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1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:47 pm
by Princess_Zenda
I used to have a lucrative little racket...selling gem stones/Alien items to casinos buying furs (Rodent gamblers who bet their skin on the wrong hoop?). I would also flip a tidy credit dealing with Collectives in communist systems, Salvage gangs and the like.

On 1.82 these things are not available at non-station markets. On another thread it turns out an OXP was preventing me completing the cloak mission and also (now resolved) the "active" cloak changes.

I've not got a "gaming PC" but 1.82 is clunky and just does not play as smooth as previous releases. My custom Dragon Z that works in previous versions no longer works correctly I have to give up my aft turret or laser mounting.

Is the "Nothing for sale" likely to be a problem with OXPs or is it a release "issue" or is this just another thing like the active cloak to make the game less fun...errr I mean more challenging?

I have moved back to 1.76.1 after another failed attempt to "upgrade" to 1.82.

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:50 pm
by Cody
Have you tried 1.84?

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:54 pm
by Princess_Zenda
Cody wrote:
Have you tried 1.84?
Well thanks kinda taken the solar winds out my sails...tried it? Didn't even know about it.

Will report back!

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:58 pm
by Cody
<grins> Also, let us know the specs of your PC - perhaps we can help.

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:05 pm
by Princess_Zenda
Running Win 7.

I had the settings on 1.82 low details no shaders etc, but could set them high on 1.76.1 quite high (no shaders).

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:06 pm
by Norby
Market is changed in 1.82 which erased many markets in addons and need an update from the authors to appear again. So I think you will be happy with 1.80.

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:25 am
by Diziet Sma
Princess_Zenda wrote:
My custom Dragon Z that works in previous versions no longer works correctly I have to give up my aft turret or laser mounting.
I'd be happy to help try and sort out your turret problems, if you're still having them.

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:10 am
by Alex
I was playing on a 1.6GHz with 32 bit motherboard and 2Gb ram quite fine with 1.80
But agree 1.82 was no good for me.
Was more to do with the game changers than the graphics.

Want to have a winge on in game playing see my new thread. AHh the old.

Oh and welcome Jamison or what Commander status should we be addressing you with?

A lot of us were Elite in Elite before being Elite in Oolite.

Must admit though Oolite is way better than any Elite, even the dreaded 1.7? or 1.82

Remember the bods that do the amazing job of coding this game for us would just sit twiddling their collective thumbs to a nub if we happy players didn't winge about sumthin not being quite right.
Good grief, they might even have to spend time with their families!

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:36 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Alex wrote:
Remember the bods that do the amazing job of coding this game for us would just sit twiddling their collective thumbs to a nub if we happy players didn't winge about sumthin not being quite right.
Good grief, they might even have to spend time with their families!
:mrgreen: :lol:
Good one!

They're engineers, y'know. They love to tinker. They tinker with Oolite for fun, yet surely they tinker professionally as well. When we pilots gripe, well, it's another excuse to do what they do best: tinker with it!

Re: 1.82 just not as fun?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:32 am
by Alex
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
They're engineers, y'know. They love to tinker.
Your not wrong, I'd dare say, most if not all the best inventions came about by someone tinkering with something.