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Clear Status by Doing Good Things?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:01 am
by ZaneWuzHere
So I became an Offender after attacking a ship labeled "Offender" near some police that were attacking it. I docked a few systems away, and was offered a chance at a clear status for a measly 8000C (illegally, of course). I asked the Mutant Slimy Lobster if he could clear my status for less, and he walked off. I then left the station as a Fugitivt, the bastard changed my standing to Fugitive.

My question is, can I clear my status by doing good things (hunting pirates, rescuing CMDRs and bringing in Pirates, etc...) over time?

Re: Clear Status by Doing Good Things?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:10 am
by UK_Eliter
You can, yes.

'Good things' include, to my knowledge:

- helping the police in fights;
- destroying ships that have bounties ( I think)

Another possible - again, I can't recall - is answering distress calls, but in the presence of police.

Also, a few of the missions clear one's legal status, I seem to recall.

Witchspace jumps also, over time, reduce one's bounty. So can getting fined at space stations (athough that might be an expansion pack thing - I can't remember, since I run Oolite with a load of AddOns installed).

There's also the Hacker Outpost method, when it works . .

(So, in short, I am pretty hazy on the subject. Sorry!)