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Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:35 pm
by Bogatyr
I went on a huge equipment buying binge after scoring big at a Feudal Hunting Lodge, and all of a sudden I find that my cargo capacity has fallen from 35TC to 33TC. I can't find which piece of eqp has taken those 2tc, I've been over the equipment installer comments, tried to sell things (you can't uninstall everything apparently!), but I can't for the life of me find what piece of equip took those 2 tc!

Can I find this in my save file somehow?

Re: Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:46 pm
by Norby
Not in your savegame but in an equipment.plist which contain a requires_cargo_space=2 setting. My search show only the Missile Machine in Armoury OXP.

Re: Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:56 pm
by Bogatyr
Norby wrote:
Not in your savegame but in an equipment.plist which contain a requires_cargo_space=2 setting. My search show only the Missile Machine in Armoury OXP.
I wonder if my ship got corrupted somehow? I've sold all my cargo, ejected from an escape pod, sold all the equipment that I can sell or uninstall at a tech 15 planet, checked F5 F5 and don't see anything there taking hold space....

How can I check if my ship's capacity got reduced? Is there some debug console code I could try to diagnose this? I suppose I could give myself cash, buy a new cobra, and reduce my cash back to where it was before the corruption...?

Still would like to figure out what really happened.

Re: Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:13 pm
by cim
With the debug console...

Code: Select all

will swap your current ship for a Cobra III with no equipment, for an easy way out

This one will write to your log each piece of installed equipment and whether it needs cargo space.

Code: Select all

for (;i>=0;i--) { log([i].equipmentKey,[i].requiredCargoSpace); }
(It should write how much cargo space it needs - that bug will be fixed)

Re: Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:36 pm
by Bogatyr
Bogatyr wrote:
Norby wrote:
Not in your savegame but in an equipment.plist which contain a requires_cargo_space=2 setting. My search show only the Missile Machine in Armoury OXP.
I wonder if my ship got corrupted somehow? I've sold all my cargo, ejected from an escape pod, sold all the equipment that I can sell or uninstall at a tech 15 planet, checked F5 F5 and don't see anything there taking hold space....

How can I check if my ship's capacity got reduced? Is there some debug console code I could try to diagnose this? I suppose I could give myself cash, buy a new cobra, and reduce my cash back to where it was before the corruption...?

Still would like to figure out what really happened.
OK figured it out when re-purchasing after buying a new ship and rebuying the kit. It was the self-repair system. Any system that can be bought should come with a removal option, especially those that take cargo space, seems like a bug. Equipment that takes up cargo space should also advertise this fact somewhere after it's been bought.

Re: Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:09 am
by Diziet Sma
Bogatyr wrote:
Equipment that takes up cargo space should also advertise this fact somewhere after it's been bought.
Personally, I'd prefer it was advertised BEFORE it was bought.. that way, one can make an informed decision about purchase.
Norby wrote:
Not in your savegame but in an equipment.plist which contain a requires_cargo_space=2 setting. My search show only the Missile Machine in Armoury OXP.
Think I might adjust my copy of the MM.. if it's going to take up cargo space, I don't see that it should also need to occupy a missile slot.

Re: Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:16 am
by Bogatyr
Diziet Sma wrote:
Personally, I'd prefer it was advertised BEFORE it was bought.. that way, one can make an informed decision about purchase.
Well it did in fact (but not in the OXP wiki and not in the install OXZ GUI) in game before purchase. But like I said, I did a big purchase really fast without reading the detailed descriptions, and afterwards there was no way to remove it or find out that it was taking up space at all.

Re: Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:30 am
by Neelix
This one also had me mystified when I switched to the OXZ version of it, because the previous OXP version I had been using didn't actually *have* a cargo space requirement. I eventually found it only by trawling through the equipment plists in each installed OXP to see which piece of equipment was responsible.

- Neelix

Re: Where'd my 2TC go?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:40 am
by Thargoid
Cargo space usage by (OXP) equipment is a relatively recent introduction to the core game itself, so it hasn't been in OXPs for that long (including Armoury). That may explain why you've only just encountered it, especially if you hadn't kept up with the OXP version-up (it has been in the last version or two of Armoury OXP too).