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UPS Courier 1.8.4: [ups_splanetname] bug

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:00 am
by Mazur
I've had several UPS courier missions, which went fine, except the destination system is always(?) displayed as "[ups_splanetname]" instead of the actual name.


The system in question is marked with a Magenta X on the galaxy map, which helps, and the number can be retrieved from the game save file, but the error exists in both the mission brief and in the one line summary on the F4+F4 screen (ship manifest, see above). I took a brief look at the code, but since I'm as yet not expert in the OXP system, scripts and whatnot, I could not immediately determine the nature of the coding error.


Re: UPS Courier 1.8.4: [ups_splanetname] bug

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:02 am
by phkb
Sorry to bring bad news but v1.8.3/4 has a lot of problems which spara attempted to address in an updated version here, but he acknowledged that even his updated version has some problems and the entire OXP is in need of at least a serious overhaul, but quite possibly a rewrite. No one as yet has put their hand up to do this yet. If I can get my own mission pack completed I may have a look at this one, but it's pretty far down on my todo list at this point!

I should add that I've seen the error you're getting myself, and have also had a brief look at the code but I can't determine what the issue is without spending a lot more time with it.

Re: UPS Courier 1.8.4: [ups_splanetname] bug

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:01 am
by spara
Indeed, this fine oxp is quite complex and sadly a bit deprecated. Maybe I'll tackle with it again some day. Not in the near future though. Anyway, there's a strange ":" just after "ups_splanetname" on the line 57 in the ups_docs.js file. Removing that might be a remedy to the error. Will not probably help, if the mission text is already in the status page, but it might help with new missions using that key.

Re: UPS Courier 1.8.4: [ups_splanetname] bug

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:50 am
by Mazur
spara wrote:
Indeed, this fine oxp is quite complex and sadly a bit deprecated. Maybe I'll tackle with it again some day. Not in the near future though. Anyway, there's a strange ":" just after "ups_splanetname" on the line 57 in the ups_docs.js file. Removing that might be a remedy to the error. Will not probably help, if the mission text is already in the status page, but it might help with new missions using that key.
Thanks, changed that in my copy, which is useful because I had gotten to another place to "fix" it, hopefully, but might have made things worse. But I didn't, since you were here first. :-D

Will see on next sun mission if that was the problem.