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A few more ideas...

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:41 am
by Zark Montor
Well, i've been off Oolite for a while, since the old laptop i used to drag to my nightshift, couldn't cope with 1.82.
Luckily for me i acquired a nice amd fx 8 core for next to nothing, it encouraged me to build a new system.
Since i've built it, i've been continuing on with my career as a general goody goody, defending the weak, assisting the gal corp vipers, downing large amounts of Thargoids etc etc etc.

it has occurred to me that there are a few things i'd like to see in the mighty OO.

1. Investments. (probably been covered by another post(ee)

Self explanatory really. Put up some dosh, varying levels of risk, insider trading, contracts and subterfuge, tech suppression blah blah blah! would work nicely with snoopers, random hits etc.

2. illegal goods tweak tweak...

A re-do on illegal tweaks that would have lying pod manifests, Riedquat eyeball heroin shipped in cargo pods labelled Computers, scooping of such pods could inadvertantly make a goody goody such as myself a class 1 offender, with gal corp vipers de-cloaking and vaping my sorry ass for interrupting a sting op.

3. Charitable donations and mini rewards.

Some poor old frog population has been displaced from its habitat, or some neg tech civ has befallen a natural catastrophy that has spawned a sense of responsibility from the Oolite rabble. So, some airhearted do gooders have decided to stump up some cash for a relocation fund or "act of god" to some mud dwelling primitives. Cue the rattling of containers with hastily written labels under your nose to crowbar a few points of credits from your ill-gotten gains..

i've got a few others, but they involve incredibly long winded explanations for people with real oxp creation skills and i wouldn't want to bore everyone with mega long subjects.

Oh, if i had a few programming skills......

Nice to be back, Love some of the new bits (Griffs new retex work is truly like er WOW!)

ps. bring back assassins guild please!!

Re: A few more ideas...

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:54 am
by Diziet Sma
Zark Montor wrote:
ps. bring back assassins guild please!!

It hasn't gone anywhere.. the download still works.. dunno how well it plays though, it could probably use some tweaking for 1.82.

Re: A few more ideas...

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:42 pm
by Layne
Zark Montor wrote:
it has occurred to me that there are a few things i'd like to see in the mighty OO.

1. Investments. (probably been covered by another post(ee)

Self explanatory really. Put up some dosh, varying levels of risk, insider trading, contracts and subterfuge, tech suppression blah blah blah! would work nicely with snoopers, random hits etc.

2. illegal goods tweak tweak...

A re-do on illegal tweaks that would have lying pod manifests, Riedquat eyeball heroin shipped in cargo pods labelled Computers, scooping of such pods could inadvertantly make a goody goody such as myself a class 1 offender, with gal corp vipers de-cloaking and vaping my sorry ass for interrupting a sting op.

3. Charitable donations and mini rewards.

Some poor old frog population has been displaced from its habitat, or some neg tech civ has befallen a natural catastrophy that has spawned a sense of responsibility from the Oolite rabble. So, some airhearted do gooders have decided to stump up some cash for a relocation fund or "act of god" to some mud dwelling primitives. Cue the rattling of containers with hastily written labels under your nose to crowbar a few points of credits from your ill-gotten gains..
Welcome back, commander. Suggestion the second on your list might be something to talk to phkb about, as that sort of thing would be in line with the Smuggler's OXP currently in beta testing; have a go at it here:

Your first and third suggestions have been mentioned before as possible late-game money sinks when your commander finally has more cash coming in then they can ever hope to spend even if they splurged on gold-laminated cargopods. Frontier had a variety of silly and mostly pointless charities you could donate to if you had more credits than you knew what to do with, and in fact the donations did have a slight in-game effect-- they slightly mollified negative reputation hits. Botched courier run? Failed mission? A donation of ten grand to the local 'Greener Planets Initiative' would help offset that and get you up and running again quicker. It wasn't a big shift, if you were too deep in the hole reputation-wise or continually messed up, it was too expensive a fix to rely on, but it was a help.

As it happens I was just thinking over the in-game uses of having charities in Oolite, too, and thought of something similar; a few thousand might knock a point or two off a bad legal status or give a poor courier rep some polishing. In no case should this /ever/ be a cheap 'get out of doghouse free' card, it should always cost more than just paying your debt to society or working back up, but for commanders with too much cash to burn-- or who would rather not clean up after craboids-- it would be a slight shortcut. Some charities might offer minor missions or exclusive deals to long-time patrons. Maybe you could get various meaningless titles on the mission screen for levels of donations-- Commander Flink is a Platinum Cluster Supporter of Oomnesty Intergalactic! Basically, just a sort of an in-game 'trophy' or bragging rights you could get for spending your surplus credits once you're a success.

Re: A few more ideas...

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:37 am
by Diziet Sma
Layne wrote:
Your first and third suggestions have been mentioned before as possible late-game money sinks when your commander finally has more cash coming in then they can ever hope to spend even if they splurged on gold-laminated cargopods.
The problem with the first suggestion is, over time, it would tend to just generate even more huge piles of credits that the player has no hope of ever spending..

Re: A few more ideas...

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:20 pm
by Layne
Diziet Sma wrote:
The problem with the first suggestion is, over time, it would tend to just generate even more huge piles of credits that the player has no hope of ever spending..
Well! That's easy enough to fix.

Make all of the investments bad ones.

*eyebrow waggle*

You sank /how/ much into the startup for Worm Rent-a-Cops?

Re: A few more ideas...

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 1:44 pm
by Zark Montor
Well, if people are making too much moolah, then tax them.
If a pilot is running around making a living trading computers between Leesti and Reidquat, with bounties as a sort of tip, then they pay the Galaxy wide 20% tax based on average earnings, etc etc. If they have a brood of Spiders about to hatch out of their face, then perhaps they might be entitled to some Alien family tax credits.
But if you've got someone running a Python or Boa, then they should be paying 40% super painful nutbusting tax, and perhaps they are using a dodgy accountant to find loop holes in space tax, if thats the case, string the little blighter up by its dangly bits and feed them to a Thargoid!

Most Investments would be high risk, so if Delsnarf Trotterblarg of Trotters Independent Traders Space (division) or TITS for short, wants you to invest 1000 credits in tartan paint and sky hooks, then chances are, its a non flyer. I think any investment oxp might need to cross over with snoopers or tionisla reporter oxp for investment tips.

Plus it does take a fair while to make any reasonable money nowadays, with repairs to shot up ships costing a fair old whack!

just an idea, i poop them out, you flush them away or bronze them!