(Release) Ship Configuration

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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Version 1.2.1 is now available. A bugfix version for better HUD Selector integration.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Version 1.2.4 is now available. In this version:
  • Equipment that cannot be sold at a station because of its equivalent tech level will now be displayed in the sell equipment list, but unselectable and with "Low TL" in the cost column.
  • Equipment that cannot be sold because other equipment depends on it will now be displayed in the sell equipment list, but unselectable and with "Required" in the cost column.
  • Fixed bug with assessing cargo space of unknown equipment items that take up cargo space.
  • More script protection for when the player ship is destroyed.
  • Code refactoring.
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1.2.5 bugs

Post by yangoip »

Thanks for this awesome addon, now ships feel more like real things, cargo having impact on handling, more things to watch for...

I'd like to report couple of bugs I ran into during play with this OXP. All of them happen on 1.86 binary Oolite release for Linux with 1.2.5 OXP version as from built-in OXP catalogue, no other OXPs other than LMSS installed for testing purposes...
  • Aborting hyperdrive countdown by engaging docking computer is bad idea, as it would continue to generate heat. Repeat that few times and visibility of ship hull will improve greatly, for short time... Tested with 30s and 10s versions.
  • Also there's something wrong with hyperdrive countdown, first message upon restart says smaller time than it is.
  • There seem to be few problems with equipment storage. If equipment is left in some other system, if you choose to sell it, it will be sold, but change won't go into savefile. Equipment piece will haunt you until you order it to current system.
  • Second issue with storage - some of refunds given for sold items (which reappear upon loading save if they were in remote system) are roughly twice as big compared to prices of new equipment.
  • Third small issue - if equipment is lost due pirates, message mentions "10 %%", with two %.
  • Fourth issue (or it's intended?) - items that do arrive have originating system listed in "Location", not current (but distance value removed). Have not tested if it will make me lose track of item if I order it to current system, don't install it and leave.
  • Selling LMSS assembly via Ship Configuration menu does not take care of now-useless LMSS Activator.
  • There's something wrong with pagination on equipment specifications menu, it displays some nonsense like "page 181 of 19", works fine otherwise.
  • At least on Anaconda class 19A energy banks do not display "+heat" notice (but seem to add heat anyways).
  • Something what maybe is not a bug - when I played on my old computer where Oolite runs with 10-20 FPS, this OXP slows down FPS noticeably, I'd say -30% in spikes, even while docked. Does it have anything to do with heat logic? I choose not to install it here due this, hope performance might improve. On other computers difference is invisible.

I think that's all. Still it is very enjoyable addon, keep it up!
Last edited by yangoip on Sun Jun 24, 2018 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Yangoip, first of all, welcome to the boards!

Thanks for all those bug reports! I’ll investigate them over the next few days and report back. Stay tuned for more updates.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

OK, I think I've found and squashed all the bugs, except for this one:
yangoip wrote:
If equipment is left in some other system, if you choose to sell it, it will be sold, but change won't go into savefile. Equipment piece will haunt you until you order it to current system.
Can you provide a bit more detail on this one? What piece of equipment were you selling? Which system was it stored in, and which system were you trying to sell it from? If you've got a save game with the condition primed to test that would be helpful too.

yangoip wrote:
Something what maybe is not a bug - when I played on my old computer where Oolite runs with 10-20 FPS, this OXP slows down FPS noticeably, I'd say -30% in spikes, even while docked. Does it have anything to do with heat logic? I choose not to install it here due this, hope performance might improve. On other computers difference is invisible.
For this one, I'd be surprised if just the heat logic was to blame. ShipConfig applies code to every newly spawned NPC ship once, and then timers are added for each ship to control individual settings. Not all ships get adjusted, though. I'd expect a small hit when the system is being generated, but not a constant FPS hit.

It's worth noting that a PC that is only managing 10-20 FPS normally puts it into the "struggling" category. It wouldn't take much to cause a hit to FPS on such a system, and ShipConfig could certainly be a factor. When I release the next version, I've added a flag to Library Config that will allow you to turn off the application of restrictions to NPC ships. That should at least give you some idea whether ShipConfig is the sole culprit for the slowdown. (You can do this now if you're OK with editing JS files - in the "shipconfig_core.js" file, change "true" to "false" on line 31)
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

OK, I've pushed version 1.2.6 out which fixes a number of problems. I still can't reproduce the issue with selling remotely stored equipment, but once I get to the bottom of that issue I'll get another update out.

