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I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:28 pm
by ClymAngus
I have decided to write something again. It is a small idea at the moment, which may get bigger over time.
Whilst Rise of the Kirin was a lot of fun. Wyverns and my writing styles are fairly different. Not better or worse, merely different.
I feel there is a story left to be told, a rift in Drews' work that left room for a minor repair. It will not be an easy fix but a satisfying one.

OOlite currently has no future. No fictional future that is. It all ends in 3174. I wish to fix that, to make the fiction to mirror the game again.

But I have to apologize in advance for it. It's not moss foot, it certainly will not be Paradox (although I admire the direction he has taken) and it will not be Drew.
It will be horrifying. Then it will get a lot, lot worse. Because I do horror. I like the idea of the reader not wanting to read the next paragraph for the fear of the invisible stain it might leave on their skin. I realize this is a touchy subject around a "family forum".

Consider this a heads up. When I start (I have 3 chapters ready for editorial review) don't mindlessly download it. Make the choice to click the link.

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:53 pm
by Diziet Sma
Already looking forward to it! :twisted:

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:09 pm
by Redspear
I like a good bit of horror... H.P. Spacecraft 8)

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:39 pm
by ClymAngus
Well, we have some problems in the oolite fiction. Mainly because we're not Elite, Elite Fronteer or Elite Dangerous. We are the naughty little sister of Elite. We choose our own path and as such the suggestion that we should be hammered back into the "big sceme of things" like a "good little girl" I do find lightly condescending however unintentional it maybe, or well meaning the act.

Good work has been done here. This matters and it has worth. Beyond the origin of its genesis. We deserve a future. A free future not constrained by timelines and another mans canon who didn't care enough at the time to even be half ass bothered with continuity! I will not go meekly into the night, I will not pass into shadow though bigger creations sail above me. For they are driven by money, so they will fail. This is driven by passion so it shall always succeed.

I will give oolite a future. The future it and all the people who have sacrificed time and effort for it deserves.

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:12 pm
by Disembodied
Yay! I see no reason to trade our elegant reactionless drives for dull squirtings, in the interests of a spurious "realism" that wears Newton on its tee-shirt whilst giving him serial wedgies round the back, and kneeing Einstein in the cobblers as it does so. Or to see our multifarious races and regimes buried beneath a heap of drab humanity, either. The future is unwritten - so let's write it! 8)

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:13 pm
by ClymAngus
Disembodied wrote:
Yay! I see no reason to trade our elegant reactionless drives for dull squirtings, in the interests of a spurious "realism" that wears Newton on its tee-shirt whilst giving him serial wedgies round the back, and kneeing Einstein in the cobblers as it does so. Or to see our multifarious races and regimes buried beneath a heap of drab humanity, either. The future is unwritten - so let's write it! 8)
Mr D, they would put us in a world where Captain Hesperus could never exist. That thought is unbearable. I will not stand by and let this happen without a fight. I have sacrificed a well loved character to help Drews vision. I will be sacrificing another to alter it. If you would like to help (minimal work I assure you) then your input would be most welcome.

It would be hateful for me, for other people to perceive Oolite as a torch bearer that can be shuffled off now the main course is back on the table. Or for Oolite fiction (or any other fiction) to be seen as "irrelevant" now the new reality is back in town. I do not decry people from running after the prize Frontier offered; Hell I funded Drew, for a good wack of cash. But we. Who are happy with the beauty of this world must strive to safeguard it. Not as a stepping stone to "higher things". But in acknowledgement of the effort put in by one or two people who kept it alive in the beginning.

Because after the cash has been paid, and all the expansion packs written, and years of PVP has been played. We might just find ourselves holding the torch again of a small game that gave a lot of children an lot of hope for the future. In the lonely dark when popular culture has left you behind, it is these children, now adults, these torch bearers, that sustain you.

Oolite has to be open ended. Because it has not ended yet and I hope it never will.

I am a man of perspectives. I tried to give the game that with my maps, (with your help). The greatest honor I can think of is to give this game the broadest perspective of all.

A future.

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:11 am
by Diziet Sma
ClymAngus wrote:
Well, we have some problems in the oolite fiction. Mainly because we're not Elite, Elite Fronteer or Elite Dangerous. We are the naughty little sister of Elite. We choose our own path and as such the suggestion that we should be hammered back into the "big sceme of things" like a "good little girl" I do find lightly condescending however unintentional it maybe, or well meaning the act.
Really? I must be hanging out in different places than you.. I wasn't aware anyone was even attempting to "hammer" Oolite into line.. gotta link?

