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OXP suggestion: superretros HUD Pack coupled with ships

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:55 pm
by pagroove

I had this idea for long. It would be awesome if each of the old Elite version Hud's could go into the game in one Hud Pack. You could even couple a hud to a specific ship. As you see there is actually a lot of variety in the original Huds.

Could even go with a specific soundset per ship. I would be willing to help to retouche the originals a bit. Although I cannot make this happen alone. So if anyone is willing to do the programmings side it could be a fun project. We also have to come up with fitting Oolite MFD's to go with the Huds.

Just dropping this idea here for future use. :D


Re: OXP suggestion: superretros HUD Pack coupled with ships

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:56 pm
by pagroove
To add:

Of course there could later be versions with more energy banks for the bigger ships etc.