Here's what's in this version:
  • Starting the docking computer while a hyperspace countdown is active will now successfully disengage the heat buildup.
  • Cancelling and then restarting a jump countdown will now display the correct restart time value immediately when restarted.
  • Fixed issue with current page number on equipment specifications screen.
  • Fixed issue where selling equipment from storage was giving player a credit bonus in some circumstances.
  • Fixed issue with "%%" appearing in messages relating to transferred equipment being lost to pirates.
  • Fixed issue where selling equipment was not applying correct refund percentage.
  • Added missing "+heat" notice for Class 19A energy banks.
  • Location of stored equipment was not being displayed correctly after equipment transferred to local system.
  • Added flag to Library Config to control whether restrictions will be applied to NPC ships.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Version 1.2.7 is now available. In this version:
  • Ship energy is set to ship max energy whenever this value is updated.
  • Tweaks to info string for settings in Library Config, to prevent text truncation.
  • Updates to some zoom override values.
  • Improved script protection for when the player ejects.
  • Improved compatibility with Fuel Injection Cruise Control OXP.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Version 1.3.0 has been released. There's no new functionality, but the equipment storage facility has been put into a separate OXP which is now a requirement for this one.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by Damocles Edge »

I think I will install this oxp (I've been putting it off for a long time, but feel like I need something to significantly shake the game up to avoid repetitive strategies and plans).
I think the added inclusion of equipment storage will be huge, especially when trading ships. I think it would probably be prudent to install energy rebalance scc too.
Also can I ask if this oxp is okay to run along side laser combat reimagined and missile combat reimagined?
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Damocles Edge wrote: Fri May 17, 2019 12:46 pm
Also can I ask if this oxp is okay to run along side laser combat reimagined and missile combat reimagined?
it should be
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by Damocles Edge »

Just noticed when installing updates that equipment storage uses the same oxp name as ship configuration (see screen grab below).


No idea whether this is of any concern (or whether it is just confusing to simple folk such as myself :? ) but though I'd better raise it just in case :)
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Oh yeah... that... *face palm*

OK, fixed! Yay!

And thanks for the heads up, Damocles Edge!
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by Damocles Edge »


This oxp is AMAZING !!!

I can't believe that I ever delayed installing this oxp.

This is what oolite has needed, the ability to customize your ship and make it feel like it really is YOUR (almost unique) ship rather than a bog standard off the shelf model.

Talk about an eye opener!
After starting a new game with an adder, I downgraded some items in order to free up funds (and kit space) to use in other areas. After 20 - 30 minutes of tinkering and looking at the wiki page (yeah that thing which I normally always do after the event :lol: ) I decided I was ready to launch.

It was upon encountering my first enemy (whom I didn't until this point realise was so deadly an enemy) that I realised I should have spent more time deliberating the customisation of my ship.
The encounter I am referring to was actually sun skimming, you know that simple, harmless process. Not anymore as I would quickly find out after the torus drive cut out and I hit the injectors to take me the final distance to commence sun skimming.
After 5 to 8 seconds of fuel injection activity my cabin temperature was already i sight of being red soon. Hmm I thought better turn around and head away from the sun, this I did for a second or two before changing my mind and heading back towards the sun and hitting the injectors again.
After a few seconds on the injectors I was well into the red (and still not within close enough proximity for the fuel scoops to be active.
"S*#t" I thought, no way I can get away now, I have enough fuel already for a jump to a neighbouring system. I dutifully hit h to save me from my cabin temperature nightmare, lined up with the star to initiate witchspace jump and a few seconds later......

KABOOM :lol:

Who'd have thought something as mundane as sun skimming could be so on the edge of the seat exciting ?

Really enjoying this oxp :D
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »


Yeah, heat buildup plays a much bigger part now. You should still be able to sunskim, but using injectors to get to sunskim distance is usually a no-no.

Glad you’re enjoying it!
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

I should also point out that the hyperspace drive will also contribute to temperature build up while it is spooling up. Again, you probably don't want to be inside the heat zone of a sun when you start the countdown, or, you know, things might get weird. Think, mis-jumps, or worse.
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