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Equipment purchasing screen

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:42 pm
by Zark Montor

Sorry to bring this up, but what would be the chances of seeing the Equipment purchasing screen getting a bit of an overhaul? its a tad untidy!

Also, I want to get rid of my extra cargo hold on my Cobbie 3. Can this be done thru any of the Oxen?

Oh, and one more thing, My Contractor (through Hyperspace hangar Ox) keeps changing its cargo carrying ability, sometimes i can utilize my 2 tons of space, sometimes it just evaporates, so either someone in Hangar control is nicking metal off my hull for scrap, or i'm putting on a bit of weight, or thirdly, someone is re-arranging my equipment using Fung Swe or whatever they call it. Either way, get it sorted or i send the boys round!


Re: Equipment purchasing screen

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 3:49 pm
by Norby
Zark Montor wrote:
Also, I want to get rid of my extra cargo hold on my Cobbie 3. Can this be done thru any of the Oxen?
Yes, with [wiki]Sell equipment OXP[/wiki].
Zark Montor wrote:
sometimes i can utilize my 2 tons of space, sometimes it just evaporates
Either [wiki]Repair Bots[/wiki] occupy it or a bug in an old [wiki]Ship Storage Helper[/wiki] (fixed in v0.27) or you found a new bug. In the last case please send me your savegame, if I can reproduce then probably I can fix it.

Re: Equipment purchasing screen

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:54 pm
by Zark Montor
Thanks Norby, i'll give those a whirl.

My save game has been editted, due to a bug that appeared thru escort contracts, which gave me about 27 trillion credits (the number ended in "NaN" credits) for 1 mission and 4 kills. so i had to edit out the 27trillion to leave me with about 80k, so it may need sorting. I'd feel bad if i'd created the problem myself and put you to hours of head scratching for a luddite mistake!
