Xenon UI OXP

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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by phkb »

Svengali wrote:
Sorry about the extra work. I just forgot to send you a pm about the locked defaults.
No worries. I worked it out! :wink:
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by kleiner77 »

This text will be translated with translation as I only speak German.

I need help and hope that this thread is still active. I am not very pertinent in dealing with insert and co.

But I get the spaceship in the top right of the screen.

Do not understand where and how what is introduced to make it active. As far as everything from Xenon Ui and what is needed installed. Maybe someone can help me to make it active. I'm a beginner when it comes to that.

How do I get something here, and where must something go to be active?

Thanks a lot
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by another_commander »

If I understand correctly what you are asking, you want to see the player's ship rotating in the F5 status screen, right? To do this, you must edit the file .GNUstepDefaults (for the Windows version of the game, this is found inside oolite.app/GNUstep/Defaults) and you must add this line in it:

"show-ship-model-in-status-screen" = YES;

When you restart the game, you will have the Cobra Mk3 rotating on the status screen, same as you can see in the screenshot in the previous page.

If this is not what you were asking, please try to explain a bit more clearly what you need help with.
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by montana05 »

kleiner77 wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 8:50 am
This text will be translated with translation as I only speak German.
Willkommen an Bord Commander,
sollte die Message von another_commander nicht die gewuenschte Loesung enthalten schreibe uns bitte in Deutsch wo Deine Probleme genau liegen. Sollte ich diese selbst nicht loesen koennen kann ich zumindest eine Uebersetzung weitergeben. :wink:

Translation for other readers:

Weclome on board commander,
incase that another_commander's message didn't include the desired solution please write us in German which problems exactly you are facing. If I can't solve it myself I will be happy to pass forward a translation.
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by kleiner77 »

Perfect, that's exactly what I meant, thanks for the quick reply.

Thank you very much for that 😊
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by phkb »

*rushes in through the door*

Hey, I'm here. What did I miss?

*looks around*

Oh, looks like everything's OK now.

Welcome aboard, kleiner77! And thanks to a_c and montana05 for responding so quickly. :D
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by Milo »

Warning (strict mode): reference to undefined property this.$IDsExt[id]
Active script: Lib_GUI 1.7.1
Lib_GUI.js, line 311:
ex = (this.$noEx.indexOf(id)===-1?this.$IDsExt[id]:null),

Warning (strict mode): reference to undefined property this.$IDsExt[id]
Active script: XenonUI 3.2
Lib_GUI.js, line 311:
ex = (this.$noEx.indexOf(id)===-1?this.$IDsExt[id]:null),
When clicking on the bulletin board in F4 station interfaces. Save file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/eenraa

I think the check in Lib_GUI.js at line 308 should use || instead of && (because if either of them is undefined, you'll get an error after):

if(!this.$cur && !this.$IDsExt[id]) return;

But I'm not sure what XenonUI is (unsuccessfully) trying to do with Library that's leading to this.
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by phkb »

Milo wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:07 pm
But I'm not sure what XenonUI is (unsuccessfully) trying to do with Library that's leading to this.
Well, at this point in proceedings XenonUI has handed off control of switching background images to Library GUI, so theoretically it's not doing anything.

What Library GUI is doing is looking for a potential match between the mission screen ID behing displayed and a background that may have been explicitly set for it. In this instance it doesn't find any, because XenonUI has requested that the default background be used in all mission screens.

In the Lib_GUI code, line 311 appears to allow for a null value to be used in the "ex" variable, so perhaps a better solution would be to make 311 be this:

Code: Select all

	ex = (this.$noEx.indexOf(id)===-1 && this.$IDsExt[id]?this.$IDsExt[id]:null),
That seems to prevent the error and still allow the code to flow through as expected.
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by Milo »

You could wrap it with (... || value-if-not-truthy) instead of the ? : construct.

Code: Select all

	ex = (this.$noEx.indexOf(id)===-1 && (this.$IDsExt[id] || false)),
Using false instead of null might be clearer.
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by phkb »

Version 3.3 of Xenon UI and the Redux version have been released. This release fixes compatibility issues with the Ship's Library OXP, Sothis TC, New Cargoes and Iron Raven, where previously background images would not be shown.
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by hiran »

phkb wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:48 am
Version 3.3 of Xenon UI and the Redux version have been released. This release fixes compatibility issues with the Ship's Library OXP, Sothis TC, New Cargoes and Iron Raven, where previously background images would not be shown.
* Description mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
* Version mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
* Tags mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
* Information URL mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by Cholmondely »

hiran wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:34 pm
phkb wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:48 am
Version 3.3 of Xenon UI and the Redux version have been released. This release fixes compatibility issues with the Ship's Library OXP, Sothis TC, New Cargoes and Iron Raven, where previously background images would not be shown.
* Description mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
* Version mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
* Tags mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
* Information URL mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
.... :shock: :lol:

.... and we really want to make it even more complicated than it already is? Don't get me wrong ... I'm a great admirer of Byzantine complexity, I consider it an unappreciated art-form, rather like Roccoco. But we are trying to get people who've spent their free time working on an OXP to put it up on the EM. Surely we should make be trying to make it easier...
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by phkb »

hiran wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:34 pm
Description mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
Noted, but not critical.
hiran wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:34 pm
Information URL mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
Given I never put the info URL into the OXZ/OXP manifest file, I'm going to get a lot of these messages attached to my OXP's!
hiran wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:34 pm
Tags mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
Quite likely, but again, nothing critical.
hiran wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:34 pm
Version mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager
This one I don't get. The version number in the EM says "3.3". The version number in the OXZ file loaded to the wiki says version = "3.3";. If you're reading a discrepancy here, I'm not sure where it's coming from. Could it be a type thing? ie reading one value as a string, the other as a decimal?
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by Cody »

Just updated my Xenon Redux UI and got this in the log:
[script.javaScript.exception.duplicateProperty]: ***** JavaScript exception (xenonreduxui_compatibility.js.anon-script): SyntaxError: property name choicesKey appears more than once in object literal
00:36:57.380 [script.javaScript.exception.duplicateProperty]: E:\Oolite 1.91/oolite.app/GNUstep/Library/ApplicationSupport/Oolite/ManagedAddOns/oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonReduxUI.oxz/Scripts/xenonreduxui_compatibility.js, line 1651: }, function (choice) {
00:36:57.380 [script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script E:\Oolite 1.91/oolite.app/GNUstep/Library/ApplicationSupport/Oolite/ManagedAddOns/oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonReduxUI.oxz/Scripts/xenonreduxui_compatibility.js -- compilation failed
00:36:57.380 [script.load.notFound]: ***** ERROR: Could not find script file xenonreduxui_compatibility.js.

Using Quotes instead of Code as Code tags don't wrap.
Last edited by Cody on Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Post by phkb »

Cody wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 11:44 pm
Just updated my Xenon Redux UI and got this in the log:
Oh, poop. On it.
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