[WIP] New Deal Economies (for Oolite 1.81)
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:16 am

Instead of just having 2 economies with various degrees, which tend to be about getting cheap computers at Rich Industrial and selling at Poor Agricultural, and then buying cheap Furs (leaving the middle economies sort of useless), I present 4 types of economies:
First small steps have been taken

Download : http://www.mediafire.com/download/ige89 ... ewDeal.oxz
Requires Oolite 1.81.
So far its still in a very primitive stage. Mainly graphical, Changing the names for Economies and Main Export/Import Goods for economies.
I also upscaled the randomness of prices slightly, except for Gold, Platinum and Gems, to make it more interesting, and hopefully to reduce the difficulty a bit, which was otherwise upscaled by the more specific markets.
With (my idea of) explanation (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Economics: (in this version its just the MAIN imports and exports. Trades can be made to different system economies and still be good)
"Financial" Stock markets and business centers
IMPORT : Luxuries, Computers, Furs, Gold, Platinum and Gems
"Commerce" Trading and retailing
IMPORT : Food, Textiles
"Hi-Tech Industrial" Avanced technical manufacturing
EXPORT : Computers, Alloys
IMPORT : Radioactives
"Industrial" Manufacturing and processing.
EXPORT : Textiles, Machines
IMPORT : Minerals, Liquor/Wines
"Explorational" Biological and Geological resource extraction.
EXPORT : Radioactives, Minerals
IMPORT : Machines
"Prospecting" Mineral surveying and excavation.
EXPORT : Gold, Platinum, Gems
IMPORT : Machines
"Agronomical" Scientific and technical farming and cash crops plantations.
EXPORT : Liqour/Wines, Luxuries
IMPORT : Machines
"Agricultural" Farms, pastures, plantations.
EXPORT : Food, Furs
IMPORT : Machines