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[Release] BGS female comms chatter patch

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:44 pm
by Diziet Sma
The audio effects in BGS are something I really like.. the atmosphere they help create is a big plus in the immersion stakes, IMO.

But there was one thing that just never seemed right. Whilst you can hear plenty of female voices when docked, the comms chatter in the Station Aegis is very testosterone-heavy.

Where were all the female commanders? The female traffic controllers?

It bugged me for a long time, but yesterday I finally located yet another round tuit (I've found a few of those, lately!) and did something about it..

This patch adds 16 female audio clips of varying lengths, to match the 16 male audio clips in BGS. Not only does it now feel more realistic, the chatter is now less repetitious, and the interactions that ensue can be quite entertaining, at times. I do recommend, though, that you use OXPConfig to set chatter to use longer pauses.

To use: unzip the patch and copy the three folders into your BGS expansion pack. You will be asked if you want to merge and replace files. Just answer <Yes/Ok>. Note that the patch was built against BGS v1.9, and no guarantee can be made that it works with earlier versions, unless you manually patch them yourself, as described in this tweaking post.

It can be downloaded here:
BGS - Female Commanders and

Re: [Release] BGS female comms chatter patch

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:56 pm
by Diziet Sma
Note that Norby has very kindly now incorporated this into the v 1.9.1 BGS OXZ.

The patch will remain available, for those who may wish to patch an older version, for whatever reason.

Re: [Release] BGS female comms chatter patch

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:13 pm
by Cody
Muchas gracias, Diz and Norby - updated BGS.oxz installed (plus the OXZ versions of CCL and Snoopers, 'cos the BGS.oxz won't install without them)!

Re: [Release] BGS female comms chatter patch

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:20 pm
by Smivs
Smivs has enough 'female chatter' in RLTM, thanks :P

Re: [Release] BGS female comms chatter patch

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:16 am
by mossfoot
Nice touch :). Hopefully someone can do something similar for communications for pack A.

Side question - does this mean there is a B in the works?

Re: [Release] BGS female comms chatter patch

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:49 am
by Diziet Sma
mossfoot wrote:
Nice touch :)
Thanks! It makes things seem a bit more realistic, and as a bonus, the 16 extra clips means that the audio feels less repetitious.