fuel frame.


Now for the commie stuff.






and a couple new ships for the commies



all the commie ships were revamped to include design features common with most soviet bloc equipment and as such i also wanted to continue that style with the stations, so for now here is a teaser of what the stations will be turning into.




and one new commie station for the local commisar.

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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Post by phkb »

That fuel frame looks big - will it be able to launch from, and dock in, a station?
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