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Starsoul: a music video tribute to the spirit of Elite

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:32 am
by mossfoot
Exploration is one of the things I like most about Elite: Dangerous and this song by Toronto filk band Urban Tapestry I think best conveys that sense of daring and wonder we strive for. It has a very golden age SF vibe to it which ends up being a good fit for ED. So I took a few days to put this together using it.

Hope you enjoy the video and share it with those who see the stars in a similar way. ...

Re: Starsoul: a music video tribute to the spirit of Elite

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:41 am
by Ranthe
<applauds> Love it! Both the song and the visuals.

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Starsoul: a music video tribute to the spirit of Elite

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:29 pm
by Diziet Sma
Ranthe wrote:
<applauds> Love it! Both the song and the visuals.

Thanks for sharing!
Likewise, likewise, and likewise.. great job, putting it all together! 8) :D

Re: Starsoul: a music video tribute to the spirit of Elite

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:59 pm
by Layne
Oh my.

While I've never played E:D (my computer won't run it) that's a beautiful look at the world. I always wondered why there was so much polarization over Elite versus Frontier versus E:D; I think all three games have something wonderful to offer.

Re: Starsoul: a music video tribute to the spirit of Elite

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:37 pm
by mossfoot
Layne wrote:
I always wondered why there was so much polarization over Elite versus Frontier versus E:D;
Why? Because we're NERDS, that's why! :D

Re: Starsoul: a music video tribute to the spirit of Elite

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:00 am
by ClymAngus
Well, to a certain extent. People play a certain thing for a while and they gain an affection for it. Then something new and spangly comes along and some of the community get in on the ground floor of the new and some people don't. Thing is games don't tend to be as "progressive" as certain other aspects of western culture.

There is more of an ebb and flow. As long as any game is running (or can be run) people will download it. I have a lot of my old specky games ported onto mac. Some of the amiga stuff too.

The problem comes when you have a game that relies on online servers to run. These take power and upkeep, they are subject to the tidal forces of the market. Time investment is irrelevant as soon as an online world is no longer cost effective it is doomed. So unless your world is held in "trust" with a wack of cash behind it to keep it running in perpetuity or it is subscription based with enough new content to entice new members and retain old ones then I'm afraid eventually, it's going to go dark.

I can still play spectrum bubblebobble or target renegade or lemmings. Matrix online? Phantasy star online? Online diablo2? Disolved back into the dreams that birthed them. It's all very Neil Gaiman. " A skerry on the shores of dream is dying." And all that.