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:32 am
by Disembodied
ClymAngus wrote:
Mr D, they would put us in a world where Captain Hesperus could never exist. That thought is unbearable. I will not stand by and let this happen without a fight. I have sacrificed a well loved character to help Drews vision. I will be sacrificing another to alter it. If you would like to help (minimal work I assure you) then your input would be most welcome.
Happy to help, definitely! And of course, the great secret is: we are already free. "Write what thou wilt" shall be the whole of the law.

(with apologies to ALT):
Canon to right of them,
Canon to left of them,
Canon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they wrote and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Wrote the six hundred.

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:11 pm
by Cody
Diziet Sma wrote:
I wasn't aware anyone was even attempting to "hammer" Oolite into line..
<chortles> Timelines come to mind!

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:53 pm
by Malacandra
ClymAngus wrote:
I have decided to write something again. It is a small idea at the moment, which may get bigger over time.
Whilst Rise of the Kirin was a lot of fun. Wyverns and my writing styles are fairly different. Not better or worse, merely different.
I feel there is a story left to be told, a rift in Drews' work that left room for a minor repair. It will not be an easy fix but a satisfying one.

OOlite currently has no future. No fictional future that is. It all ends in 3174. I wish to fix that, to make the fiction to mirror the game again.

But I have to apologize in advance for it. It's not moss foot, it certainly will not be Paradox (although I admire the direction he has taken) and it will not be Drew.
It will be horrifying. Then it will get a lot, lot worse. Because I do horror. I like the idea of the reader not wanting to read the next paragraph for the fear of the invisible stain it might leave on their skin. I realize this is a touchy subject around a "family forum".

Consider this a heads up. When I start (I have 3 chapters ready for editorial review) don't mindlessly download it. Make the choice to click the link.
*mumbles something about Scotch mist.*

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:37 pm
by DruidDave
I haven't read any of the work you mention (yet) so I can't comment on that topic, [I have read one of Drew's short works and taken it into a different direction within my own writing. My Arc doesn't exist exclusively within the Ooniverse and so I've only shared what is in this forum so far.]
I agree with you though that no matter what is written there will always be a further future-history in all creative works regardless of how neatly all the loose ends are tied up and the curtain drawn.
The horror angle sounds good too, I loved Hamilton's blending of it with sic-fi in the nights dawn trilogy so I look forward to reading what you create, but I'll wait until it's finished so I don't get tempted to steal any of your ideas. :lol: :wink:

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:54 am
by Diziet Sma
Malacandra wrote:
*mumbles something about Scotch mist.*
Well said.

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:17 pm
by Redspear

Scotch Mist?

Sounds like we're headed to a very Dark Place...

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:36 am
by ClymAngus
Malacandra wrote:
*mumbles something about Scotch mist.*
If someone is nice enough to point out the "max headroom sign" it is inadvisable to throw your face at it, just to prove it does indeed exist and is functioning properly.

After people went a bit "ape-sh*t" about the softcore (which is hardening up nicely (fooer)) that popped up. I though it prudent to inform people before posting; people getting their faces blown off, torture scenes, violence against the innocent etc etc etc.

I'm bored of "then they exploded like star dust and unicorn farts in the night sky". Ahhhh, it makes getting torn to shreds and blasted out into a vacuum seem almost magical doesn't it? Where do I sign up? :?
Diziet Sma wrote:
Really? I must be hanging out in different places than you.. I wasn't aware anyone was even attempting to "hammer" Oolite into line.. gotta link?
They didn't on purpose. It just happened. At a set date we loose the 8 and all the animals disappear. BUT thing is, it doesn't happen "in game". I realize now that all fiction is it's own encapsulation and cannot be taken as a small part of oolite Cannon because there isn't such a thing. That said from where Drew left it hot-diggety it's a challenge fighting a way back from the tipping point.

Why bother? It's the rarer thing to do, most of us avoid the issue by not setting dates and sitting all the stories in those neat 300 years where nothing much happened. There is another way. One I hope to explore. But it is the road less traveled. :D

Anyway I've had a chat with Disembodied. He's given me a snickers and I'm calming down. So I'm sorry if I caused any offence, and maybe I should have had more written before announcing what I was going to do but yeah. Hind sight 20/20

Re: I'm writing something really nasty.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:15 pm
by drew
I always saw my solution at the end of Finis as just one facet of a multiverse style Oolite. That Jim and Rebecca ended up in a universe where the multitude of sentient creatures apparently never existed was a function of them interferring with Raxxla and shutting it down in their universe.

Raxxla, however, surely allows for other universes, parallel, or not quite so, to exist in tandem, perhaps overlapping, perhaps not. But still an infinite variety for story telling. Not that it is mine to give, but feel free to use Raxxla to alter history once again...

Write on, Commander and I will read and enjoy.

