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The state of mass communication

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:55 am
by Alex
WARNING!... WARNING!...WARNING! (must admit was tempted to add Will Robinson there)
Full rant about to commense! repeat Full rant about to commense!

I can't think why anyone with a reasonable internet connection could ever be bothered with free to air, cable or pay tv?? boggles the mind. Even foxtell pay tv here, now has heaps of the dreaded mind sucking Adds, even if they are just blowing their own trumpet trying to get more out of the poor suckers. And for free to air I can much pretty much watch most channels or at least content with NO mind sucking atall. If I want to see an add I'll open Youtube and search funniest banned adds, there are some real doozies.

I once counted the so called news hours of just the standard 4 stations here in au for just one day. Now remember this doesn't count the bullitins/updates inserted into add spots.
83.5Hrs All saying and reapeating the same little bits of so called news and here in au that could be repeated for days. I mean honestly repeating the same sh88 for days! And the number of times "We interrupt your regular programme for this extended coverage of such and such disaster in god only knows where" I'll need to boot up google maps to find where, na I'll just grab my Bartholomews Atlas, Heaps quicker with a better easier to use index. Besides who the F888 cares if their damn steeple fell over coz they were to cheap to insure build codes were met and the one small time polititian is in a comma from a tile hitting him in the frontal cortex and his life sucking follow in foot steps hell spawn are ever so worried he'll wake up with the effects of a full lobotomy! Didn't he already have one? Is it just an insurance scam?

Thank you for your patience we will now return you to your normal programme.

Ahhhh that feels so good. Almost as good as a nice cuppa and a Terry Pratchett book or the 3rd pint of McEwans Export.
Shameless couple of adds there.

Re: The state of mass communication

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:51 am
by Wildeblood
Hey comrade Alex, did you mean to include the neo-nazi references or was that just an accident?

Re: The state of mass communication

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:44 am
by Alex
Neo nazi refs??
Would be kina hard as I no nuthing about neo nazis xsept they look weired and act worser

I just re read and vaguely remembered a post apopalyptical movie were the baddies all had tattoo's or was it brands with 88.
They kinda acted like nazis. Is that what you mean? I have no idea of how 88 is connected to nazis.
Na the 88 should have been **. Had posted it and didn't think enough about it to edit, any character would have served purpose.

Re: The state of mass communication

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:42 am
by phkb
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you said "The state of mis communication." My bad.

*eyebrow waggle* :lol:

Re: The state of mass communication

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:53 pm
by Day
Alex wrote:
I have no idea of how 88 is connected to nazis.
H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.
88 stands for HH, or "8eil 8itler".

Re: The state of mass communication

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:58 pm
by Wildeblood
Day wrote:
Alex wrote:
I have no idea of how 88 is connected to nazis.
H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.
88 stands for HH, or "8eil 8itler".
Moreover the 888 Alex also used is, as far as I know, a slang term unique to one particular forum site (nothing like this one).