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Intercepting mission screen messages

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:44 am
by phkb
Is it possible to intercept messages that appear immediately after you dock? In particular I'm thinking of the messages you see when you've scooped an escape capsule, or the special mission messages (from Constrictor Hunt or Thargoid plans). I'd like to be able to (at least) capture the text from these messages, but if it's possible to go a bit further I'd like to capture them and display them in another way. Is that possible?

Re: Intercepting mission screen messages

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:29 am
by cim
You can add extra ones with player.addMessageToArrivalReport() and adjust the look of the arrival report page through the usual backgrounds and overlays, but there's no script ability to read or modify the contents of the arrival reports.

(The core ones for contract completion/failure and escape capsules are determined "just in time", so it wouldn't necessarily be all that useful to be able to read the contents of the report before docking)

It might be possible to add more flexibility in this area but it would be useful to know more about what you need the feature for (PM me if you don't want to discuss it in that much detail on the forum)