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Bought New Game

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 4:31 pm
by Alex
Just spent $$ on a new game, thinking it was an old game. Wolfenstein-The Old Blood.
Spent hours trying to load it.
Then actually read the tiny small print with the help of my trusty 4" magnifier.
System Requirments.
At least double in every way of my wee TDM
poor wee machine is really that old.

Keeping the game, will eventually up TDM to handle it.
You'd think the system require would be bolder or at least noticable?

Not to worry, I still have my Gertrude. G4 at the moment.

Re: Bought New Game

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:21 pm
by Cody
A new Wolfenstein? Crikey, that takes me back - sneaking around with a knife and eating dog food, as I recall.