Edit: You can now try out version 0.4.2 of the bounty system here:
OXZ format: BountySystem.oxz
OXP format: BountySystem.oxp (extract OXP folder to your AddOns folder, then restart Oolite holding the shift key down)
Note: See later posts (from this point) for updated info on how the OXP works, or visit this Wiki Page:
I've got some calcs working, but I wanted to throw it open for some discussion to see what folks think. [Alert - Serious number-crunching ahead]
I've divided all offenses up into three severities (1, 2 and 3). Severity 1 are minor offenses (like smuggling). Severity 2 are serious offenses (like shooting the space station). Severity 3 are major offenses (like killing an innocent ship or a police ship).
If a player gets a severity 1 offense, it will degrade over time, and by distance. The calculation is:
Code: Select all
Original_Bounty_Amount - (0.8 * Number_Of_Days_Since) - (If(Current_Distance_From_Origin > 1) then (Current_Distance_From_Origin - 1) else 0)
At a distance of 5 LY from the system a bounty of 10 would degrade to 0 after only 7 days.
At 10 LY out, the bounty wouldn't appear - the player would be clean.
If a player gets a severity 2 offense, a similar thing happens, just with different coefficients:
Code: Select all
Original_Bounty_Amount - (0.5 * Number_Of_Days_Since) - (If(Current_Distance_From_Origin > 10) then (Current_Distance_From_Origin - 10) else 0)
At a distance of 5LY a bounty of 10 would still take 20 days to degrade. Only once you get part the 10 LY range do things move a bit faster. At 15 LY a bounty of 10 would degrade to 0 after 10 days.
If the player gets a severity 3 offense, here's the calc:
Code: Select all
Original_Bounty_Amount - (0.1 * Number_Of_Days_Since) - (If(Current_Distance_From_Origin > 40) then (Current_Distance_From_Origin - 40) else 0)
I've got a spreadsheet here (download from Box.com) in ODS format if someone wants to play around with the calcs. Let me know what you think.