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Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 . .

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:37 pm
by UK_Eliter
. . if your expansion pack adds pirates to the game.

Two of the expansion packs I have created, namely Fer-de-Lance 3G and SuperSideWinder, uses pirate (or pirate-like) roles new to Oolite 1.8 (or, actually, was it 0.79?). Few other expansion packs use these roles. Consequently (unless I make some mistake), too many of my ships appear, at least in pirate-rich systems. The roles in question are:

- assassin-light
- assassin-heavy
- pirate-interceptor
- pirate-heavy-fighter
- pirate-medium-fighter
- pirate-aegis-raider

and I think that pirate-interceptor and pirate-medium-fighter might be the main culprits.

My request, then, is this: would those who make pirate expansion packs please start using the above roles, so that my ships do not appear disproportionately often?
Thanks (and, as I said, I hope I am not misunderstanding the cause of the prevalence of my ships). Thanks!

PS: I have not actually investigate which other packs do, or not not, use those roles. (My excuse? Unpacking OXZs is a bit of a pain; and, anyway, what I see in the game seems to suggest the diagnosis I've given.)

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:23 am
by Amah
I'm doing it right now. Also using pirate-light-freighter roles, iirc. Have you played with the chance value behind the roles? like "scavenger(0.25)" to prevent your ships to become too frequent.

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:21 pm
by UK_Eliter
Amah wrote:
I'm doing it right now. Also using pirate-light-freighter roles, iirc.
Good stuff. :D
Amah wrote:
Have you played with the chance value behind the roles? like "scavenger(0.25)" to prevent your ships to become to frequent.
Yep. But, without other expansion packs using those roles, my ships are still too frequent. That said, I've again, just now (and so far only in my copy of the packs) decreased a few probabilities slightly.

EDIT: Ah yes, the pirate-freighter roles. I'll make use of those.

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:27 pm
by spara
The main reason for your ships appearing too frequently is not in the other oxps, it's in too high probabilities in your ships. Overall I think that oxp ships' role probabilities should be weighted with the core ships only. So I suggest that you take a look at the roles/weights of the core ships and core ships only, maybe even creating a spread sheet of them and then weighting your ships.

That's what I did with sb-faves anyway.

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:40 pm
by UK_Eliter
spara wrote:
The main reason for your ships appearing too frequently is not in the other oxps, it's in too high probabilities in your ships. Overall I think that oxp ships' role probabilities should be weighted with the core ships only. So I suggest that you take a look at the roles/weights of the core ships and core ships only, maybe even creating a spread sheet of them and then weighting your ships.

That's what I did with sb-faves anyway.
You are onto something there. I had presumed that the probabilities for the core ships for most roles would be 1. But when I look I find that those probabilities tend to much lower than that.

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:11 pm
by spara
UK_Eliter wrote:
spara wrote:
The main reason for your ships appearing too frequently is not in the other oxps, it's in too high probabilities in your ships. Overall I think that oxp ships' role probabilities should be weighted with the core ships only. So I suggest that you take a look at the roles/weights of the core ships and core ships only, maybe even creating a spread sheet of them and then weighting your ships.

That's what I did with sb-faves anyway.
You are onto something there. I had presumed that the probabilities for the core ships for most roles would be 1. But when I look I find that those probabilities tend to much lower than that.
Got some inspiration and wrote a table that shows the weights of the core ships. Helps you to consider the weights of your ships. And might be of use to anyone else considering the weight of their ships too. The bottom line tells the total weight of the core ships per role. For example assassin-medium gets only the weight of 1 from core ships. Enjoy. ... sp=sharing

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:38 pm
by UK_Eliter
Spara, that's very useful indeed. Brilliant! Thanks.

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:55 pm
by Diziet Sma
spara wrote:
Got some inspiration and wrote a table that shows the weights of the core ships. Helps you to consider the weights of your ships. And might be of use to anyone else considering the weight of their ships too. The bottom line tells the total weight of the core ships per role. For example assassin-medium gets only the weight of 1 from core ships. Enjoy. ... sp=sharing
That ought to be added to the Wiki somewhere.. no point letting a great resource get buried in the threads as time passes..

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:55 pm
by Amah
thanks from me too, spara! Should be very usefull!

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:56 pm
by spara
Diziet Sma wrote:
spara wrote:
Got some inspiration and wrote a table that shows the weights of the core ships. Helps you to consider the weights of your ships. And might be of use to anyone else considering the weight of their ships too. The bottom line tells the total weight of the core ships per role. For example assassin-medium gets only the weight of 1 from core ships. Enjoy. ... sp=sharing
That ought to be added to the Wiki somewhere.. no point letting a great resource get buried in the threads as time passes..
I'll try to conjure up a wiki page of the table.

Re: Request to those who make OXPs/OXZs for Oolite >= 1.8 .

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:39 pm
by spara
spara wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
spara wrote:
Got some inspiration and wrote a table that shows the weights of the core ships. Helps you to consider the weights of your ships. And might be of use to anyone else considering the weight of their ships too. The bottom line tells the total weight of the core ships per role. For example assassin-medium gets only the weight of 1 from core ships. Enjoy. ... sp=sharing
That ought to be added to the Wiki somewhere.. no point letting a great resource get buried in the threads as time passes..
I'll try to conjure up a wiki page of the table.
Done. [wiki]Oolite Ship Role Weights[/wiki] links to and from [wiki]Oolite Ship Roles[/wiki].